Appendix A. Command Index

This appendix was automatically built from Roo 1.3.1.RC1 [rev b506194].

Commands are listed in alphabetic order, and are shown in monospaced font with any mandatory options you must specify when using the command. Most commands accept a large number of options, and all of the possible options for each command are presented in this appendix.

A.1. Add On Commands

Add On Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.roobot.client.AddOnCommands.

A.1.1. addon feedback bundle

Provide anonymous ratings and comments on a Spring Roo Add-on (your feedback will be published publicly)

addon feedback bundle --bundleSymbolicName --rating

The bundle symbolic name for the add-on of interest; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


How much did you like this add-on?; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Your comments on this add-on eg "this is my comment!"; limit of 140 characters; default: '__NULL__'

A.1.2. addon info bundle

Provide information about a specific Spring Roo Add-on

addon info bundle --bundleSymbolicName

The bundle symbolic name for the add-on of interest; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.1.3. addon info id

Provide information about a specific Spring Roo Add-on

addon info id --searchResultId

The bundle ID as presented via the addon list or addon search command; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.1.4. addon install bundle

Install Spring Roo Add-on

addon install bundle --bundleSymbolicName

The bundle symbolic name for the add-on of interest; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.1.5. addon install id

Install Spring Roo Add-on

addon install id --searchResultId

The bundle ID as presented via the addon list or addon search command; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.1.6. addon list

List all known Spring Roo Add-ons (up to the maximum number displayed on a single page)

addon list

Refresh the add-on index from the Internet; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The maximum number of lines displayed per add-on; default: '2'


The maximum number of add-ons to list; default: '99'


Only display trusted add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Only display community provided add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Only display compatible add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.1.7. addon remove

Remove Spring Roo Add-on

addon remove --bundleSymbolicName

The bundle symbolic name for the add-on of interest; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.1.8. addon search

Search all known Spring Roo Add-ons

addon search

A comma separated list of search terms; default: '*'


Refresh the add-on index from the Internet; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The maximum number of lines displayed per add-on; default: '2'


The maximum number of add-ons to list; default: '20'


Only display trusted add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Only display compatible add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Only display community provided add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Only display add-ons in search results that offer this command; default: '__NULL__'

A.1.9. addon upgrade all

Upgrade all relevant Spring Roo Add-ons / Components for the current stability level

addon upgrade all

This command does not accept any options.

A.1.10. addon upgrade available

List available Spring Roo Add-on / Component upgrades

addon upgrade available

The stability level of add-ons or components which are presented for upgrading (default: ANY); default: '__NULL__'

A.1.11. addon upgrade bundle

Upgrade a specific Spring Roo Add-on / Component

addon upgrade bundle --bundleSymbolicName

The bundle symbolic name for the add-on to upgrade; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.1.12. addon upgrade id

Upgrade a specific Spring Roo Add-on / Component from a search result ID

addon upgrade id --searchResultId

The bundle ID as presented via the addon list or addon search command; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.1.13. addon upgrade settings

Settings for Add-on upgrade operations

addon upgrade settings

The stability level of add-ons or components which are presented for upgrading; default: '__NULL__'

A.2. Backup Commands

Backup Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.backup.BackupCommands.

A.2.1. backup

Backup your project to a zip file


This command does not accept any options.

A.3. Classpath Commands

Classpath Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.classpath.operations.ClasspathCommands.

A.3.1. class

Creates a new Java class source file in any project path

class --class

The name of the class to create; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Whether the generated class should have common Roo annotations; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Source directory to create the class in; default: 'FOCUSED|SRC_MAIN_JAVA'


The superclass (defaults to java.lang.Object); default if option not present: 'java.lang.Object'


The interface to implement; default: '__NULL__'


Whether the generated class should be marked as abstract; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.3.2. constructor

Creates a class constructor


The name of the class to receive this constructor; default if option not present: '*'


The fields to include in the constructor. Multiple field names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces

A.3.3. enum constant

Inserts a new enum constant into an enum

enum constant --name

The name of the enum class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


The name of the constant; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.3.4. enum type

Creates a new Java enum source file in any project path

enum type --class

The name of the enum to create; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Source directory to create the enum in; default: 'FOCUSED|SRC_MAIN_JAVA'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.3.5. focus

Changes focus to a different type

focus --class

The type to focus on; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.3.6. interface

Creates a new Java interface source file in any project path

interface --class

The name of the interface to create; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Source directory to create the interface in; default: 'FOCUSED|SRC_MAIN_JAVA'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.4. Cloud Commands

Cloud Commands are contained in

A.4.1. cloud setup

Setup Cloud Provider on Spring Roo Project

cloud setup --provider

Cloud Provider's Name; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Plugin Configuration. Add configuration by command like 'key=value,key2=value2,key3=value3'; default: '__NULL__'

A.5. Controller Commands

Controller Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.ControllerCommands.

