All Classes and Interfaces

Base class implementation for the various annotation post processors in Spring Pulsar.
Base PulsarHeaderMapper implementation that constrains which headers are mapped via header matchers.
Base PulsarListenerContainerFactory implementation.
Base implementation for PulsarListenerEndpoint.
Base class for the various container implementations.
Base implementation for the PulsarMessageListenerContainer.
Core implementation for PulsarMessageReaderContainer.
An abstract MessageListener adapter providing the necessary infrastructure to extract the payload from a Pulsar message.
Base PulsarReaderContainerFactory implementation.
Base implementation for PulsarListenerEndpoint.
Base implementation for ReactivePulsarListenerEndpoint.
Enumeration for ack mode.
Contract for manual acknowledgment.
Defines the contract for a cache provider.
Interface to create instances of CacheProvider.
Interface for a cache eviction listener.
A PulsarProducerFactory that extends the default implementation by caching the created producers.
Cache provider implementation backed by a Caffeine cache.
Factory to create instances of CaffeineCacheProvider.
Concrete implementation for PulsarListenerContainerFactory.
Creates a concurrent execution context of DefaultPulsarMessageListenerContainer instances based on the concurrency.
Utility methods to help load configuration into a ConsumerBuilder.
The interface to customize a ConsumerBuilder.
Event to publish when the consumer is failed to start.
Event to publish when the consumer is started.
Event to publish while the consumer is starting.
Default implementation for PulsarClientFactory.
Default implementation for PulsarConsumerErrorHandler.
Default implementation for PulsarConsumerFactory.
Default PulsarListenerObservationConvention for Pulsar listener key values.
Default implementation for PulsarMessageListenerContainer.
Default implementation for the Pulsar reader container.
Default implementation of PulsarProducerFactory.
Concrete implementation for PulsarReaderContainerFactory.
Default implementation of PulsarReaderFactory.
Default PulsarTemplateObservationConvention for Pulsar template key values.
Default implementation for ReactivePulsarConsumerFactory.
Concrete implementation for ReactivePulsarListenerContainerFactory.
Default implementation for ReactivePulsarMessageListenerContainer.
Default implementation for ReactivePulsarReaderFactory.
Default implementation of ReactivePulsarSenderFactory.
Default schema resolver capable of handling basic message types.
Topic resolver that accepts custom type to topic mappings and uses the mappings during topic resolution.
Delegates to an InvocableHandlerMethod based on the message payload type.
Enables detection of PulsarListener annotations on any Spring-managed bean in the container.
Enables detection of ReactivePulsarListener annotations on any Spring-managed bean in the container.
Creates the necessary container instances for the registered endpoints.
Creates the necessary container instances for the registered endpoints.
The result of a method invocation.
The utilities for Jackson ObjectMapper instances.
Chained utility methods to simplify some Java repetitive code.
A PulsarHeaderMapper implementation that writes headers as JSON.
Represents a header that could not be decoded due to an untrusted type.
Context used for AbstractPulsarHeaderMapper.toPulsarHeaders(org.springframework.messaging.MessageHeaders) (outbound) that includes the cumulative map of header name to classname for headers that are serialized with JSON.
Context used for AbstractPulsarHeaderMapper.toSpringHeaders(org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message<?>) (inbound) that includes the cumulative map of header name to classname for headers in the incoming message that were serialized with JSON.
Factory for Pulsar message listener containers.
Model for a Pulsar listener endpoint.
Pulsar specific message converter.
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a message listener container.
The interface to customize a MessageSpecBuilder.
A PulsarListenerEndpoint providing the method to invoke to process an incoming message for this endpoint.
A PulsarReaderEndpoint providing the method to invoke to process an incoming message for this endpoint.
A ReactivePulsarListenerEndpoint providing the method to invoke to process an incoming message for this endpoint.
Utility methods to help load configuration into a ProducerBuilder.
The interface to customize a ProducerBuilder.
Message listener for manually acknowledging messages.
The interface to customize a PulsarAdminBuilder.
An administration class that delegates to PulsarAdmin to create and manage topics defined in the application context.
The Pulsar administration contract.
A DeferredImportSelector implementation with the lowest order to import PulsarBootstrapConfiguration as late as possible.
Constants for bean names that need to be accessed in multiple places by name.
Batch message listener that allows manual acknowledgment.
Batch message listeners should throw this exception in the event of an error.
Batch message listener.
A MessageListener adapter that invokes a configurable HandlerAdapter; used when the factory is configured for the listener to receive batches of messages.
An ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar class that registers a PulsarListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor bean capable of processing Spring's @PulsarListener annotation.
The interface to customize a ClientBuilder.
Pulsar client factory interface.
Contract for consumer error handling through the message listener container.
Pulsar consumer factory interface.
Contains runtime properties for a listener container.
PulsarMessageRecoverer implementation that is capable of recovering the message by publishing the failed record to a DLT - Dead Letter Topic.
Base class for events.
Spring Pulsar specific NestedRuntimeException implementation.
Represents a user-defined Pulsar Function backed by a FunctionConfig.
Responsible for creating and updating any user-defined Pulsar functions, sinks, or sources.
Indicates a failure of one or more function operations.
Provides operations for a particular function type.
The action to take on the function when the server stops.
The type of function the operations handle.
Defines the contract for mapping Spring Messaging MessageHeaders to and from Pulsar message headers.
Defines the contract for matching message headers.
A matcher that never matches a set of headers.
A pattern-based header matcher that matches if the specified header matches the specified simple pattern.
