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1. Preface

This project provides a basic Spring-friendly API for developing Apache Pulsar applications.

On a very high-level, Spring for Apache Pulsar provides a PulsarTemplate for publishing to a Pulsar topic and a PulsarListener annotation for consuming from it. In addition, it also provides various convenient APIs for Spring developers to ramp up their development journey into Apache Pulsar.

2. Introduction

This first part of the reference documentation is a high-level quick-tour of Spring for Apache Pulsar.

2.1. Quick Tour

In this section, we will take a quick tour of Spring for Apache Pulsar.

2.1.1. Minimum Supported Versions

The minimum supported versions for the underlying libraries required by the framework are as follows:

Library Version



Apache Pulsar


Spring Boot


Spring Framework



7.x (7.5 or later)

2.2. Quick Sample

In the following sample Spring Boot application, we show how to write a publisher and consumer using Spring for Apache Pulsar. This is a complete application and does not require any additional configuration as long as you have Pulsar cluster running on the default location - localhost:6650.

We recommend the usage of a Spring-Boot-First-Approach for Spring for Apache Pulsar based application as that simplifies things tremendously. To encourage this, a spring-pulsar-spring-boot-starter module is published that can easily be consumed by an application as a dependency.

2.2.1. Dependencies

Spring Boot applications only need the spring-pulsar-spring-boot-starter dependency. The following shows how to define the dependency for Maven and Gradle, respectively:

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.springframework.pulsar:spring-pulsar-spring-boot-starter:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT'
Non-GA Versions

Snapshot or Milestone versions of the dependency can be found on the Spring Artifactory repository. The following shows how to define the repositories for Maven and Gradle, respectively:

        <name>Spring Milestones</name>
        <name>Spring Snapshots</name>
repositories {
  maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/milestone' }
  maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/snapshot' }

2.2.2. Application Code

public class PulsarBootHelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(PulsarBootHelloWorld.class, args);

    ApplicationRunner runner(PulsarTemplate<String> pulsarTemplate) {
        return (args) -> pulsarTemplate.send("hello-pulsar", "Hello Pulsar World!");

    @PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar")
    void listen(String message) {
        System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);

Let us go through the higher-level details of this application quickly. Later on in this documentation, we will see these components in much more detail.

In the sample above, we are heavily relying on Spring Boot auto-configuration. Spring Boot auto-configures several components for our application. It automatically provides a PulsarClient for the application which is used by both the producer and the consumer.

PulsarTemplate also is auto-configured by Spring Boot which we inject in the application and start sending records to a Pulsar topic. The application sends messages to a topic named hello-pulsar. Note that the application does not specify any schema information. That is because Spring for Apache Pulsar library automatically infers the schema type from the type of the data that you are sending.

We use PulsarListener annotation to consume from the hello-pulsar topic where we publish the data. PulsarListener is a convenient annotation that wraps the message listener container infrastructure in Spring for Apache Pulsar. Behind the scenes, it creates a message listener container which creates and manages the Pulsar consumer. As with a regular Pulsar consumer, the default subscription type when using PulsarListener is the Exclusive mode. As records are published in to the hello-pulsar topic, the Pulsarlistener consumes them and prints them on the console. Here also, the framework infers the schema type used from the data type that the PulsarListner method uses as the payload - String in this case.

2.3. Building the Project

If you have cloned the project locally, follow these steps in order to build the project from the soure code.

Spring for Apache Pulsar uses Gradle as it’s build tool. Run the following command to do a full build of the project:

./gradlew clean build

You can build without running tests by using the following command:

./gradlew clean build -x test

3. Reference

This part of the reference documentation goes through the details of the various components in Spring for Apache Pulsar.

3.1. Using Spring for Apache Pulsar

This section offers detailed explanations of the various concerns that impact using Spring for Apache Pulsar. For a quick but less detailed introduction, see Introduction.

3.1.1. Pulsar Client

When using the Pulsar Spring Boot Starter, you get the PulsarClient auto-configured. This is done through a factory bean called PulsarClientFactoryBean, which takes a configuration object PulsarClientConfiguration. By default, the application tries to connect to a local Pulsar instance at pulsar://localhost:6650. However, there are many application properties available to configure the client.

Click here to view the available Pulsar Client Properties.
Name Description Default Value


Authentication parameter(s) as a JSON encoded string.


Fully qualified class name of the authentication plugin.


Authentication parameter(s) as a map of parameter names to parameter values.


Duration to wait for a connection to a broker to be established in milliseconds.



DNS lookup bind address.


DNS lookup bind port.



Enables spin-waiting on executors and IO threads in order to reduce latency during context switches.



Enables transactions. To use this, start the transactionCoordinatorClient with the pulsar client.



Initial backoff interval in nanoseconds.



Keep alive interval for broker-client connection in seconds.



Listener name for lookup. Clients can use listenerName to choose one of the listeners as the service URL to create a connection to the broker. To use this, "advertisedListeners" must be enabled on the broker.


Client lookup timeout in milliseconds.



Maximum backoff interval in nanoseconds.



Number of concurrent lookup-requests allowed to send on each broker-connection to prevent overload on broker.



Maximum number of times a lookup-request to a broker will be redirected.



Number of max lookup-requests allowed on each broker-connection to prevent overload on broker.



Maximum number of broker-rejected requests in a certain timeframe, after which the current connection is closed and a new connection is created by the client.



Limit of direct memory that will be allocated by the client.



Maximum number of connections that the client will open to a single broker.



Number of threads to be used for handling connections to brokers.



Number of threads to be used for message listeners. The listener thread pool is shared across all the consumers and readers that are using a "listener" model to get messages. For a given consumer, the listener will always be invoked from the same thread, to ensure ordering.



Client operation timeout in milliseconds.



Pulsar cluster URL to connect to a broker.


SOCKS5 proxy address.


SOCKS5 proxy password.


SOCKS5 proxy username.


Name of the security provider used for SSL connections.


Interval between each stat info in seconds.



Whether the client accepts untrusted TLS certificates from the broker.



Comma-separated list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol. By default, all the available cipher suites are supported.


Whether the hostname is validated when the proxy creates a TLS connection with brokers.



Comma-separated list of SSL protocols used to generate the SSLContext. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.1.


Path to the trusted TLS certificate file.


Store password for the key store file.


Location of the trust store file.


File format of the trust store file.