A.5.1. controller all

Scaffold controllers for all project entities without an existing controller - deprecated, use 'web mvc setup' + 'web mvc all' instead

controller all --package

The package in which new controllers will be placed; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.5.2. controller scaffold

Create a new scaffold Controller (ie where we maintain CRUD automatically) - deprecated, use 'web mvc scaffold' instead

controller scaffold --class

The path and name of the controller object to be created; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the entity object which the controller exposes to the web tier; default if option not present: '*'


The base path under which the controller listens for RESTful requests (defaults to the simple name of the form backing object); default: '__NULL__'


A comma separated list of operations (only create, update, delete allowed) that should not be generated in the controller; default: '__NULL__'

A.5.3. web mvc all

Scaffold Spring MVC controllers for all project entities without an existing controller

web mvc all --package

The package in which new controllers will be placed; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.5.4. web mvc scaffold

Create a new scaffold Controller (ie where Roo maintains CRUD functionality automatically)

web mvc scaffold --class

The path and name of the controller object to be created; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the form backing type which the controller exposes to the web tier; default if option not present: '*'


The base path under which the controller listens for RESTful requests (defaults to the simple name of the form backing object); default: '__NULL__'


A comma separated list of operations (only create, update, delete allowed) that should not be generated in the controller; default: '__NULL__'

A.6. Creator Commands

Creator Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.creator.CreatorCommands.

A.6.1. addon create advanced

Create a new advanced add-on for Spring Roo (commands + operations + metadata + trigger annotation + dependencies)

addon create advanced --topLevelPackage

The top level package of the new addon; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Description of your addon (surround text with double quotes); default: '__NULL__'


Provide a custom project name (if not provided the top level package name will be used instead); default: '__NULL__'

A.6.2. addon create i18n

Create a new Internationalization add-on for Spring Roo

addon create i18n --topLevelPackage --locale --messageBundle

The top level package of the new addon; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The locale abbreviation (ie: en, or more specific like en_AU, or de_DE); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Fully qualified path to the file; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The full name of the language (used as a label for the UI); default: '__NULL__'


Fully qualified path to flag xx.png file; default: '__NULL__'


Description of your addon (surround text with double quotes); default: '__NULL__'


Provide a custom project name (if not provided the top level package name will be used instead); default: '__NULL__'

A.6.3. addon create simple

Create a new simple add-on for Spring Roo (commands + operations)

addon create simple --topLevelPackage

The top level package of the new addon; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Description of your addon (surround text with double quotes); default: '__NULL__'


Provide a custom project name (if not provided the top level package name will be used instead); default: '__NULL__'

A.6.4. addon create wrapper

Create a new add-on for Spring Roo which wraps a maven artifact to create a OSGi compliant bundle

addon create wrapper --topLevelPackage --groupId --artifactId --version --vendorName --licenseUrl

The top level package of the new wrapper bundle; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Dependency group id; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Dependency artifact id); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Dependency version; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Dependency vendor name); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Dependency license URL; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Dependency documentation URL; default: '__NULL__'


Description of the bundle (use keywords with #-tags for better search integration); default: '__NULL__'


Provide a custom project name (if not provided the top level package name will be used instead); default: '__NULL__'


Contents of Import-Package in OSGi manifest; default: '__NULL__'

A.7. Data On Demand Commands

Data On Demand Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.dod.DataOnDemandCommands.

A.7.1. dod

Creates a new data on demand for the specified entity


The entity which this data on demand class will create and modify as required; default if option not present: '*'


The class which will be created to hold this data on demand provider (defaults to the entity name + 'DataOnDemand'); default: '__NULL__'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.8. Dbre Commands

Dbre Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.dbre.DbreCommands.

A.8.1. database introspect

Displays database metadata

database introspect --schema

The database schema names. Multiple schema names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The file to save the metadata to; default: '__NULL__'


Display database views; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.8.2. database reverse engineer

Create and update entities based on database metadata

database reverse engineer --schema

The database schema names. Multiple schema names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The package in which new entities will be placed; default: '__NULL__'


Create automatic integration tests for entities; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Reverse engineer database views; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The tables to include in reverse engineering. Multiple table names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces


The tables to exclude from reverse engineering. Multiple table names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces


Include non-portable JPA @Column attributes such as 'columnDefinition'; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Disable 'version' field; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Disable identifier auto generation; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Generate CRUD active record methods for each entity; default: 'true'


Generate a repository for each entity; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Generate a service for each entity; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.9. Embedded Commands

Embedded Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.embedded.EmbeddedCommands.

A.9.1. web mvc embed document

Embed a document for your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed document --provider --documentId

The id of the document; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The id of the document; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.9.2. web mvc embed generic

Embed media by URL into your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed generic --url

The url of the source to be embedded; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.9.3. web mvc embed map

Embed a map for your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed map --location

The location of the map (ie "Sydney, Australia"); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.9.4. web mvc embed photos

Embed a photo gallery for your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed photos --provider --userId --albumId

The provider of the photo gallery; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The user id; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The album id; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.9.5. web mvc embed stream video

Embed a video stream into your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed stream video --provider --streamId

The provider of the video stream; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The stream id; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.9.6. web mvc embed twitter

Embed twitter messages into your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed twitter --searchTerm

The search term to display results for; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.9.7. web mvc embed video

Embed a video for your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed video --provider --videoId

The id of the video; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The id of the video; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.9.8. web mvc embed wave

Embed Google wave integration for your WEB MVC application

web mvc embed wave --waveId

The key of the wave; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the jspx view; default: '__NULL__'

A.10. Equals Commands

Equals Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.equals.EqualsCommands.

