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Getting started
1. Overview
Spring Roo is an easy-to-use development tool for quickly building web applications in the Java programming language, which can be used as an standalone application or as an Eclipse or STS plugin. It allows you to build high-quality, high-performance, lock-in-free enterprise applications in just minutes.
What does it mean "Roo is a development tool"?
Roo isn’t neither a library nor a framework. Roo is not involved with your project when it runs in production. You won’t find any Roo JARs in your runtime classpath. This is actually a wonderful thing. It means you have no lock-in to worry about. It also means there is no technical way possible for Roo to slow your project down at runtime, waste memory or bloat your deployment artefacts with JARs. We’re really proud of the fact that Roo imposes no engineering trade-offs, as it was one of our central design objectives.
Roo is not an IDE plugin. There is no requirement for a "Roo Eclipse plugin" or "Roo IntelliJ plugin". Roo works perfectly fine in its own operating system command window. It sits there and monitors your file system, intelligently and incrementally responding to changes as appropriate. This means you’re perfectly able to use vi or emacs if you’d like (Roo doesn’t mind how your project files get changed).
Roo is not an annotation processing library. This allows Roo to work with a much more sophisticated and extensible internal model.
Best of all, Roo works alongside your existing Java and Spring knowledge, skills and experience. You probably will not need to learn anything new to use Roo, as there is no new language or runtime platform needed. You simply program in your normal Java way and Roo just works, sitting in the background taking care of the things you do not want to worry about.
2. What’s new in Spring Roo 2.0
Improved extensibility
Due to the OSGi container has been upgraded to OSGi R5, now Roo provides a new way to package and distribute a set of addons together: the Roo Addon Suite.
Roo Addon Suite is based on OSGi R5 Subsystems that provides a really convenient deployment model, without compromising the modularity of Roo.
No backward compatibility
Spring Roo 2.0 has important changes to achieve its goals, due to that, it contains API changes and less add-ons than previous version so this release is not backward compatible with 1.x.
It means Spring Roo 2.0 cannot neither update nor modify applications created with Spring Roo 1.x.
Usability improvements
The Spring Roo shell has improved its usability:
More intuitive commands that provides only the necessary parameters.
New commands to configure Spring Roo behavior.
Maven multi-module support has been improved, now the intelligent Ctrl+Space (or TAB) completion will show you the applicable modules.
New push-in commands for quicker and easier code customization.
Centered in Spring technologies
Now Spring Roo is centered in Spring technologies so addons like GWT addon and JSF addon have been moved to their own projects in order to be maintained by Roo community.
Moreover the generated applications are focused on newer Spring technologies like Spring IO platform, Spring Data, etc. Indeed, Spring Roo 2 creates Spring Boot applications.
Therefore, the XML configuration model has been replaced with the Java-based one.
Application architecture
The architecture of the generated applications is based on commonly used patterns, like the Separation of Concerns principle and the Domain Driven Design.
There are hundreds of articles that explain the advantages of these patterns, but we would like to recommend:
Presentation Domain Data Layering, written by Martin Fowler.
Domain-Driven Design and Spring, by Oliver Gierke

The most notable improvements are:
The default multimodule project set up the layers dependencies from top to bottom.
Modularization based on generating both the API and the implementation.
The Active Record data model has been removed in favor of Spring Data Repositories.
Domain model
Improved entity relationship management: now Roo generates the needed logic to maintain the coherence of the relations taking in account the type of the relation, Aggretation or Composition.
Added support and commands to generate DTO classes.
View layer
Scaffold improvements:
Controllers refactored to support entity relationships management.
Master-detail view generation to manage the entity relations.
Several technologies for rendering views are supported. By default Spring Roo supports:
Jackson 2
Features of the Thymeleaf views:
Dojo has been replaced with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and jQuery components.
They Include advanced UI components like Select2 and Datatables. The handler methods for those components (at controller classes) are also generated for easier customization.
The Thymeleaf views include as few Javascript as possible by moving the Javascript code to .js files.