Enable KeyStore instead of PEM type configuration if TLS is enabled.



Whether to use TCP no-delay flag on the connection, to disable Nagle algorithm.



Whether to use TLS encryption on the connection.



To connect to a Pulsar cluster requiring authentication, you need to set the authPluginClassName and any parameters required by the authentication plugin. The parameters can be set as a single JSON encoded string or as map of parameter names to parameter values.

      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.oauth2.AuthenticationOAuth2
        issuer-url: https://auth.server.cloud/
        private-key: file:///Users/some-key.json
        audience: urn:sn:acme:dev:my-instance
JSON encoded string
      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.oauth2.AuthenticationOAuth2
      auth-params: "{\"privateKey\":\"file:///Users/some-key.json\",\"issuerUrl\":\"https://auth.server.cloud/", \"audience\":\"urn:sn:acme:dev:my-instance"}"
Using a map is the recommended approach as it is less error-prone and easier to read

The following shows how to configure each of the supported authentication mechanisms.

Click here for Athenz
      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationAthenz
        tenant-domain: ...
        tenant-service: ...
        provider-domain: ...
        private-key: ...
        key-id: ...
      enable-tls: true
      tls-trust-certs-file: /path/to/cacert.pem
Click here for Basic
      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationBasic
        user-id: ...
        password: ...
Click here for OAuth2
      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.oauth2.AuthenticationFactoryOAuth2
        issuer-url: ...
        private-key: ...
        audience: ...
        scope: ...
Click here for Sasl
      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationSasl
        sasl-jaas-client-section-name: ...
        server-type: ...
Click here for Tls
      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationTls
        tls-cert-file: /path/to/my-role.cert.pem
        tls-key-file: /path/to/my-role.key-pk8.pem
      enable-tls: true
      tls-trust-certs-file: /path/to/cacert.pem
Click here for Token
      auth-plugin-class-name: org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken
        token: some-token-goes-here
More information on each of the schemes and their required properties can be found in the official Pulsar security documentation.

3.1.2. Pulsar Producer

On the Pulsar producer side, Spring Boot auto-configuration provides a PulsarTemplate for publishing records. The template implements an interface called PulsarOperations and provides methods to publish records through its contract.

There are two categories of these send API methods - send and sendAsync. The send methods are blocking calls using the synchronous sending capabilities on the Pulsar producer. They return the MessageId of the message that was published once the message is persisted on the broker. The sendAsync method calls are asynchronous calls that are non-blocking. They return a CompletableFuture using which you can asynchronously receive the message id once the messages are published.

Simple API

The template provides a handful of methods (prefixed with 'send') for simple send requests that contain only a message and/or destination topic. For more complicated send requests there is a fluent API that allows the user to configure more options (see below).

Both send and sendAsync methods have a variant that allows to publish simply with the message. When you do that, the application must provide the topic name using the property spring.pulsar.producer.topic-name.
Fluent API

The template provides a fluent builder to handle more complicated send requests.

Message customization

A TypedMessageBuilderCustomizer can be specified in order to configure the outgoing message. For example, the following code shows how to send a keyed message:

    .withMessageCustomizer((mb) -> mb.key("foo-msg-key"))
Producer customization

A ProducerBuilderCustomizer can be specified in order to configure the underlying Pulsar producer builder that ultimately constructs the producer used to send the outgoing message.

Use with caution as this gives full access to the producer builder and invoking some of its method’s may have unintended side effects (eg. create).

For example, the following code shows how to disable batching and enable chunking:

        .withProducerCustomizer((pb) -> pb.enableChunking(true).enableBatching(false))
Custom routing

You can use custom routing when publishing records to partitioned topics. Simple specify your custom MessageRouter implementation on the fluent builder such as:

Note that, when using a MessageRouter, the only valid setting for spring.pulsar.producer.message-routing-mode is custom.

If you are using simple Java primitive types, then the framework auto-detects the schema for you, and you do not need to specify any schema types for publishing the data. However, if you are using any complex types such as JSON, AVRO, PROTOBUF, etc. then you need to set the proper schema type on the PulsarTemplate before invoking any send operations as shown below.

Click here to view the available Pulsar Producer Properties
Name Description Default Value


Whether to automatically batch messages.



Maximum number of messages to be batched.



Time period within which the messages sent will be batched in milliseconds.



Whether the "send" and "sendAsync" methods should block if the outgoing message queue is full.



Time period to expire unused entries in the cache.



Initial size of cache.



Maximum size of cache (entries).



Whether to split large-size messages into multiple chunks.



Message compression type.


Action the producer will take in case of encryption failure.


Message hashing scheme to choose the partition to which the message is published.


Name of the initial subscription of the topic.


Maximum number of pending messages for the producer.



Maximum number of pending messages across all the partitions.



Message routing mode for a partitioned producer.


Type of access to the topic the producer requires.


Name for the producer. If not assigned, a unique name is generated.


Time before a message has to be acknowledged by the broker in milliseconds.



Topic the producer will publish to.

3.1.3. Pulsar Producer Factory

The PulsarTemplate relies on a PulsarProducerFactory for actually creating the underlying producer. Spring Boot auto-configuration also provides this producer factory. Additionally, you can configure the factory by specifying any of the available producer-centric application properties listed above.

3.1.4. Pulsar Producer Caching

Each underlying Pulsar producer consumes resources. In order to improve performance and avoid continual creation of producers, the producer factory caches the producers that it creates. They are cached in an LRU fashion and evicted when they have not been used within a configured time period. The cache key is composed of just enough information to ensure that callers are returned the same producer on subsequent creation requests.

Additionally, you can configure the cache settings by specifying any of the spring.producer.cache prefixed application properties listed above.

3.1.5. Pulsar Listener

When it comes to Pulsar consumer, we recommend the end user applications to make use of the PulsarListener annotation. In order to use PulsarListener, you need to use the @EnablePulsar annotation. When using the Spring Boot support, it automatically enables this annotation and configures all the components necessary for PulsarListener such as the message listener infrastructure which is responsible for creating the Pulsar consumer. PulsarMessageListenerContainer uses a PulsarConsumerFactory in order to create and manage the Pulsar consumer. This consumer factory is also auto-configured through Spring Boot.

Click here to view the available Pulsar Consumer Properties
Name Description Default Value


Timeout for unacked messages to be redelivered.



Time to group acknowledgements before sending them to the broker in microseconds.