A.10.1. equals

Add equals and hashCode methods to a class


The name of the class; default if option not present: '*'


Whether to call the super class equals and hashCode methods; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The fields to exclude in the equals and hashcode methods. Multiple field names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces

A.11. Felix Delegator

Felix Delegator are contained in org.springframework.roo.felix.FelixDelegator.

A.11.1. exit

Exits the shell


This command does not accept any options.

A.11.2. osgi framework command

Passes a command directly through to the Felix shell infrastructure

osgi framework command

The command to pass to Felix (WARNING: no validation or security checks are performed); default: 'help'

A.11.3. osgi headers

Display headers for a specific bundle

osgi headers

Limit results to a specific bundle symbolic name; default: '__NULL__'

A.11.4. osgi install

Installs a bundle JAR from a given URL

osgi install --url

The URL to obtain the bundle from; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.5. osgi log

Displays the OSGi log information

osgi log

The maximum number of log messages to display; default: '__NULL__'


The minimum level of messages to display; default: '__NULL__'

A.11.6. osgi obr deploy

Deploys a specific OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) bundle

osgi obr deploy --bundleSymbolicName

The specific bundle to deploy; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.7. osgi obr info

Displays information on a specific OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) bundle

osgi obr info --bundleSymbolicName

The specific bundle to display information for; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.8. osgi obr list

Lists all available bundles from the OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) system

osgi obr list

Keywords to locate; default: '__NULL__'

A.11.9. osgi obr start

Starts a specific OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) bundle

osgi obr start --bundleSymbolicName

The specific bundle to start; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.10. osgi obr url add

Adds a new OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URL

osgi obr url add --url

The URL to add (eg; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.11. osgi obr url list

Lists the currently-configured OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URLs

osgi obr url list

This command does not accept any options.

A.11.12. osgi obr url refresh

Refreshes an existing OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URL

osgi obr url refresh --url

The URL to refresh (list existing URLs via 'osgi obr url list'); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.13. osgi obr url remove

Removes an existing OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URL

osgi obr url remove --url

The URL to remove (list existing URLs via 'osgi obr url list'); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.14. osgi ps

Displays OSGi bundle information

osgi ps

The format of bundle information; default: 'BUNDLE_NAME'

A.11.15. osgi resolve

Resolves a specific bundle ID

osgi resolve --bundleSymbolicName

The specific bundle to resolve; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.16. osgi scr config

Lists the current SCR configuration

osgi scr config

This command does not accept any options.

A.11.17. osgi scr disable

Disables a specific SCR-defined component

osgi scr disable --componentId

The specific component identifier (use 'osgi scr list' to list component identifiers); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.18. osgi scr enable

Enables a specific SCR-defined component

osgi scr enable --componentId

The specific component identifier (use 'osgi scr list' to list component identifiers); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.19. osgi scr info

Lists information about a specific SCR-defined component

osgi scr info --componentId

The specific component identifier (use 'osgi scr list' to list component identifiers); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.20. osgi scr list

Lists all SCR-defined components

osgi scr list

Limit results to a specific bundle; default: '__NULL__'

A.11.21. osgi start

Starts a bundle JAR from a given URL

osgi start --url

The URL to obtain the bundle from; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.22. osgi uninstall

Uninstalls a specific bundle

osgi uninstall --bundleSymbolicName

The specific bundle to uninstall; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.11.23. osgi update

Updates a specific bundle

osgi update --bundleSymbolicName

The specific bundle to update ; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The URL to obtain the updated bundle from; default: '__NULL__'

A.12. Field Commands

Field Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.classpath.operations.FieldCommands.

A.12.1. field boolean

Adds a private boolean field to an existing Java source file

field boolean --fieldName

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must assert false; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must assert true; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The JPA @Column name; default: '__NULL__'


Inserts an optional Spring @Value annotation with the given content; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to use a primitive type; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.2. field date

Adds a private date field to an existing Java source file

field date --fieldName --type

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The Java type of the entity; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The type of persistent storage to be used; default: '__NULL__'


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be in the future; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be in the past; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The JPA @Column name; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Inserts an optional Spring @Value annotation with the given content; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates the style of the date format (ignored if dateTimeFormatPattern is specified); default: 'MEDIUM'


Indicates the style of the time format (ignored if dateTimeFormatPattern is specified); default: 'NONE'


Indicates a DateTime format pattern such as yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a; default: '__NULL__'

A.12.3. field embedded

Adds a private @Embedded field to an existing Java source file

field embedded --fieldName --type

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The Java type of the @Embeddable class; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the @Entity class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.4. field enum

Adds a private enum field to an existing Java source file

field enum --fieldName --type

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The enum type of this field; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


The JPA @Column name; default: '__NULL__'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The fetch semantics at a JPA level; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.5. field file

Adds a byte array field for storing uploaded file contents (JSF-scaffolded UIs only)

field file --fieldName --contentType

The name of the file upload field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


The content type of the file; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Whether the file is uploaded automatically when selected; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The JPA @Column name; default: '__NULL__'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.6. field list