View layer generation engine is based on Freemarker templates. Additionally Roo provides a command to install them in your project letting the ability to customize the view layer scaffold before executing it.
New amazing Spring Roo Responsive Theme!
3. Spring-Roo 2.0.0.RC1 New Features
The most important changes the new version of Spring Roo features regarding Roo 2.0.0.M3 are the following:
Changes in the Roo Shell
New commands which allow:
Creating web flows in the generated applications.
Adding email senders and receivers.
Adding JMS senders and receivers.
Creating Web Services clients (WSDL) and endpoints (SEI).
Improvements on test commands using latest Spring Boot Test features:
Improved data-on-demand generation to use in test commands.
test unit
command which now creates fully functional tests for JPA entities. -
test integration
command which now allows integration test creation for JPA repositories and JSON/Thymeleaf controllers.
Other command improvements:
field …
commands readability, removing unnecessary options and make other dynamically visible. -
push-in --method
command, allowing to distinguish between methods with same name but different arguments. -
Bug fixes.
Changes in generated applications
Generated code:
Improved read-only entities management.
Improved Deserializers generation.
Added default JavaDoc to all generated methods, constructors and fields.
Created DataTables Advanced extension to apply advanced configuration on DataTables elements.
Use Springlets URL generation.
Bug fixes.
View layer:
Added datatables.mark.js to mark the filtered text in DataTables component.
Added concurrency control in view layer.
Improved forms in view layer.
Integrated JasperReports with DataTables to allow exporting data to CSV, PDF and XLS.
Migrated Thymeleaf views to Thymeleaf 3.
Added new entity visualization support using
in some commands. -
Added support for selecting those views of a particular entity which should show details.
Added new visualization system for one-to-one composition related entities.
Added multi-language support for Java enumerated constants.
Added support for multi row selection and batch delete.
Bug fixes.
4. Requirements
To get started, please ensure you have the following system dependencies:
A Linux, Apple or Windows-based operating system (other operating systems may work but are not guaranteed).
A Java JDK 6 or newer installed. Java JDK 7 is recommended.
Apache Maven 3.3 or above installed and in the path.
We always recommend you use the latest version of Java and Maven that are available for your platform.
5. Install Spring Roo
We recommend you use Spring Tool Suite (STS) which includes a number of features that make working with Spring Roo even easier (you can of course use Roo without an IDE at all if you prefer).
To install Spring Roo on your STS 3.8.2+ follow the instructions below:
Java JDK 8 or newer is required.
Download the current release from Spring Roo project page downloads section.
Unzip the distribution, which will unpack to a single installation directory; we will refer to it as
from now on. -
Go to Spring Tool Suite™ Downloads and follow the instructions to download and install the STS.
Sometimes, when use STS/Eclipse in Windows platform, there are difficulties while trying to use the JDK VM specified in the PATH. In that case, the solution is to modify the STS/Eclipse configuration by opening STS.ini/Eclipse.ini and adding the following lines before the
(Don’t put everything in a single line).
Open your STS IDE.
Install the Roo Extension from update site.
Because the release cycle of STS and Roo differ a version of Spring Roo may be in the Nightly or in the Release repository. This is not a problem, the installation process below will guide you which repository you should use depending on a given Roo version.
. -
Click Available Software sites.
Press the Import button.
Find the "$ROO_HOME/conf/sts-sites-bookmarks.xml" file and press OK buttom.
Select the Nightly or Release site depending on the versions table below:
Version STS update site 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
Spring Roo 2.0 (Nightly)
Spring Roo 2.0 (Nightly)
Spring Roo 2.0 (Release)
Type the filter text roo
Select the feature Spring IDE Roo Support.
Press Next
Review the list of software that will be installed. Press Next again.
Review and accept licence agreement and press Finish.
Restart the STS IDE
Configure Spring Roo 2.0.0
. -
In "Roo Support" press Add new installation button.
In "Roo Configure Roo Installation" press Browse button, then select the the directory in which Spring Roo 2.0.0 was unpacked,
. -
Confirm the new Roo installation.
Now Roo is installed in your STS.
Press Roo Shell button to open the Spring Roo Shell.