Whether to automatically drop outstanding un-acked messages if the queue is full.



Whether the consumer auto-subscribes for partition increase. This is only for partitioned consumers.



Consumer name to identify a particular consumer from the topic stats.


Action the consumer will take in case of decryption failure.


Time to expire incomplete chunks if the consumer won't be able to receive all chunks before in milliseconds.



Maximum number of chunked messages to be kept in memory.



Maximum number of messages that a consumer can be pushed at once from a broker across all partitions.



Delay before re-delivering messages that have failed to be processed in microseconds.



Auto-discovery period for topics when topic pattern is used in minutes.



Priority level for shared subscription consumers.



Map of properties to add to the consumer.


Whether to read messages from the compacted topic rather than the full message backlog.



Number of messages that can be accumulated before the consumer calls "receive".



Determines which topics the consumer should be subscribed to when using pattern subscriptions.


Whether to replicate subscription state.



Position where to initialize a newly created subscription.


Subscription name for the consumer.


Subscription type to be used when subscribing to a topic.


Precision for the ack timeout messages tracker in milliseconds.



Comma-separated list of topics the consumer subscribes to.


Pattern for topics the consumer subscribes to.


AckMode for acknowledgements. Allowed values are RECORD, BATCH, MANUAL.


Number of milliseconds to wait for enough message to fill a batch request before timing out.



Max number of bytes in a single batch request.



Max number of messages in a single batch request.



SchemaType of the consumed messages.

Let us revisit the PulsarListener code snippet we saw in the quick-tour section.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar")
public void listen(String message) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);

This can even be further simplified as below.

public void listen(String message) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);

In this most basic form, you must provide the following two properties with their corresponding values.

  topic-names: hello-pulsar
  subscription-name: hello-pulsar-subscription

In the PulsarListener method above, we receive the data as String, but we don’t specify any schema types. Internally, the framework relies on Pulsar’s schema mechanism to convert the data to the required type. The framework detects that you are expecting the String type and then infers the schema type based on that information. Then it provides that schema to the consumer. For all the primitive types in Java, the framework does this inference. For any complex types, such as JSON, AVRO etc. the framework cannot do this inference and the user needs to provide the schema type on the annotation using the schemaType property.

Here is another PulsarListener method, that takes an Integer.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "my-subscription-1", topics = "my-topic-1")
public void listen2(Integer message) {

The following PulsarListener method shows how we can consume complex types from a topic

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "my-subscription-2", topics = "my-topic-2", schemaType = SchemaType.JSON)
public void listen3(Foo message) {

Note the addition of a schemaType property on PulsarListener. That is because the library is not capable of inferring the schema type from the provided type Foo, we must tell the framework what schema to use.

Here is an example of using PulsarListener to consume records in batches.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-batch-subscription", topics = "hello-batch", schemaType = SchemaType.JSON, batch = true)
public void listen4(List<Foo> messages) {
    System.out.println("records received :" + messages.size());
    messages.forEach((message) -> System.out.println("record : " + message));

Note that in this example, we are receiving the records as a collection (List) of objects. In addition, in order to enable batch consumption at the PulsarListener level, you need to set the batch property on the annotation to true.

Based on the actual type that the List holds, the framework tries to infer the schema to use. If the List contains a complex type, then the schemaType still needs to be provided on PulsarListener.

The following also should work in which we use the Message envelope provided by the Pulsar Java client.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-batch-subscription", topics = "hello-batch", schemaType = SchemaType.JSON, batch = true)
public void listen4(List<Message<Foo>> messages) {
    System.out.println("records received :" + messages.size());
    messages.forEach((message) -> System.out.println("record : " + message));

When using PulsarListener, you can provide Pulsar consumer properties directly on the annotation itself. This is convenient, if you do not want to use the Boot configuration properties mentioned above or have multiple PulsarListener methods.

Here is an example of using Pulsar consumer properties directly on PulsarListener.

@PulsarListener(properties = { "subscriptionName=subscription-1", "topicNames=foo-1", "receiverQueueSize=5000" })
void listen(String message) {

Note that the properties used are direct Pulsar consumer properties.

3.1.6. Pulsar Message Listener Container

Now that we saw the basic interactions on the consumer side through PulsarListener, let us now dive into the inner workings of how PulsarListener interacts with the underlying Pulsar consumer. Keep in mind that, for end-user applications, in most scenarios, we recommend using PulsarListener annotation directly for consuming from a Pulsar topic when using Spring for Apache Pulsar, as that model covers a broad set of application use cases. However, it is important to understand how PulsarListener works internally and this section will go through those details.

As briefly mentioned above, the message listener container is at the heart of message consumption when using Spring for Apache Pulsar. PulsarListener uses the message listener container infrastructure behind the scenes to create and manage the Pulsar consumer. Spring for Apache Pulsar provides the contract for this message listener container through PulsarMessageListenerContainer. The default implementation for this message listener container is provided through DefaultPulsarMessageListenerContainer. As its name indicates, PulsarMessageListenerContainer contains the message listener. The container creates the Pulsar consumer and then runs a separate thread to receive and handle the data. The data is handled by the provided message listener implementation.

The message listener container consumes the data in batch using the consumer’s batchReceive method. Once data is received, it is handed over to the selected message listener implementation.

The following message listener types are available when using Spring for Apache Pulsar.

We will see the details about these various message listeners in the sections below.

Before doing so however, lets take a closer look at the container itself


This is a single consumer based message listener container. Here is it’s constructor.

public DefaultPulsarMessageListenerContainer(PulsarConsumerFactory<? super T> pulsarConsumerFactory,
			PulsarContainerProperties pulsarContainerProperties)

It receives a PulsarConsumerFactory that it uses to create the consumer and a PulsarContainerProperties object that contains information about the container properties. PulsarContainerProperties has the following constructors.

public PulsarContainerProperties(String... topics)

public PulsarContainerProperties(Pattern topicPattern)

You can provide the topic information through PulsarContainerProperties or as a consumer property that is provided to the consumer factory. Here is an example of using the DefaultPulsarMessageListenerContainer.

Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("topics", "my-topic");
PulsarConsumerFactory<String> pulsarConsumerFactorY = DefaultPulsarConsumerFactory<>(pulsarClient, config);

PulsarContainerProperties pulsarContainerProperties = new PulsarContainerProperties();

pulsarContainerProperties.setMessageListener((PulsarRecordMessageListener<?>) (consumer, msg) -> {

DefaultPulsarMessageListenerContainer<String> pulsarListenerContainer = new DefaultPulsarMessageListenerContainer(pulsarConsumerFacotyr,

return pulsarListenerContainer;

DefaultPulsarMessageListenerContainer only creates a single consumer. If you want to have multiple consumers managed through multiple threads, you need to use ConcurrentPulsarMessageListenerContainer.


ConcurrentPulsarMessageListenerContainer has the following constructor.

public ConcurrentPulsarMessageListenerContainer(PulsarConsumerFactory<? super T> pulsarConsumerFactory,
    PulsarContainerProperties pulsarContainerProperties)

ConcurrentPulsarMessageListenerContainer allows to specify a concurrency property through a setter. Concurrency of more than 1 is only allowed on non-exclusive subscriptions (failover, shared and key-shared). You can only have the default 1 for concurrency when you have an exclusive subscription mode.

Here is an example of enabling concurrency through the PulsarListener annotation for a failover subscription.

@PulsarListener(topics = "my-topic", subscriptionName = "subscription-1",
				subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Failover, concurrency = "3")
void listen(String message, Consumer<String> consumer) {
    System.out.println("Current Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
    System.out.println("Current Consumer: " + consumer.getConsumerName());

In the above listener, it is assumed that the topic my-topic has 3 partitions. If it is a non-partitioned topic, then having concurrency set to 3, will not do anything, you will simply get two idle consumers in addition to the main active one. If the topic has more than 3 partitions, then messages will be load-balanced across the consumers that the container creates. If you run this PulsarListener, you will see that messages from different partitions will be consumed through different consumers as implied by the thread name and consumer names printouts in the example code above.

Note: When using the Failover subscription this way on partitioned topics, Pulsar guarantees message ordering.

Here is another example of PulsarListener, but with Shared subscription and concurrency enabled.

@PulsarListener(topics = "my-topic", subscriptionName = "subscription-1",
				subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Shared, concurrency = "5")
void listen(String message) {

In the example above, the PulsarListener creates 5 different consumers (once again, we are assuming that the topic has 5 partitions).

Keep in mind that, in this version, there is no message ordering as Shared subscriptions do not guarantee any message ordering in Pulsar

If you need message ordering and still want a shared subscription types, then you need to use the Key_Shared subscription type.

3.1.7. Consuming the Records

In this section, we are going to see how the message listener container enables both single record and batch based message consumption.

3.1.8. Single Record Consumption

Let us re-visit our basic PulsarListener for the sake of this discussion.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar")
public void listen(String message) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);

With this PulsarListener method, what we are essentially doing is that asking Spring for Apache Pulsar to invoke the listener method with a single record each time. We mentioned that the message listener container consumes the data in batches using the batchReceive method on the consumer. The framework detects that the PulsarListener in this case receives a single record which means that on each invocation of the method it needs a singe record. Although the records are consumed by the message listener container in batches, it iterates through the received batch and then invoke the listener method through an adapter for PulsarRecordMessageListener. As you can see in the previous section, PulsarRecordMessageListener simply extends from the MessageListener provided by the Pulsar Java client and it supports the basic received method.

3.1.9. Batch Consumption

Here is the PulsarListener example of consuming records in batches.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-batch-subscription", topics = "hello-batch", schemaType = SchemaType.JSON, batch = true)
public void listen4(List<Foo> messages) {
    System.out.println("records received :" + messages.size());
    messages.forEach((message) -> System.out.println("record : " + message));

When using this type of PulsarListener, the framework detects that you are in batch mode. Since it is already received the data in batches using the Consumer’s batchReceive method, it simply hands off the entire batch to the listener method through an adapter for PulsarBatchMessageListener.

3.1.10. Message Acknowledgment

When using Spring for Apache Pulsar, the message acknowledgment is handled by the framework unless opted out by the application. In this section, we go through the details of how the framework takes care of message acknowledgment.

3.1.11. Message ACK modes

Spring for Apache Pulsar provides the following modes for acknowledging messages




BATCH acknowledgment mode is the default, but you can change it on the message listener container. In the following sections, we will see how acknowledgment works when using both single and batch versions of PulsarListener and how they translate to the backing message listener container (and of course ultimately to the Pulsar consumer).

3.1.12. Automatic Message Ack in Single Record Mode

Let us revisit our basic single message based PulsarListener.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar")
public void listen(String message) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);

It is natural to wonder, how acknowledgment works when using PulsarListener, espcially if you are familiar with Pulsar consumer directly. The answer comes down to the message listener container as that is the central place in Spring for Apache Pulsar which coordinates all the consumer related activities.

Assuming you are not overriding the default behavior, this is what happens behind the scenes when using the above PulsarListener.

  1. First, the Listener container receives messages as batch from the Pulsar consumer.

  2. The received messages are handed down to PulsarListener one message at a time

  3. When all the records are handed down to the listener method and successfully processed, the container will acknowledge all the messages from the original bach receive.

This is the normal flow. If any record from the original batch received, throws an exception, Spring for Apache Pulsar will track them separately. When all the records from the batch are processed, then Spring for Apache Pulsar will acknowledge all the succesful messages and negatively acknowledge (nack) all the failed messages. In other words, when consuming single records using PulsarRecordMessageListener and the default ack mode of BATCH is used, the framework waits for all the record received from the batchReceive call to process successfully and then call the acknowledge method on the Pulsar Consumer. If any particular record throws an exception when invoking the handler method, Spring for Apache Pulsar tracks those records and separately call negativeAcknowledge on those records after the entire batch is processed.

If the application wants the acknowledgment or negative acknowledgment to occur per record, then the RECORD ack mode can be enabled. In that case, after handling each record, the message is acknowledged if no error and negatively acknowledged if there was an error. Here is an example of enabling RECORD ack mode on Pulsar Listener.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar", ackMode = AckMode.RECORD)
public void listen(String message) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);

You can also set the listener property, spring.pulsar.listner.ack-mode to set the ack mode application wide. When doing this, you do not need to set this on the PulsarListener annotation. In that case, all the PulsarListener methods in the application acquires that property.