Adds a private List field to an existing Java source file (eg the 'one' side of a many-to-one)

field list --fieldName --type

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The entity which will be contained within the Set; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


The field name on the referenced type which owns the relationship; default: '__NULL__'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The minimum number of elements in the collection; default: '__NULL__'


The maximum number of elements in the collection; default: '__NULL__'


The relationship cardinality at a JPA level; default: 'MANY_TO_MANY'


The fetch semantics at a JPA level; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.7. field number

Adds a private numeric field to an existing Java source file

field number --fieldName --type

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The Java type of the entity; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The BigDecimal string-based representation of the minimum value; default: '__NULL__'


The BigDecimal string based representation of the maximum value; default: '__NULL__'


Maximum number of integral digits accepted for this number; default: '__NULL__'


Maximum number of fractional digits accepted for this number; default: '__NULL__'


The minimum value; default: '__NULL__'


The maximum value; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA @Column name; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Inserts an optional Spring @Value annotation with the given content; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates to use a primitive type if possible; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether to mark the field with a unique constraint; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.8. field other

Inserts a private field into the specified file

field other --fieldName --type

The name of the field; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The Java type of this field; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA @Column name; default: '__NULL__'


Inserts an optional Spring @Value annotation with the given content; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.9. field reference

Adds a private reference field to an existing Java source file (eg the 'many' side of a many-to-one)

field reference --fieldName --type

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The Java type of the entity to reference; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The JPA @JoinColumn name; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA @JoinColumn referencedColumnName; default: '__NULL__'


The relationship cardinality at a JPA level; default: 'MANY_TO_ONE'


The fetch semantics at a JPA level; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.10. field set

Adds a private Set field to an existing Java source file (eg the 'one' side of a many-to-one)

field set --fieldName --type

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The entity which will be contained within the Set; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


The field name on the referenced type which owns the relationship; default: '__NULL__'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The minimum number of elements in the collection; default: '__NULL__'


The maximum number of elements in the collection; default: '__NULL__'


The relationship cardinality at a JPA level; default: 'MANY_TO_MANY'


The fetch semantics at a JPA level; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.12.11. field string

Adds a private string field to an existing Java source file

field string --fieldName

The name of the field to add; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Whether this value cannot be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether this value must be null; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The BigDecimal string-based representation of the minimum value; default: '__NULL__'


The BigDecimal string based representation of the maximum value; default: '__NULL__'


The minimum string length; default: '__NULL__'


The maximum string length; default: '__NULL__'


The required regular expression pattern; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA @Column name; default: '__NULL__'


Inserts an optional Spring @Value annotation with the given content; default: '__NULL__'


An optional comment for JavaDocs; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates to mark the field as transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether to mark the field with a unique constraint; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates that this field is a Large Object; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.13. Finder Commands

Finder Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.finder.FinderCommands.

A.13.1. finder add

Install finders in the given target (must be an entity)

finder add --finderName

The controller or entity for which the finders are generated; default if option not present: '*'


The finder string as generated with the 'finder list' command; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.13.2. finder list

List all finders for a given target (must be an entity)

finder list

The controller or entity for which the finders are generated; default if option not present: '*'


The depth of attribute combinations to be generated for the finders; default: '1'


A comma separated list of strings that must be present in a filter to be included; default: '__NULL__'

A.14. Help Commands

Help Commands are contained in

A.14.1. help

Shows system help


Command name to provide help for; default: '__NULL__'

A.14.2. reference guide

Writes the reference guide XML fragments (in DocBook format) into the current working directory

reference guide

This command does not accept any options.

A.15. Hint Commands

Hint Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.classpath.operations.HintCommands.

A.15.1. hint

Provides step-by-step hints and context-sensitive guidance


The topic for which advice should be provided

A.16. Integration Test Commands

Integration Test Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.test.IntegrationTestCommands.

A.16.1. test integration

Creates a new integration test for the specified entity

test integration

The name of the entity to create an integration test for; default if option not present: '*'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether the created test cases should be run withing a Spring transaction; default: 'true'

A.16.2. test mock

Creates a mock test for the specified entity

test mock

The name of the entity this mock test is targeting; default if option not present: '*'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.16.3. test stub

Creates a test stub for the specified class

test stub

The name of the class this mock test is targeting; default if option not present: '*'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.17. J Line Shell Component

J Line Shell Component are contained in

A.17.1. */

End of block comment


This command does not accept any options.

A.17.2. /*

Start of block comment


This command does not accept any options.

A.17.3. //

Inline comment markers (start of line only)


This command does not accept any options.

A.17.4. date

Displays the local date and time


This command does not accept any options.

A.17.5. flash test

Tests message flashing

flash test

This command does not accept any options.

A.17.6. script

Parses the specified resource file and executes its commands

script --file

The file to locate and execute; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Display line numbers when executing the script; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.17.7. system properties

Shows the shell's properties

system properties

This command does not accept any options.

A.17.8. version

Displays shell version


Special version flags; default: '__NULL__'

A.18. Jms Commands

Jms Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.jms.JmsCommands.