Using Spring Roo
The goal of this section is to familiarize you with the features of Spring Roo. For this purpose, we will build an application from scratch using Roo and following a domain-driven design philosophy.
In this project we’re going to create the Northwind application in just ten minutes. This application is not a real application, which normally needs additional work, the goal is you understand how to use Spring Roo to create your own projects. To achieve that, we have designed this step-by-step guide to teach you almost all the Roo features.
The Northwind application is used by the employees of a fictitious company called Northwind Traders, which imports and exports goods from around the world.
We chose to build the sample application using Northwind because so many developers are already familiar with the domain of the problem. If you are not familiar with Northwind’s domain, don’t worry. It’s a simple domain model with entites for Customers, Orders, Order Details, Products, etc.
But first, let us to introduce the Roo shell.
6. The Roo shell
The Spring Roo shell is an interactive shell that allows you to type Roo commands to perform code generation tasks.
Moreover by loading the "shell" in a window and leaving it running, as you make changes to your project, Roo intelligently determines what you’re trying to do and takes care of doing it for you automatically. This usually involves automatically detecting file system changes you’ve made and then maintaining files in response.
We say "maintaining files" because Roo is fully round-trip aware. This means you can change any code you like, at any time and without telling Roo about it, yet Roo will intelligently and automatically deal with whatever changes need to be made in response. It might sound magical, but it isn’t. This documentation will clearly explain how Roo works and you’ll find yourself loving the approach - just like so the many other people who are already using Roo.

Here are some of the usability features that make the shell so nice to work with:
Tab completion: The cornerstone of command-line usability is tab assist. Hit Ctrl+Space (or TAB if you’re in a bash-like shell) and Roo will show you the applicable options.
Command hiding: Command hiding will remove commands which do not make sense given the current context of your project. For example, if you’re in an empty directory, you can type
, hit Ctrl+Space, and see the options for creating a project. But once you’ve created the project, theproject
command is no longer visible. The same applies for most Roo commands. This is nice as it means you only see commands which you can actually use right now. Of course, a full list of commands applicable to your version of Roo is available in the command index appendix and also via help. -
Option hiding: Like command hiding, Roo will hide irrelevant command options for the current command context. This is specially useful for commands which have many options, giving the user an inside-command guidance by showing only the most important parameters for each moment of the command writing.
Contextual awareness: Roo remembers the last Java type you are working with in your current shell session and automatically treats it as the argument to a command. You always know what Roo considers the current context because the shell prompt will indicate this just before it writes
. -
Hinting: Not sure what to do next? Just use the hint command. It’s the perfect lightweight substitute for documentation if you’re in a hurry!
Inbuilt help: If you’d like to know all the options available for a given command, use the help command. It lists every option directly within the shell.
Automatic inline help: Of course, it’s a bit of a pain to have to go to the trouble of typing help then hitting enter if you’re in the middle of typing a command. That’s why we offer inline help, which is automatically displayed whenever you press Ctrl+Space (or TAB). It is listed just before the completion options. To save screen space, we only list the inline help once for a given command option. So if you type project
Ctrl+Space (or TAB TAB TAB), you’d see the inline help and the completion options -
Scripting and script recording: Save your Roo commands and play them again later.
You’ll also have other neat Roo-IDE integation features, like the ability to press Ctrl+R (or Apple+R if you’re on an Apple) and a popup will allow you to type a Roo command from anywhere within the IDE. Another nice feature is the shell message hotlinking, which means all shell messages emitted by Roo are actually links that you can click to open the corresponding file in an Eclipse editor.
There are two ways to work with Spring Roo:
Import existing Spring Roo projects. A simple import of the project using Eclipse’s
menu option is sufficient. -
Create new projects, as we will see in the next section.
7. Impatient beginners
Spring Roo includes some examples to see it in action instantly.
If you are in a hurry to have an Spring Boot application up and running right away, execute one of the commands below:
roo> script --file northwind-multimodule.roo
roo> script --file restfulshop.roo
roo> script --file clinic.roo
8. Create your Spring Boot application
Open your STS IDE.