3.1.13. Manual Message Ack in Single Record Mode

There are situations in which you might not want the framework to do any acknowledgments, but rather do that directly from the application itself. Spring for Apache Pulsar provides a couple of ways to enable manual message acknowledgments. Let us look at a few examples.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar", ackMode = AckMode.MANUAL)
public void listen(Message<String> message, Acknowledgment acknowledgment) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message.getValue());

Few things merit explanation here - First we are enabling manual ack mode by setting ackMode on PulsarListener. When enabling manual ack mode, Spring for Apache Pulsar allows the application to inject an Acknowledgment object as you can see in the above PulsarListener method. The framework achieves this by selecting a compatible message listener container - PulsarAcknowledgingMessageListener for single record based consumption which gives you access to an Acknowledgment object.

The Acknowledgment object provides the following API methods.

void acknowledge();

void acknowledge(MessageId messageId);

void acknowledge(List<MessageId> messageIds);

void nack();

void nack(MessageId messageId);

You can inject this Acknowledgment object to your PulsarListener while using MANUAL ack mode and then call one of the corresponding methods above.

In the above PulsarListener example, we are calling a parameter-less acknowledge method. This is because the framework knows which Message it is operating under currently. When calling acknowledge(), you do not need to receive the payload with the Message enveloper`, but rather simply using the target type - String in this example. You can also call a different variant of acknowledge by providing the message id - acknowledge.acknowledge(message.getMessageId()); When using acknowledge(messageId), you must receive the payload using the Message<?> envelope.

Similar to what is possible for acknowledging, the Acknowledgment API also provides options for negatively acknowledging - see the nack methods above.

You can also call acknowledge directly on the Pulsar consumer as below.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar", ackMode = AckMode.MANUAL)
public void listen(Message<String> message, Consumer<String> consumer) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message.getValue());
	try {
	catch (Exception e) {

As you can see, when calling acknowledge directly on the underlying consumer, then you need to do error handling by yourself. Using the Acknowledgment does not require that as the framework can do that for you. Therefore, it is recommended to use the Acknowledgment object approach when using manual acknowledgment.

When using manual acknowledgment, it is important to understand that the framework completely stay from any acknowledgment at all. Hence, it is extremely important for the end-users to think through the right acknowledgment strategies when designing applications.

3.1.14. Message Ack in Batch Consumption

When records are consumed in batches (See the section above), then if the default ack mode of BATCH is used, then when the entire batch is processed successfully, it will be acknowledged. If any records throw an exception, then the entire batch is negatively acknowledged. Note that this may not be the same batch that was batched on the producer side, rather this is the batch that returned from calling batchReceive on the consumer

Let us look at the following batch listener:

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar", batch = true)
public void batchListen(List<Foo> messages) {
    for (Foo foo : messages) {

When all the messages in the incoming collection (messages in this example) are processed, the framework will acknowledge all of them.

When consuming in batch mode, RECORD is not an allowed ack mode. This might cause an issue as application may not want the entire batch to be re-delivered again. For such situations, you need to use the MANUAL acknowledgement mode.

3.1.15. Manual Messge Acknowledgment in Batch Consumption

As seen in the previous section, when MANUAL ack mode is set on the message listener container, then the framework will not do any acknowledgment - positive or negative. It is entirely up to the application to take care of such concerns. When MANUAL ack mode is set, Spring for Apache Pulsar selects a compatible message listener container - PulsarBatchAcknowledgingMessageListener for batch consumption which gives you access to an Acknowledgment object. Once again, the following are the methods availble in the Acknowledgment API.

void acknowledge();

void acknowledge(MessageId messageId);

void acknowledge(List<MessageId> messageIds);

void nack();

void nack(MessageId messageId);

You can inject this Acknowledgment object to your PulsarListener while using MANUAL ack mode. Here is a basic example for a batch based listener.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar")
public void listen(List<Message<String>> messgaes, Acknowlegement acknowledgment) {
    for (Message<String> message : messages) {
		try {
		catch (Exception e) {

When using a batch listener, the message listener container cannot know which record it is currently operating upon. Therefore, in order to manually acknowledge, you need to use one of the overloaded acknowledge method that takes a MessageId or a List<MessageId>. You can also negatively acknowledge with the MessageId for the batch listener.

3.1.16. Partitioned topics - Publishing and Consuming.

In the sample below, we are publishing to a topic called hello-pulsar-partitioned. It is a topic that is partitioned and for this sample we assume that the topic is already created with three partitions.

public class PulsarBootPartitioned {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(PulsarBootPartitioned.class, "--spring.pulsar.producer.message-routing-mode=CustomPartition");

	public ApplicationRunner runner(PulsarTemplate<String> pulsarTemplate) {
		return args -> {
			for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
				pulsarTemplate.sendAsync("hello john doe 0 ", new FooRouter());
				pulsarTemplate.sendAsync("hello alice doe 1", new BarRouter());
				pulsarTemplate.sendAsync("hello buzz doe 2", new BuzzRouter());

	@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-partitioned-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar-partitioned")
	public void listen(String message) {
		System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);

    static class FooRouter implements MessageRouter {

		public int choosePartition(Message<?> msg, TopicMetadata metadata) {
			return 0;

	static class BarRouter implements MessageRouter {

		public int choosePartition(Message<?> msg, TopicMetadata metadata) {
			return 1;

	static class BuzzRouter implements MessageRouter {

		public int choosePartition(Message<?> msg, TopicMetadata metadata) {
			return 2;


A few things require explanation in the application above. We are publishing to a partitioned topic and we would like to publish some data segment to a specific partition. If you leave it to Pulsar’s default, it follows a round-robin mode of partition assignments, and we would like to override that. In order to do that, we are providing a message router object with the send method. Look at the three message routers implemented. FooRouter always sends data to partition 0, BarRouter to partition 1 and BuzzRouter to partition 2. Also note that, we are now using the sendAsync method of PulsarTemplate that returns a CompletableFuture. When running the application, we also need to set the messageRoutingMode on the producer to CustomPartition (spring.pulsar.producer.message-routing-mode).

On the consumer side, we are using a PulsarListener with the exclusive subscription type. This means that data from all the partitions will end up in the same consumer and there is no ordering guarantee.

What can we do if we want each partition to be consumed by a single distinct consumer? We can switch to the failover subscription mode and add three separate consumers.