A.18.1. field jms template

Insert a JmsOperations field into an existing type

field jms template

The name of the field to add; default: 'jmsOperations'


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Indicates if the injected method should be executed asynchronously; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.18.2. jms listener class

Create an asynchronous JMS consumer

jms listener class --class

The name of the class to create; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the destination; default: 'myDestination'


The type of the destination; default: 'QUEUE'

A.18.3. jms setup

Install a JMS provider into your project

jms setup --provider

The persistence provider to support; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the destination; default: 'myDestination'


The type of the destination; default: 'QUEUE'

A.19. Jpa Commands

Jpa Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.jpa.JpaCommands.

A.19.1. database properties list

Shows database configuration details

database properties list

This command does not accept any options.

A.19.2. database properties remove

Removes a particular database property

database properties remove --key

The property key that should be removed; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.19.3. database properties set

Changes a particular database property

database properties set --key --value

The property key that should be changed; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The new vale for this property key; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.19.4. embeddable

Creates a new Java class source file with the JPA @Embeddable annotation in SRC_MAIN_JAVA

embeddable --class

The name of the class to create; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Whether the generated class should implement; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.19.5. entity jpa

Creates a new JPA persistent entity in SRC_MAIN_JAVA

entity jpa --class

Name of the entity to create; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The superclass (defaults to java.lang.Object); default if option not present: 'java.lang.Object'


The interface to implement; default: '__NULL__'


Whether the generated class should be marked as abstract; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Create automatic integration tests for this entity; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The JPA table name to use for this entity; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA table schema name to use for this entity; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA table catalog name to use for this entity; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA identifier field name to use for this entity; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA identifier field column to use for this entity; default: '__NULL__'


The data type that will be used for the JPA identifier field (defaults to java.lang.Long); default: 'java.lang.Long'


The JPA version field name to use for this entity; default: '__NULL__'


The JPA version field column to use for this entity; default: '__NULL__'


The data type that will be used for the JPA version field (defaults to java.lang.Integer); default if option not present: 'java.lang.Integer'


The JPA @Inheritance value (apply to base class); default: '__NULL__'


Apply @MappedSuperclass for this entity; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether the generated class should implement equals and hashCode methods; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Whether the generated class should implement; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The persistence unit name to be used in the persistence.xml file; default: '__NULL__'


The transaction manager name; default: '__NULL__'


Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The name used to refer to the entity in queries; default: '__NULL__'


The name of the sequence for incrementing sequence-driven primary keys; default: '__NULL__'


Generate CRUD active record methods for this entity; default: 'true'

A.19.6. jpa setup

Install or updates a JPA persistence provider in your project

jpa setup --provider --database

The persistence provider to support; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The database to support; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The Google App Engine application identifier to use; default if option not present: 'the project's name'


The JNDI datasource to use; default: '__NULL__'


The host name to use; default: '__NULL__'


The database name to use; default: '__NULL__'


The username to use; default: '__NULL__'


The password to use; default: '__NULL__'


The transaction manager name; default: '__NULL__'


The persistence unit name to be used in the persistence.xml file; default: '__NULL__'

A.19.7. persistence setup

Install or updates a JPA persistence provider in your project - deprecated, use 'jpa setup' instead

persistence setup --provider --database

The persistence provider to support; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The database to support; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The Google App Engine application identifier to use; default if option not present: 'the project's name'


The JNDI datasource to use; default: '__NULL__'


The host name to use; default: '__NULL__'


The database name to use; default: '__NULL__'


The username to use; default: '__NULL__'


The password to use; default: '__NULL__'


The transaction manager name; default: '__NULL__'


The persistence unit name to be used in the persistence.xml file; default: '__NULL__'

A.20. Jsf Commands

Jsf Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.jsf.JsfCommands.

A.20.1. web jsf all

Create JSF managed beans for all entities

web jsf all --package

The package in which new JSF managed beans will be placed; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.20.2. web jsf media

Add a cross-browser generic player to embed multimedia content

web jsf media --url

The url of the media source; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the media player; default: '__NULL__'

A.20.3. web jsf scaffold

Create JSF managed bean for an entity

web jsf scaffold --class

The path and name of the JSF managed bean to be created; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The entity which this JSF managed bean class will create and modify as required; default if option not present: '*'


The name of the managed bean to use in the 'name' attribute of the @ManagedBean annotation; default: '__NULL__'


Include this entity on the generated JSF menu; default: 'true'

A.20.4. web jsf setup

Set up JSF environment

web jsf setup

The JSF implementation to use; default: '__NULL__'


The JSF component library to use; default: '__NULL__'


The name of the theme; default: '__NULL__'

A.21. Json Commands

Json Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.json.JsonCommands.

A.21.1. json add

Adds @RooJson annotation to target type

json add

The java type to apply this annotation to; default if option not present: '*'


The root name which should be used to wrap the JSON document; default: '__NULL__'


Indication if deep serialization should be enabled.; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indication if dates should be formatted according to ISO 8601; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.21.2. json all

Adds @RooJson annotation to all types annotated with @RooJavaBean

json all

Indication if deep serialization should be enabled; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


Indication if dates should be formatted according to ISO 8601; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.22. Jsp Commands

Jsp Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.jsp.JspCommands.