Open the
wizard. -
Fill the project data an press the Next > button. Then press Finish.
Note we selected the Multimodule Standard project type, so Roo created you a Spring Boot & Maven multimodule project following the usual Maven-style directory structure:

For those familiar with Maven you will notice that this folder structure follows standard Maven conventions by creating separate folders for your main project resources and tests.
As you can see, the project extends the Spring IO platform, and it also adds the spring boot starter and the spring boot starter test dependencies.
Also Roo creates the Boot main application class.
Finally, both the parent pom and the modules pom files contain all required module dependencies, 3rd party dependencies and configurations to get started with the Northwind project.
9. Configure the project settings
Project settings allows to set the configuration of some Roo commands. For example, in the entity jpa and field
commands, the table and column names are optional, the project settings
can modify this behaviour and set those parameters as mandatory so you don’t forget to set the names.

Just type the Roo command on the right of the shell prompt, identified as roo>, and Roo will do the hard work.
In this example, disable it so you can go faster:
roo> settings add --name spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name --value false --force
From now on we will ilustrate the examples using commands in text format for easier test, just copying & pasting them in the STS Spring Roo shell. |
10. Setup the persistence engine
Once the project structure is created by Roo you can go ahead and install the data access layer configuration for your application.
Roo leverages the Spring Data JPA which provides a convenient abstraction to achieve object-relational mapping. JPA takes care of mappings between the persistent domain objects (entities) and their underlying database tables and Spring Data reduces the amount of boilerplate code required to implement the data access layer.
Execute the following command to configure the data access layer in the default Spring profile:
roo> jpa setup --provider HIBERNATE --database HYPERSONIC_PERSISTENT
To change that configuration or to create another persistence configuration in a distinct Spring Profile you can use the jpa setup
command as many times as needed. The command below will create another data access layer configuration in the dev
roo> jpa setup --provider HIBERNATE --database H2_IN_MEMORY --profile dev
11. The domain model
This class diagram represents a simplified model of the problem domain for the Northwind company, it is a good starting point for the application in order to deliver a first prototype.
JPA entities
Following the above class diagram, run the next commands to generate the Northwind domain entities:
Move to the module in which the model will be created:
roo> module focus --moduleName model
Create the enums to use in the application:
Period, Status and Trimester enumsroo> enum type --class ~.Period enum constant --name QUARTERLY --class ~.Period enum constant --name ANNUAL --class ~.Period enum type --class ~.Status enum constant --name NEWLY --class ~.Status enum constant --name SEND_BILL --class ~.Status enum constant --name SENT --class ~.Status enum constant --name CLOSED --class ~.Status enum constant --name CANCELED --class ~.Status enum type --class ~.Trimester enum constant --name FIRST_TRIM --class ~.Trimester enum constant --name SECOND_TRIM --class ~.Trimester enum constant --name THIRD_TRIM --class ~.Trimester enum constant --name FOURTH_TRIM --class ~.Trimester
Create the entities:
Domain entitiesroo> entity jpa --class ~.City --readOnly entity jpa --class ~.Country --readOnly entity jpa --class ~.Region --readOnly entity jpa --class ~.Category entity jpa --class ~.OrderDetail entity jpa --class ~.Party entity jpa --class ~.PurchaseOrder entity jpa --class ~.Report entity jpa --class ~.Shipper entity jpa --class ~.SoldProduct entity jpa --class ~.Store entity jpa --class ~.Supplier
Entity inheritanceroo> entity jpa --class ~.Customer --extends ~.Party --force entity jpa --class ~.Employee --extends ~.Party --force
Create the entities with special format when showing them in view layer. The format can be specified by a Spring Expression Language expression and also with a localized message (wich can contain a SpEL too):roo> entity jpa --class ~.Product --entityFormatExpression "#{name} #{code}" entity jpa --class ~.CustomerOrder --entityFormatMessage customerorder_format
Add the attributes to the entites:
Entity attributes and relationshipsroo> focus --class ~.Category field string --fieldName name field string --fieldName description field set --fieldName products --type ~.Product --mappedBy category focus --class ~.City field string --fieldName description field set --fieldName parties --type ~.Party --mappedBy city field set --fieldName customerOrders --type ~.CustomerOrder --mappedBy city field set --fieldName stores --type ~.Store --mappedBy city field set --fieldName suppliers --type ~.Supplier --mappedBy city focus --class ~.Country field string --fieldName description field set --fieldName parties --type ~.Party --mappedBy country field set --fieldName regions --type ~.Region --mappedBy country field set --fieldName customerOrders --type ~.CustomerOrder --mappedBy country field set --fieldName stores --type ~.Store --mappedBy country field set --fieldName suppliers --type ~.Supplier --mappedBy country focus --class ~.Customer field string --fieldName companyName field string --fieldName contactName field string --fieldName contactTitle field string --fieldName fax field string --fieldName email field set --fieldName customerOrders --type ~.CustomerOrder --mappedBy customer focus --class ~.CustomerOrder field date --fieldName orderDate --type java.util.Calendar --column ORDER_DATE --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP field date --fieldName requiredDate --type java.util.Calendar --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP field date --fieldName shippedDate --type java.util.Calendar --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP field number --fieldName freight --type java.math.BigDecimal field string --fieldName shipName field string --fieldName shipAddress field string --fieldName shipPostalCode field enum --fieldName status --type ~.Status --enumType STRING field string --fieldName shipPhone field date --fieldName invoiceDate --type java.util.Calendar --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP field date --fieldName closeDate --type java.util.Calendar --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP field set --fieldName orderDetails --type ~.OrderDetail --mappedBy customerOrder focus --class ~.Employee field string --fieldName firstName field string --fieldName lastName field string --fieldName title field date --fieldName birthDate --type java.util.Calendar --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP field date --fieldName hireDate --type java.util.Calendar --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP field string --fieldName extension field string --fieldName photo field string --fieldName notes field set --fieldName purchaseOrders --type ~.PurchaseOrder --mappedBy employee field set --fieldName customerOrders --type ~.CustomerOrder --mappedBy employee focus --class ~.OrderDetail field number --fieldName unitPrice --type java.math.BigDecimal field number --fieldName quantity --type java.lang.Integer field number --fieldName discount --type java.math.BigDecimal focus --class ~.Party field string --fieldName address field string --fieldName postalCode field string --fieldName phone focus --class ~.Product field string --fieldName name field string --fieldName code field string --fieldName quantityPerUnit field number --fieldName unitCost --type java.math.BigDecimal field number --fieldName unitPrice --type java.math.BigDecimal field number --fieldName unitsInStock --type java.lang.Integer field number --fieldName reorderLevel --type java.lang.Integer field other --fieldName discontinued --type java.lang.Boolean field set --fieldName purchaseOrders --type ~.PurchaseOrder --mappedBy product field set --fieldName orderDetails --type ~.OrderDetail --mappedBy product focus --class ~.PurchaseOrder field number --fieldName unitCost --type java.math.BigDecimal field number --fieldName quantity --type java.lang.Integer field date --fieldName orderDate --type java.util.Calendar --persistenceType JPA_TIMESTAMP focus --class ~.Region field string --fieldName description field set --fieldName cities --type ~.City --mappedBy region field set --fieldName parties --type ~.Party --mappedBy region field set --fieldName customerOrders --type ~.CustomerOrder --mappedBy region field set --fieldName stores --type ~.Store --mappedBy region field set --fieldName suppliers --type ~.Supplier --mappedBy region focus --class ~.Report field string --fieldName type focus --class ~.Shipper field string --fieldName companyName field string --fieldName phone field set --fieldName customerOrders --type ~.CustomerOrder --mappedBy shipper focus --class ~.Store field string --fieldName name field string --fieldName address field string --fieldName postalCode field string --fieldName phone focus --class ~.Supplier field string --fieldName companyName field string --fieldName contactName field string --fieldName contactTitle field string --fieldName address field string --fieldName postalCode field string --fieldName phone field string --fieldName fax field string --fieldName web field set --fieldName products --type ~.Product --mappedBy supplier field set --fieldName stores --type ~.Store --cardinality MANY_TO_MANY
