All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document a RESTful resource's request or response body.
Abstract configurer that declares methods that are internal to the documentation configuration implementation.
Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document a RESTful resource's request or response cookies.
Base class for descriptors.
Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document a RESTful resource's request or response fields.
Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document a RESTful resource's request or response headers.
Base class for NestedConfigurer implementations.
Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document parameters from a request sent to a RESTful resource.
A Mustache.Lambda that escapes | characters so that the do not break the table's formatting.
A fluent API for building a map of attributes.
An attribute (key-value pair).
A simple builder for an attribute (key-value pair).
Static factory methods for documenting a RESTful API as if it were being driven using a command-line utility such as curl or HTTPie.
Formatter for CLI commands such as those included in CurlRequestSnippet and HttpieRequestSnippet.
A constraint.
Resolves a description for a Constraint.
Provides access to descriptions of a class's constraints.
An abstraction for resolving a class's constraints.
A ContentModifier modifies the content of an OperationRequest or OperationResponse during the preprocessing that is performed prior to documentation generation.
An OperationPreprocessor that applies a ContentModifier to the content of the request or response.
An exception that can be thrown by RequestConverter and ResponseConverter implementations to indicate that a failure has occurred during conversion.
A description of a cookie found in a request or response.
Static factory methods for documenting a RESTful API's request and response cookies.
A Snippet that documents the curl command for a request.
A description of a field found in a request or response payload.
A FieldDoesNotExistException is thrown when a requested field does not exist in a payload.
A PayloadSubsectionExtractor that extracts the subsection of the JSON payload identified by a field path.
A FieldTypeRequiredException is thrown when a field's type cannot be determined automatically and, therefore, must be explicitly provided.
Resolves the type of a field in a request or response payload.
A description of a header found in a request or response.
Static factory methods for documenting a RESTful API's request and response headers.
An OperationPreprocessor that modifies a request or response by adding, setting, or removing headers.
Static factory methods for documenting a RESTful API's HTTP requests.
A Snippet that documents the HTTPie command for a request.
A Snippet that documents an HTTP request.
A Snippet that documents an HTTP response.
Static factory methods for documenting a RESTful API that utilizes Hypermedia.
Base class for descriptors for items that can be ignored.
An enumeration of the possible types for a field in a JSON request or response payload.
A JUnit TestRule used to automatically manage the RestDocumentationContext.
Representation of a link used in a Hypermedia-based API.
A description of a link found in a hypermedia API.
A LinkExtractor is used to extract links from a JSON response.
A Snippet that documents a RESTful resource's links.
ManualRestDocumentation is used to manually manage the RestDocumentationContext.
A configurer that can be used to configure the operation preprocessors.
Static factory methods for documenting RESTful APIs using Spring MVC Test.
A MockMvc-specific RestDocumentationConfigurer.
A configurer that can be used to configure the generated documentation snippets.
An exception that can be thrown by a TemplatedSnippet to indicate that a failure has occurred during model creation.
An adapter that exposes a compiled Mustache template as a Template.
A Mustache-based TemplateEngine implemented using JMustache.
Describes an operation performed on a RESTful service.
An OperationPreprocessor processes the OperationRequest and OperationResponse of an Operation prior to it being documented.
An implementation of OperationPreprocessor that returns the request and response as-is.
A configurer that can be used to configure the default operation preprocessors.
The request that was sent as part of performing an operation on a RESTful service.
A factory for creating OperationRequests.
A part of a multipart request.
A factory for creating OperationRequestParts.
An OperationRequestPreprocessor is used to modify an OperationRequest prior to it being documented.
The response that was received as part of performing an operation on a RESTful service.
A factory for creating OperationResponses.
An OperationResponsePreprocessor is used to modify an OperationResponse prior to it being documented.
A descriptor of a request or path parameter.
The parameters received in a request.