A.22.1. controller class

Create a new manual Controller (ie where you write the methods) - deprecated, use 'web mvc controller' instead

controller class --class

The path and name of the controller object to be created; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Indicates a specific request mapping path for this controller (eg /foo/); default: '__NULL__'

A.22.2. web mvc controller

Create a new manual Controller (ie where you write the methods)

web mvc controller --class

The path and name of the controller object to be created; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Indicates a specific request mapping path for this controller (eg /foo/); default: '__NULL__'

A.22.3. web mvc install language

Install new internationalization bundle for MVC scaffolded UI.

web mvc install language --code

The language code for the desired bundle; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.22.4. web mvc install view

Create a new static view.

web mvc install view --path --viewName --title

The path the static view to create in (required, ie '/foo/blah'); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The view name the mapping this view should adopt (required, ie 'index'); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The title of the view; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.22.5. web mvc language

Install new internationalization bundle for MVC scaffolded UI.

web mvc language --code

The language code for the desired bundle; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.22.6. web mvc setup

Setup a basic project structure for a Spring MVC / JSP application

web mvc setup

This command does not accept any options.

A.22.7. web mvc update tags

Replace an existing application tagx library with the latest version (use --backup option to backup your application first)

web mvc update tags

Backup your application before replacing your existing tag library; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.22.8. web mvc view

Create a new static view.

web mvc view --path --viewName --title

The path the static view to create in (required, ie '/foo/blah'); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The view name the mapping this view should adopt (required, ie 'index'); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The title of the view; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.23. Logging Commands

Logging Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.logging.LoggingCommands.

A.23.1. logging setup

Configure logging in your project

logging setup --level

The log level to configure; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The package to append the logging level to (all by default); default: '__NULL__'

A.24. Mail Commands

Mail Commands are contained in

A.24.1. email sender setup

Install a Spring JavaMailSender in your project

email sender setup --hostServer

The host server; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The protocol used by mail server; default: '__NULL__'


The port used by mail server; default: '__NULL__'


The encoding used for mail; default: '__NULL__'


The mail account username; default: '__NULL__'


The mail account password; default: '__NULL__'

A.24.2. email template setup

Configures a template for a SimpleMailMessage

email template setup

The 'from' email (optional); default: '__NULL__'


The message subject (obtional); default: '__NULL__'

A.24.3. field email template

Inserts a MailTemplate field into an existing type

field email template

The name of the field to add; default: 'mailTemplate'


The name of the class to receive this field; default if option not present: '*'


Indicates if the injected method should be executed asynchronously; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.25. Maven Commands

Maven Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.project.MavenCommands.

A.25.1. dependency add

Adds a new dependency to the Maven project object model (POM)

dependency add --groupId --artifactId --version

The group ID of the dependency; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The artifact ID of the dependency; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The version of the dependency; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The classifier of the dependency; default: '__NULL__'


The scope of the dependency; default: '__NULL__'

A.25.2. dependency remove

Removes an existing dependency from the Maven project object model (POM)

dependency remove --groupId --artifactId --version

The group ID of the dependency; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The artifact ID of the dependency; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The version of the dependency; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The classifier of the dependency; default: '__NULL__'

A.25.3. maven repository add

Adds a new repository to the Maven project object model (POM)

maven repository add --id --url

The ID of the repository; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the repository; default: '__NULL__'


The URL of the repository; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.25.4. maven repository remove

Removes an existing repository from the Maven project object model (POM)

maven repository remove --id --url

The ID of the repository; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The URL of the repository; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.25.5. module create

Creates a new Maven module

module create --moduleName --topLevelPackage

The name of the module; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The uppermost package name (this becomes the <groupId> in Maven and also the '~' value when using Roo's shell); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Forces a particular major version of Java to be used (will be auto-detected if unspecified; specify 6 or 7 only); default: '__NULL__'


The Maven coordinates of the parent POM, in the form "groupId:artifactId:version"; default: '__NULL__'


The Maven packaging of this module; default if option not present: 'jar'


The artifact ID of this module (defaults to moduleName if not specified); default: '__NULL__'

A.25.6. module focus

Changes focus to a different project module

module focus --moduleName

The module to focus on; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.25.7. perform assembly

Executes the assembly goal via Maven

perform assembly

This command does not accept any options.

A.25.8. perform clean

Executes a full clean (including Eclipse files) via Maven

perform clean

This command does not accept any options.

A.25.9. perform command

Executes a user-specified Maven command

perform command --mavenCommand

User-specified Maven command (eg test:test); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.25.10. perform eclipse

Sets up Eclipse configuration via Maven (only necessary if you have not installed the m2eclipse plugin in Eclipse)

perform eclipse

This command does not accept any options.

A.25.11. perform package

Packages the application using Maven, but does not execute any tests

perform package

This command does not accept any options.

A.25.12. perform tests

Executes the tests via Maven

perform tests

This command does not accept any options.