Pulsar specific message headers.
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a Pulsar message listener on the specified topics.
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with PulsarListener to be invoked by a Pulsar message listener container created under the covers by a PulsarListenerContainerFactory according to the parameters of the annotation.
Optional interface to be implemented by Spring managed bean willing to customize how Pulsar listener endpoints are configured.
Factory for Pulsar message listener containers.
A registry for containers.
Model for a Pulsar listener endpoint.
Adapter to avoid having to implement all methods.
Helper bean for registering ListenerEndpoint with a GenericListenerEndpointRegistry.
Creates the necessary PulsarMessageListenerContainer instances for the registered endpoints.
An Observation for a PulsarListener.
Low cardinality tags.
ObservationConvention for Pulsar listener key values.
Container annotation that aggregates several PulsarListener annotations.
Pulsar specific record converter strategy.
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a message listener container.
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a message listener container.
ReceiverContext for Pulsar messages.
Allows recovering a failed Pulsar message.
Factory interface for PulsarMessageRecoverer.
SenderContext for Pulsar messages.
Acts as a carrier for a Pulsar message and records the propagated properties for later access by the Pulsar message builder.
The basic Pulsar operations contract.
Builder that can be used to configure and send a message.
The strategy to create a Producer instance(s).
An abstract base for MessageListener adapters.
A MessageListener adapter that invokes a configurable HandlerAdapter; used when the factory is configured for the listener to receive individual messages.
A MessageListener adapter that invokes a configurable HandlerAdapter; used when the factory is configured for the listener to receive a flux of messages.
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with PulsarListener to be invoked by a Pulsar message listener container created under the covers by a PulsarReaderContainerFactory according to the parameters of the annotation.
Optional interface to be implemented by Spring managed bean willing to customize how Pulsar listener endpoints are configured.
Container factory for PulsarMessageReaderContainer.
Container properties for Pulsar Reader.
Reader container registry.
Model for a Pulsar Reader endpoint.
Helper bean for registering PulsarReaderEndpoint with a GenericReaderEndpointRegistry.
Creates the necessary PulsarMessageReaderContainer instances for the registered endpoints.
Pulsar Reader factory interface.
A Messaging MessageConverter implementation for a message listener that receives individual messages.
Base record MessageListener that simply extends from MessageListener.
A MessageListener adapter that invokes a configurable HandlerAdapter; used when the factory is configured for the listener to receive individual messages.
A MessageListener adapter that invokes a configurable HandlerAdapter; used when the factory is configured for the listener to receive individual messages.
RuntimeHintsRegistrar for Spring for Apache Pulsar.
Represents a Pulsar Sink backed by a SinkConfig.
Represents a Pulsar Source backed by a SourceConfig.
A template for executing high-level Pulsar operations.
An Observation for PulsarTemplate.
Low cardinality tags.
ObservationConvention for Pulsar template key values.
Model class for a Pulsar topic.
Builder class to create PulsarTopic instances.
The interface to customize a ReactiveMessageConsumerBuilder.
The interface to customize a ReactiveMessageReaderBuilder.
The interface to customize a ReactiveMessageSenderBuilder.
An ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar class that registers a ReactivePulsarListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor bean capable of processing Spring's @ReactivePulsarListener annotation.
Pulsar reactive consumer factory interface.
Contains runtime properties for a reactive listener container.
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a Pulsar message listener on the specified topics.
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with ReactivePulsarListener to be invoked by a Pulsar message listener container created under the covers by a ReactivePulsarListenerContainerFactory according to the parameters of the annotation.
A DeferredImportSelector implementation with the lowest order to import ReactivePulsarBootstrapConfiguration as late as possible.
Factory for Pulsar reactive message listener containers.
Model for a Pulsar reactive listener endpoint.
Adapter to avoid having to implement all methods.
Creates the necessary ReactivePulsarMessageListenerContainer instances for the registered endpoints.
Container annotation that aggregates several ReactivePulsarListener annotations.
Reactive message handler used by DefaultReactivePulsarMessageListenerContainer.
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a reactive message listener container.
Message handler class with a ReactivePulsarOneByOneMessageHandler.received(org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message<T>) method for use in ReactiveMessagePipelineBuilder.messageHandler(java.util.function.Function<org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message<T>, org.reactivestreams.Publisher<java.lang.Void>>).
The Pulsar reactive send operations contract.
Builder that can be used to configure and send a message.
The strategy to create a ReactiveMessageReader instance(s).
RuntimeHintsRegistrar for Spring for Apache Pulsar.
The strategy to create a ReactiveMessageSender instance(s).
Message handler class with a ReactivePulsarStreamingHandler.received(reactor.core.publisher.Flux<org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message<T>>) method for use in ReactiveMessagePipelineBuilder.streamingMessageHandler(java.util.function.Function<reactor.core.publisher.Flux<org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message<T>>, org.reactivestreams.Publisher<org.apache.pulsar.reactive.client.api.MessageResult<java.lang.Void>>>).
A template for executing high-level reactive Pulsar operations.
The interface to customize a ReaderBuilder.
Base container factory interface for PulsarMessageReaderContainer.
Event to publish when the reader is failed to start.
Event to publish when the reader is started.
Event to publish while the reader is starting.
A resolved value or an exception if it could not be resolved.
Resolves schema to use for message types.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the schema resolver before it is fully initialized, in particular to tune its configuration.
Resolves topics to use when producing or consuming.
A PulsarHeaderMapper that converts header values using simple 'toString'.
The interface to customize a TypedMessageBuilder.