Here is an example.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-partitioned-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar-partitioned", subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Failover)
public void listen1(String foo) {
    System.out.println("Message Received 1: " + foo);

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-partitioned-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar-partitioned", subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Failover)
public void listen2(String foo) {
    System.out.println("Message Received 2: " + foo);

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-partitioned-subscription",  topics = "hello-pulsar-partitioned", subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Failover)
public void listen3(String foo) {
    System.out.println("Message Received 3: " + foo);

When following this approach, you can see that a single partition always gets consumed by a dedicated consumer.

In the similar vein, if you want to use Pulsar’s shared consumer type, you can use the subscription type shared. Keep in mind though, that when using the shared mode, you lose any ordering guarantees as a single consumer may receive messages from all the partitions before another consumer gets a chance.

Here is an example.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-shared-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar-partitioned", subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Shared)
public void listen1(String foo) {
    System.out.println("Message Received 1: " + foo);

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-shared-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar-partitioned", subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Shared)
public void listen2(String foo) {
    System.out.println("Message Received 2: " + foo);

3.1.17. Accessing the Pulsar Message Object

In your PulsarListener method, you can receive the record directly as a Pulsar Message instead of the actual payload type. Here is an example.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar")
public void listen(org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message<String> message) {
    System.out.println("Data Received: " + message.getValue());

or in batch receiver:

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "batch-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar", batch = "true")
public void listen(List<org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message<String>> messages) {
    // Iterate on the messages

3.1.18. Accessing the Pulsar Consumer Object

Sometimes, it is necessary to gain direct access to the Pulsar Consumer object. Here is how you may do so.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar")
public void listen(String message, org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer<String> consumer) {
    System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);
    ConsumerStats stats = consumer.getStats();

When accessing the Consumer object this way, make sure NOT to invoke any operations that would change the Consumer’s cursor position by invoking any receive methods. All such operations must be done by the container.

3.1.19. Specify schema information

As indicated above, for normal Java types (the primitive ones), Spring Pulsar framework can infer the proper Schema to use on the PulsarListener. However, for more complex types such as JSON or AVRO, you need to specify the schema type on the annotation. Here is how you provide that.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "json-subscription", topics = "hello-pulsar-json", schemaType = SchemaType.JSON)
public void listen(Foo foo) {
    System.out.println("Message received: " + foo);

On the producer side also, for the Java primitive types, the framework can infer the Schema, but for any other types, you need to set them on the PulsarTemplate as shown below.

Complex Schema types that are currently supported are JSON, AVRO, PROTOBUF, and KEY_VALUE. For KEY_VALUE schemata, only INLINE encoding is supported.

3.1.20. Message Redelivery and Error Handling

Now that we have seen both PulsarListener and the message listener container infrastructure, and its various functions, let us now try to understand message redelivery and error handling. Apache Pulsar provides various native strategies for message redelivery and error handling, and we are going to take a look at them first and see how we can leverage them through Spring for Apache Pulsar.

Specifying Acknowledgment Timeout for Message Redelivery

By default, Pulsar consumers will not redeliver messages unless the consumer crashes, but you can change this behavior by setting an ack timeout on the Pulsar consumer. When using Spring for Apache Pulsar, we can enable this property by setting the Boot property spring.pulsar.consumer.ack-timeout-millis. If this property has a value above zero, then if Pulsar consumer does not acknowledge a message within that timeout period, then the message will be redelivered.

You can also specify this property directly as a Pulsar consumer property on the PulsarListener itself as shown below:

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "subscription-1", topics = "topic-1"
                properties = {"ackTimeoutMillis=60000"})
public void listen(String s) {

When specifying ackTimeoutMillis as seen in the above PulsarListener method, then if the consumer does not send an acknowledgement within 60 seconds, the message will be redelivered by Pulsar to the consumer.

If you want to specify some advanced backoff options for ack timeout with different delays, then you can do the following:

class AckTimeoutRedeliveryConfig {

    @PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "withAckTimeoutRedeliveryBackoffSubscription",
            topics = "withAckTimeoutRedeliveryBackoff-test-topic",
            ackTimeoutRedeliveryBackoff = "ackTimeoutRedeliveryBackoff",
            properties = { "ackTimeoutMillis=60000" })
    void listen(String msg) {
        // some long-running process that may cause an ack timeout

    RedeliveryBackoff ackTimeoutRedeliveryBackoff() {
        return MultiplierRedeliveryBackoff.builder().minDelayMs(1000).maxDelayMs(10 * 1000).multiplier(2)


In the example above, we are specifying a bean for Pulsar’s RedeliveryBackoff with a minimum delay of 1 second and a maximum delay of 10 seconds with a backoff multiplier of 2. After the initial ack timeout occurs, then the message redeliveries will be controlled through this backoff bean. We provide the backoff bean to the PulsarListener annotation by setting the ackTimeoutRedeliveryBackoff property to the actual bean name - ackTimeoutRedeliveryBackoff in this case.

Specifying Negative Acknowledgment Redelivery

When acknowledging negatively, Pulsar consumer allows you to specify how the application want the message to be re-delivered. The default is to redeliver the message in 1 minute, but you can change it by providing spring.pulsar.consumer.negative-ack-redelivery-delay-micros. You can also set it as a consumer property directly on PulsarListener as shown below:

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "subscription-1", topics = "topic-1"
                properties = {"negativeAckRedeliveryDelayMicros=10000"})
public void listen(String s) {

Here also, you can specify different delays and backoff mechanisms with a multiplier by providing a RedeliveryBackoff bean and provide the bean name as the negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff property on the PulsarProducer. Here is an example:

class NegativeAckRedeliveryConfig {

    @PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "withNegRedeliveryBackoffSubscription",
            topics = "withNegRedeliveryBackoff-test-topic", negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff = "redeliveryBackoff",
            subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Shared)
    void listen(String msg) {
        throw new RuntimeException("fail " + msg);

    RedeliveryBackoff redeliveryBackoff() {
        return MultiplierRedeliveryBackoff.builder().minDelayMs(1000).maxDelayMs(10 * 1000).multiplier(2)

Using Dead Letter Topic from Apache Pulsar for Message Redelivery and Error Handling

Apache Pulsar allows applications to use a dead letter topic on consumers with a Shared subscription type. For subscription types Exclusive and Failover, this feature is not available. The basic idea is that if a message is retried for a certain number of times, maybe due to an ack timeout or nack redelivery, and once the number of retries are exhausted, then the message can be sent to a special topic called DLQ. Let us see some details around this feature in action by inspecting some code snippets.