A.25.13. project

Creates a new Maven project

project --topLevelPackage

The uppermost package name (this becomes the <groupId> in Maven and also the '~' value when using Roo's shell); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The name of the project (last segment of package name used as default); default: '__NULL__'


Forces a particular major version of Java to be used (will be auto-detected if unspecified; specify 5 or 6 or 7 only); default: '__NULL__'


The Maven coordinates of the parent POM, in the form "groupId:artifactId:version"; default: '__NULL__'


The Maven packaging of this project; default if option not present: 'jar'

A.26. Metadata Commands

Metadata Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.classpath.MetadataCommands.

A.26.1. metadata cache

Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type

metadata cache --maximumCapacity

The maximum number of metadata items to cache; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.26.2. metadata for id

Shows detailed information about the metadata item

metadata for id --metadataId

The metadata ID (should start with MID:); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.26.3. metadata for module

Shows the ProjectMetadata for the indicated project module

metadata for module

The module for which to retrieve the metadata (defaults to the focused module); default: '__NULL__'

A.26.4. metadata for type

Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type

metadata for type --type

The Java type for which to display metadata; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.26.5. metadata status

Shows metadata statistics

metadata status

This command does not accept any options.

A.26.6. metadata trace

Traces metadata event delivery notifications

metadata trace --level

The verbosity of notifications (0=none, 1=some, 2=all); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.27. Mongo Commands

Mongo Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.layers.repository.mongo.MongoCommands.

A.27.1. entity mongo

Creates a domain entity which can be backed by a MongoDB repository

entity mongo --class

Implementation class for the specified interface; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The ID type to be used for this domain type (defaults to BigInteger); default: '__NULL__'


Create automatic integration tests for this entity; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.27.2. mongo setup

Configures the project for MongoDB peristence.

mongo setup

Username for accessing the database (defaults to ''); default: '__NULL__'


Password for accessing the database (defaults to ''); default: '__NULL__'


Name of the database (defaults to project name); default: '__NULL__'


Port for the database (defaults to '27017'); default: '__NULL__'


Host for the database (defaults to ''); default: '__NULL__'


Deploy to CloudFoundry (defaults to 'false'); default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'

A.27.3. repository mongo

Adds @RooMongoRepository annotation to target type

repository mongo --interface

The java interface to apply this annotation to; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The domain entity this repository should expose; default if option not present: '*'

A.28. Os Commands

Os Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.oscommands.OsCommands.

A.28.1. !

Allows execution of operating system (OS) commands.


The command to execute; default: ''

A.29. Pgp Commands

Pgp Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.felix.pgp.PgpCommands.

A.29.1. pgp automatic trust

Indicates to automatically trust all keys encountered until the command is invoked again

pgp automatic trust

This command does not accept any options.

A.29.2. pgp key view

Downloads a remote key and displays it to the user (does not change any trusts)

pgp key view --keyId

The key ID to view (eg 00B5050F or 0x00B5050F); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.29.3. pgp list trusted keys

Lists the keys you currently trust and have not been revoked at the time last downloaded from a public key server

pgp list trusted keys

This command does not accept any options.

A.29.4. pgp refresh all

Refreshes all keys from public key servers

pgp refresh all

This command does not accept any options.

A.29.5. pgp status

Displays the status of the PGP environment

pgp status

This command does not accept any options.

A.29.6. pgp trust

Grants trust to a particular key ID

pgp trust --keyId

The key ID to trust (eg 00B5050F or 0x00B5050F); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.29.7. pgp untrust

Revokes your trust for a particular key ID

pgp untrust --keyId

The key ID to remove trust from (eg 00B5050F or 0x00B5050F); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.30. Process Manager Commands

Process Manager Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.process.manager.ProcessManagerCommands.

A.30.1. development mode

Switches the system into development mode (greater diagnostic information)

development mode

Activates development mode; default: 'true'

A.30.2. poll now

Perform a manual file system poll

poll now

This command does not accept any options.

A.30.3. poll speed

Changes the file system polling speed

poll speed --ms

The number of milliseconds between each poll; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.30.4. poll status

Display file system polling information

poll status

This command does not accept any options.

A.31. Process Manager Diagnostics Listener

Process Manager Diagnostics Listener are contained in org.springframework.roo.process.manager.internal.ProcessManagerDiagnosticsListener.

A.31.1. process manager debug

Indicates if process manager debugging is desired

process manager debug

Activates debug mode; default: 'true'

A.32. Prop File Commands

Prop File Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.propfiles.PropFileCommands.

A.32.1. properties list

Shows the details of a particular properties file

properties list --name --path

Property file name (including .properties suffix); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Source path to property file; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.32.2. properties remove

Removes a particular properties file property

properties remove --name --path --key

Property file name (including .properties suffix); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Source path to property file; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The property key that should be removed; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.32.3. properties set

Changes a particular properties file property

properties set --name --path --key --value

Property file name (including .properties suffix); default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Source path to property file; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The property key that should be changed; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The new vale for this property key; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.33. Proxy Configuration Commands

Proxy Configuration Commands are contained in

A.33.1. proxy configuration

Shows the proxy server configuration

proxy configuration

This command does not accept any options.

A.34. Repository Jpa Commands

Repository Jpa Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.layers.repository.jpa.RepositoryJpaCommands.

