Package org.springframework.pulsar.core
package org.springframework.pulsar.core
Package containing the core components of the framework.
ClassDescriptionBase class for the various container implementations.A
that extends thedefault implementation
by caching the created producers.Utility methods to help load configuration into aConsumerBuilder
.The interface to customize aConsumerBuilder
.Default implementation forPulsarClientFactory
.Default implementation forPulsarConsumerFactory
.Default implementation ofPulsarProducerFactory
.Default implementation ofPulsarReaderFactory
.Default schema resolver capable of handling basic message types.Topic resolver that accepts custom type to topic mappings and uses the mappings during topic resolution.Utility methods to help load configuration into aProducerBuilder
.The interface to customize aProducerBuilder
.The interface to customize aPulsarAdminBuilder
.An administration class that delegates toPulsarAdmin
to create and manage topics defined in the application context.The Pulsar administration contract.The interface to customize aClientBuilder
.Pulsar client factory interface.Pulsar consumer factory interface.The basic Pulsar operations contract.Builder that can be used to configure and send a message.The strategy to create aProducer
factory interface.A template for executing high-level Pulsar operations.Model class for a Pulsar topic.Builder class to createPulsarTopic
instances.The interface to customize aReaderBuilder
.Resolved<T>A resolved value or an exception if it could not be resolved.Resolves schema to use for message types.Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the schema resolver before it is fully initialized, in particular to tune its configuration.Resolves topics to use when producing or consuming.The interface to customize aTypedMessageBuilder