An OperationPreprocessor that can be used to modify a request's OperationRequest.getParameters() by adding, setting, and removing parameters.
A Snippet that documents the path parameters supported by a RESTful resource.
Static factory methods for documenting a RESTful API's request and response payloads.
Strategy interface for extracting a subsection of a payload.
A factory for creating PropertyPlaceholderHelper.PlaceholderResolver instances.
Static factory methods for creating OperationPreprocessors that can be applied to an Operation's request or response before it is documented.
A ContentModifier that modifies the content by pretty printing it.
A parser for the query string of a URI.
A Snippet that documents the body of a request.
A RequestConverter is used to convert an implementation-specific request into an OperationRequest.
A representation of a Cookie received in a request.
A Snippet that documents the cookies in a request.
Static factory methods for documenting aspects of a request sent to a RESTful API.
A Snippet that documents the fields in a request.
A Snippet that documents the headers in a request.
A Snippet that documents the request parameters supported by a RESTful resource.
A Snippet that documents the body of a request part.
A descriptor of a request part.
A Snippet that documents the fields in a request part.
A Snippet that documents the request parts supported by a RESTful resource.
A ConstraintDescriptionResolver that resolves constraint descriptions from a ResourceBundle.
A Snippet that documents the body of a response.
A ResponseConverter is used to convert an implementation-specific response into an OperationResponse.
A representation of a Cookie returned in a response.
A Snippet that documents the cookies in a response.
A Snippet that documents the fields in a response.
A Snippet that documents the headers in a response.
A configurer that can be used to configure the operation preprocessors when using REST Assured.
Static factory methods for documenting RESTful APIs using REST Assured.
A REST Assured-specific RestDocumentationConfigurer.
A configurer that can be used to configure the generated documentation snippets when using REST Assured.
Abstract base class for the configuration of Spring REST Docs.
RestDocumentationContext encapsulates the context in which the documentation of a RESTful API is being performed.
A PropertyPlaceholderHelper.PlaceholderResolver that resolves placeholders using a RestDocumentationContext.
A RestDocumentationContextProvider is used to provide access to the RestDocumentationContext.
A JUnit Jupiter Extension used to automatically manage the RestDocumentationContext.
A REST Assured Filter for documenting RESTful APIs.
An exception that can be thrown when a failure occurs during REST documentation generation.
A RestDocumentationGenerator is used to generate documentation snippets from the request and response of an operation performed on a service.
A drop-in replacement for MockMvcRequestBuilders that captures a request's URL template and makes it available for documentation.
A Spring MVC Test ResultHandler for documenting RESTful APIs.
A Snippet is used to document aspects of a call to a RESTful API.
A configurer that can be used to configure the generated documentation snippets.
A RuntimeException thrown to indicate a problem with the generation of a documentation snippet.
Standard implementation of Operation.
Standard implementation of TemplateResourceResolver.
Standard implementation of WriterResolver.
A description of a subsection, i.e.
A compiled Template that can be rendered to a String.
Base class for a Snippet that is produced using a Template and TemplateEngine.
A TemplateEngine is used to render documentation snippets.
A TemplateFormat provides information about a particular template format, such as Asciidoctor or Markdown.
An enumeration of the built-in formats for which templates are provided.
A TemplateResourceResolver is responsible for resolving a name for a template into a Resource from which the template can be read.
A configurer that can be used to configure the documented URIs.
An OperationPreprocessor that modifies URIs in the request and in the response by changing one or more of their host, scheme, and port.
A ConstraintResolver that uses a Bean Validation Validator to resolve constraints.
A configurer that can be used to configure the operation preprocessors.
Static factory methods for documenting RESTful APIs using WebFlux's WebTestClient.
A WebFlux-specific RestDocumentationConfigurer.
A SnippetConfigurer for WebFlux that can be used to configure the generated documentation snippets.
A WriterResolver is used to access the Writer that should be used to write a snippet for an operation that is being documented.