A.34.1. repository jpa

Adds @RooJpaRepository annotation to target type

repository jpa --interface

The java interface to apply this annotation to; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The domain entity this repository should expose; default if option not present: '*'

A.35. Security Commands

Security Commands are contained in

A.35.1. permissionEvaluator

Create a permission evaluator

permissionEvaluator --package

The package to add the permission evaluator to; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.35.2. security setup

Install Spring Security into your project

security setup

This command does not accept any options.

A.36. Selenium Commands

Selenium Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.web.selenium.SeleniumCommands.

A.36.1. selenium test

Creates a new Selenium test for a particular controller

selenium test --controller

Controller to create a Selenium test for; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Name of the test; default: '__NULL__'


URL of the server where the web application is available, including protocol, port and hostname; default: 'http://localhost:8080/'

A.37. Service Commands

Service Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.layers.service.ServiceCommands.

A.37.1. service all

Adds @RooService annotation to all entities

service all --interfacePackage

The java interface package; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The java package of the implementation classes for the interfaces; default: '__NULL__'


When true, Spring Roo will configure services using XML. This is the default behavior for services using GAE; default: '__NULL__'

A.37.2. service secure all

Adds @RooService annotation to all entities with options for authentication, authorization, and a permission evaluator

service secure all --interfacePackage

The java interface package; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The java package of the implementation classes for the interfaces; default: '__NULL__'


Whether or not users must be authenticated to use the service; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


The role authorized the use the methods in the service (additional roles can be added after creation); default: '__NULL__'


Whether or not to use a PermissionEvaluator; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


When true, Spring Roo will configure services using XML.; default: '__NULL__'

A.37.3. service secure type

Adds @RooService annotation to target type with options for authentication, authorization, and a permission evaluator

service secure type --interface

The java interface to apply this annotation to; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Implementation class for the specified interface; default: '__NULL__'


The domain entity this service should expose; default if option not present: '*'


Whether or not users must be authenticated to use the service; default if option present: 'ture'; default if option not present: 'false'


The role authorized the use the methods in the service; default: '__NULL__'


Whether or not to use a PermissionEvaluator; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'


When true, Spring Roo will configure services using XML.; default: '__NULL__'

A.37.4. service type

Adds @RooService annotation to target type

service type --interface

The java interface to apply this annotation to; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


Implementation class for the specified interface; default: '__NULL__'


The domain entity this service should expose; default if option not present: '*'


When true, Spring Roo will configure services using XML.; default: '__NULL__'

A.38. Solr Commands

Solr Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.solr.SolrCommands.

A.38.1. solr add

Make target type searchable

solr add

The type to be made searchable; default if option not present: '*'

A.38.2. solr all

Make all eligible project types searchable

solr all

This command does not accept any options.

A.38.3. solr setup

Install support for Solr search integration

solr setup

The URL of the Solr search server; default: 'http://localhost:8983/solr'

A.39. Tailor Commands

Tailor Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.tailor.TailorCommands.

A.39.1. tailor activate

Activate a tailor configuration.

tailor activate --name

The name of the tailor configuration; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.39.2. tailor deactivate

Deactivate the tailor.

tailor deactivate

This command does not accept any options.

A.39.3. tailor list

List available tailor configurations.

tailor list

This command does not accept any options.

A.40. Uaa Commands

Uaa Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.uaa.UaaCommands.

A.40.1. download accept terms of use

Accepts the Spring User Agent Analysis (UAA) Terms of Use

download accept terms of use

This command does not accept any options.

A.40.2. download privacy level

Changes the Spring User Agent Analysis (UAA) privacy level

download privacy level --privacyLevel

The new UAA privacy level to use; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)

A.40.3. download reject terms of use

Rejects the Spring User Agent Analysis (UAA) Terms of Use

download reject terms of use

This command does not accept any options.

A.40.4. download status

Provides a summary of the Spring User Agent Analysis (UAA) status and commands

download status

This command does not accept any options.

A.40.5. download view

Displays the Spring User Agent Analysis (UAA) header content in plain text

download view

The file to save the UAA JSON content to; default: '__NULL__'

A.41. Web Finder Commands

Web Finder Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.finder.WebFinderCommands.

A.41.1. web mvc finder add

Adds @RooWebFinder annotation to MVC controller type

web mvc finder add --formBackingType

The finder-enabled type; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The controller java type to apply this annotation to; default if option not present: '*'

A.41.2. web mvc finder all

Adds @RooWebFinder annotation to existing MVC controllers

web mvc finder all

This command does not accept any options.

A.42. Web Flow Commands

Web Flow Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.web.flow.WebFlowCommands.

A.42.1. web flow

Install Spring Web Flow configuration artifacts into your project

web flow

The name for your web flow; default: '__NULL__'

A.43. Web Json Commands

Web Json Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.json.WebJsonCommands.

A.43.1. web mvc json add

Adds @RooJson annotation to target type

web mvc json add --jsonObject

The JSON-enabled object which backs this Spring MVC controller.; default: '__NULL__' (mandatory)


The java type to apply this annotation to; default if option not present: '*'

A.43.2. web mvc json all

Adds or creates MVC controllers annotated with @RooWebJson annotation

web mvc json all

The package in which new controllers will be placed; default: '__NULL__'

A.43.3. web mvc json setup

Set up Spring MVC to support JSON

web mvc json setup

This command does not accept any options.