class DeadLetterPolicyConfig {

    @PulsarListener(id = "deadLetterPolicyListener", subscriptionName = "deadLetterPolicySubscription",
            topics = "topic-with-dlp", deadLetterPolicy = "deadLetterPolicy",
            subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Shared, properties = { "ackTimeoutMillis=1" })
    void listen(String msg) {
        throw new RuntimeException("fail " + msg);

    @PulsarListener(id = "dlqListener", topics = "my-dlq-topic")
    void listenDlq(String msg) {
        System.out.println("From DLQ: " + msg);

    DeadLetterPolicy deadLetterPolicy() {
        return DeadLetterPolicy.builder().maxRedeliverCount(10).deadLetterTopic("my-dlq-topic").build();


Let us go through some details. First, we have a special bean for DeadLetterPolicy and it’s named as deadLetterPolicy (it acn be any name as you wish). This bean specifies a number of things, such as the max delivery - 10 in this case, and the name of the dead letter topic - my-dlq-topic. If you don’t specify a DLQ topic name, then it defaults to <topicname>-<subscriptionname>-DLQ in Pulsar. Next, we provide this bean name to PulsarListener using the property deadLetterPolicy. Note that the PulsarListener has a subscription type of Shared, as the DLQ feature only works with shared subscriptions. This code is primarily for demonstration purposes, so we provide an ackTimeoutMillis value of 1 millisecond. The idea is that the code throws the exception and if Pulsar does not receive an ack within 1 millisecond, it does a retry. If that cycle continues for 10 times, (as that is our max redelivery count in the DeadLetterPolicy), then Pulsar consumer publishes the messages to the DQL topic. We have another PulsarListener that is listening on the DLQ topic to receive data as it is published to the DLQ topic.

Special note on DLQ topics when using partitioned topics: If the main topic is partitioned, then behind the scenes, each partition is treated as a separate topic by Pulsar. Pulsar appends partition-<n> where n stands for the partition number to the main topic name. The problem is that, if you do not specify a DLQ topic (as opposed to what we did above), then Pulsar will publish to a default topic name that has this `partition-<n> info in it - for ex: topic-with-dlp-partition-0-deadLetterPolicySubscription-DLQ. The easy way to solve this is to provide a DLQ topic name always.

Native Error Handling in Spring for Apache Pulsar

As we have noted above, the DLQ feature in Apache Pulsar only works for shared subscriptions. What does an application do if they need to use some similar feature for non-shared subscriptions? The main reason why Pulsar does not support DLQ on exclusive and failover subscriptions, is because those subscription types are order-guaranteed. By allowing redeliveries, DLQ etc. it effectively receives messages in out-of-order. But, what if some applications are okay with that, but more importantly needs this DLQ feature for non-shared subscriptions? For that, Spring for Apache Pulsar provides a PulsarConsumerErrorHandler which can be used across any subscription types in Pulsar - Exclusive, Failover, Shared, Key_Shared.

When using PulsarConsumerErrorHandler from Spring for Apache Pulsar, make sure not to set the ack timeout properties on the listener.

Let us see some details by examining a few code snippets.

class PulsarConsumerErrorHandlerConfig {

    PulsarConsumerErrorHandler<String> pulsarConsumerErrorHandler(
            PulsarTemplate<String> pulsarTemplate) {
        return new DefaultPulsarConsumerErrorHandler<>(
                new PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer<>(pulsarTemplate, (c, m) -> "my-foo-dlt"), new FixedBackOff(100, 10));

    @PulsarListener(id = "pulsarConsumerErrorHandler-id", subscriptionName = "pulsatConsumerErrorHandler-subscription",
                    topics = "pulsarConsumerErrorHandler-topic",
					pulsarConsumerErrorHandler = "pulsarConsumerErrorHandler")
    void listen(String msg) {
        throw new RuntimeException("fail " + msg);

    @PulsarListener(id = "pceh-dltListener", topics = "my-foo-dlt")
    void listenDlt(String msg) {
        System.out.println("From DLT: " + msg);


Let us take a look at the pulsarConsumerErrorHandler bean provided. This creates a bean of type PulsarConsumerErrorHandler and uses the default implementation provided out of the box by Spring for Apache Pulsar - DefaultPulsarConsumerErrorHandler. DefaultPulsarConsumerErrorHandler has a constructor that takes a PulsarMessageRecovererFactory and a org.springframework.util.backoff.Backoff. PulsarMessageRecovererFactory is a functional interface with the following API:

public interface PulsarMessageRecovererFactory<T> {

	 * Provides a message recoverer {@link PulsarMessageRecoverer}.
	 * @param consumer Pulsar consumer
	 * @return {@link PulsarMessageRecoverer}.
	PulsarMessageRecoverer<T> recovererForConsumer(Consumer<T> consumer);


The recovererForConsumer method takes a Pulsar consumer and returns a PulsarMessageRecoverer which is another functional interface. Here is the API of PulsarMessageRecoverer:

public interface PulsarMessageRecoverer<T> {

	 * Recover a failed message, for e.g. send the message to a DLT.
	 * @param message Pulsar message
	 * @param exception exception from failed message
	void recoverMessage(Message<T> message, Exception exception);


Spring for Apache Pulsar provides an implementation for PulsarMessageRecovererFactory called PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer that provides a default implementation that is capable of recovering the message by sending it to a DLT - (Dead Letter Topic). This is the implementation that we are providing to the constructor for DefaultPulsarConsumerErrorHandler above. As the second argument, we are providing a FixedBackOff. You can also provide the ExponentialBackoff from Spring for advanced backoff features. Then we provide this bean name for the PulsarConsumerErrorHandler as a property to the PulsarListener. The property is called pulsarConsumerErrorHandler. Each time the PulsarListener method fails for a message, it gets retried. The number of retries are controlled by the Backoff implementation values provided - in our example, we do 10 retries - 11 total tries all in all - the first one and then the 10 retries. Once all the retries are exhausted, the message is sent to the DLT topic.

The PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer implementation we provide use a PulsarTemplate that is uses for publishing the message to the DLT. In most cases, the same auto-configured PulsarTemplate from Spring Boot is sufficient with the caveat for partitioned topics. When using partitioned topics and using custom message routing for the main topic, you must use a different PulsarTemplate that does not take the autoconfigured PulsarProducerFactory that is populated with a value of custompartition for message-routing-mode. Towards this extent, you can use a PulsarConsumerErrorHandler with the following blueprint.

PulsarConsumerErrorHandler<Integer> pulsarConsumerErrorHandler(PulsarClient pulsarClient) {
    PulsarProducerFactory<Integer> pulsarProducerFactory = new DefaultPulsarProducerFactory<>(pulsarClient, Map.of());
        PulsarTemplate<Integer> pulsarTemplate = new PulsarTemplate<>(pulsarProducerFactory);

        BiFunction<Consumer<?>, Message<?>, String> destinationResolver =
                (c, m) -> "my-foo-dlt";

        PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer<Integer> pulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer =
                new PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer<>(pulsarTemplate, destinationResolver);

        return new DefaultPulsarConsumerErrorHandler<>(pulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer,
                new FixedBackOff(100, 5));

Note that, we are providing a destination resolver to the PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer as the second constructor argument. If not provided, PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer will use <subscription-name>-<topic-name>-DLT> as the DLT topic name. When using this feature, it is recommended to use a properr destination name by setting the destination resolver rather than using the default.

When using a single record message listener as we did above with PulsarConsumerErrorHnadler and if you are using manual acknowledgement, make sure not to negatively acknowledge the message when an exception is thrown. Rather, just simply rethrow the exception back to the container; otherwise, the container thinks that the message is handled separately and the error handling will not be triggered.

Finally, we have a second PulsarListener above that is receiving messages from the DLT topic.

In the examples provided in this section so far, we only saw how to use PulsarConsumerErrorHandler with a single record message listener. Next, we will look how can use this on batch listeners.

Batch listener with PulsarConsumerErrorHandler

First, let us look at a batch PulsarListener method.

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "batch-demo-5-sub", topics = "batch-demo-4", batch = true, concurrency = "3",
            subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Failover,
            pulsarConsumerErrorHandler = "pulsarConsumerErrorHandler", ackMode = AckMode.MANUAL)
void listen(List<Message<Integer>> data, Consumer<Integer> consumer, Acknowledgment acknowledgment) {
    for (Message<Integer> datum : data) {
        if (datum.getValue() == 5) {
            throw new PulsarBatchListenerFailedException("failed", datum);

PulsarConsumerErrorHandler<String> pulsarConsumerErrorHandler(
        PulsarTemplate<String> pulsarTemplate) {
    return new DefaultPulsarConsumerErrorHandler<>(
            new PulsarDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer<>(pulsarTemplate, (c, m) -> "my-foo-dlt"), new FixedBackOff(100, 10));

@PulsarListener(subscriptionName = "my-dlt-subscription", topics = "my-foo-dlt")
void dltReceiver(Message<Integer> message) {
    System.out.println("DLT - RECEIVED: " + message.getValue());

Once again, we re providing the property pulsarConsumerErrorHandler with the PulsarConsumerErrorHandler bean name. When you are using a batch listener as above and want to use the PulsarConsumerErrorHandler from Spring for Apache Pulsar, then you need to use manual acknowledgment This way you can acknowledge all the successful individual messages. For the ones that fail, you must throw a PulsarBatchListenerFailedException with the message that it fails on. Without this exception, the framework will not know what to do with the failure. On retry, the container will send a new batch of messages, starting with the failed message to the listener. If it fails again, it is retried, until the retries are exhausted, at which point the message will be sent to the DLT. At that point, the message is acknowledged by the container and the listener will be handed over with the subsequent messages in the original batch.

3.1.21. Intercepting messages

Intercept messages on the Producer

Adding a ProducerInterceptor allows you to intercept and mutate messages received by the producer before being published to the brokers. To do so, you can pass a list of interceptors into the PulsarTemplate constructor. When using multiple interceptors, the order they are applied in will be the order they appear in the list.

If you are using Spring Boot auto-configuration, you can simply specify the interceptors as Beans. They will be passed automatically to the PulsarTemplate. Ordering of the interceptors is achieved by using the @Order annotation as seen below.

ProducerInterceptor firstInterceptor() {

ProducerInterceptor secondInterceptor() {

3.1.22. Pulsar Admin

On the Pulsar administration side, Spring Boot auto-configuration provides a PulsarAdministration to manage Pulsar clusters. The administration implements an interface called PulsarAdminOperations and provides a 'createOrModify' method to handle topic administration through its contract.

When using the Pulsar Spring Boot Starter, you get the PulsarAdministration auto-configured. By default, the application tries to connect to a local Pulsar instance at localhost:8080. However, there are many application properties available to configure the client.

Click here to view the available Pulsar Administration Properties.
Name Description Default Value


Authentication parameter(s) as a JSON encoded string.


Fully qualified class name of the authentication plugin.


Authentication parameter(s) as a map of parameter names to parameter values.


Pulsar service URL for the admin endpoint.


Name of the security provider used for SSL connections.


Whether the client accepts untrusted TLS certificates from the broker.



Comma-separated list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol. By default, all the available cipher suites are supported.


Whether the hostname is validated when the proxy creates a TLS connection with brokers.



Comma-separated list of SSL protocols used to generate the SSLContext. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.1.


Path to the trusted TLS certificate file.


Store password for the key store file.


Location of the trust store file.


File format of the trust store file.


Enable KeyStore instead of PEM type configuration if TLS is enabled.



When accessing a Pulsar cluster that requires authentication, the admin client requires the same security configuration as the regular Pulsar Client. You can use the aforementioned security configuration by simply replacing spring.pulsar.client with spring.pulsar.administration.

3.1.23. Auto-topic creation

On initialization, the PulsarAdministration checks if there are any PulsarTopic beans in the application context. For all such beans, the PulsarAdministration will either create the corresponding topic, or if necessary modify the number of partitions.

Below is an example how to add PulsarTopic beans to let the PulsarAdministration auto-create topics for you.

PulsarTopic simpleTopic {
	// This will create a non-partitioned topic in the public/default namespace
	return PulsarTopic.builder("simple-topic").build();

PulsarTopic partitionedTopic {
	// This will create a partitioned topic with 3 partitions in the provided tenant and namespace
	return PulsarTopic.builder("persistent://my-tenant/my-namespace/partitioned-topic", 3).build();

3.1.24. Appendix

The reference documentation has the following appendices:

Application Properties

Application properties that you can use to configure your Pulsar application.

4. Other Resources

In addition to this reference documentation, we recommend a number of other resources that may help you learn about Spring and Apache Pulsar.