roo> dto --class ~.ShipperPhoneFormBean
field string --fieldName phone
dto --class ~.CustomerOrderFormBean --serializable
field number --fieldName orderId --type java.lang.Long
field number --fieldName employeeId --type java.lang.Long
field number --fieldName customerId --type java.lang.Long
field date --fieldName orderDate --type java.util.Calendar
field string --fieldName employeeName
field string --fieldName customerCompanyName
field other --fieldName status --type ~.Status
field date --fieldName shippedDate --type java.util.Calendar
field number --fieldName freight --type java.math.BigDecimal
12. The data access layer
Spring Data repositories
It is possible to specify an entity projection as a default return type for repository queries:
Create the entity projection:
roo> entity projection --class model:~.CustomerInfo --entity model:~.Customer --fields id,companyName,email,fax --entityFormatExpression #{companyName}
Create the repository for the entity, which will use the projection as default return type of queries:
roo> repository jpa --entity model:~.Customer --interface repository:~.CustomerRepository --defaultReturnType model:~.CustomerInfo
Create repositories for all the remaining entities:
roo> repository jpa --all
Default queries
roo> finder add --entity model:~.Shipper --name findByCompanyName
finder add --entity model:~.Region --name findByCountryIdOrderByDescriptionAsc
finder add --entity model:~.City --name findByRegionIdOrderByDescriptionAsc
finder add --entity model:~.Product --name findByDiscontinuedOrderByNameAsc
finder add --entity model:~.Shipper --name findByPhone --formBean model:~.ShipperPhoneFormBean
Since Spring Roo 2.0, the multimodule support lets to prefix the module name to the entity path to select the Maven module in which the new entity will be created. Spring Roo will propose the available module names when hit Ctrl+Space (or TAB if you’re in a bash-like shell).
14. The view layer
The Spring Roo Web MVC scaffolding can deliver a fully functional web frontend and REST API to your domain business logic. The scaffolding support allows you to scaffold Spring MVC controllers, Thymeleaf views and REST API for an existing domain model.
First of all, you must add the web support to the application. All needed updates in the project will be performed by Roo.
roo> web mvc setup
Remember that now, Roo generates applications centered in Spring technologies, you will notice that the generated artifacts configure Spring MVC in your application.
In Spring Roo 2 the view layer generation system has been refactored to support several technologies for rendering views. Spring Roo 2 supports Thymeleaf and Jackson.
Thymeleaf view engine
The web mvc view setup
allows you to install and configure the artifacts that will let to scaffold a Thymeleaf based view layer.
roo> web mvc view setup --type THYMELEAF
Optionally, you can tell Roo to copy the templates it uses to generate the view templates to the application’s .roo/templates/thymeleaf/ directory, allowing the developers to customize them for code generation:
roo> web mvc templates setup --type THYMELEAF
Spring Roo uses Freemarker templates for generating the Thymeleaf view templates, you will notice that the .roo/templates/thymeleaf/ contains the .ftl files.
Spring MVC Controllers
The controller command will scaffold the given domain entity and it will create both the Spring MVC controllers and the templates to generate the view response .
roo> web mvc controller --entity model:~.Category --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Country --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.CustomerOrder --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Customer --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Employee --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Product --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Shipper --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.SoldProduct --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Store --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Supplier --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.City --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.Region --responseType THYMELEAF
web mvc controller --entity model:~.PurchaseOrder --responseType THYMELEAF
As you can see, since Spring Roo 2.0 the web mvc controller
has the parameter --responseType
that lets to indicate the rendering view technology to scaffold. You can chose one of the two available rendering view technologies:
JSON (default), generate JSON messages using Jackson 2.
THYMELEAF, generate HTML5 pages using Thymeleaf template engine.
Entity relationship management
You can generate master-detail views to manage the entity relations as follows:
roo> web mvc detail --entity model:~.Category --field products --responseType THYMELEAF --views list,show
web mvc detail --entity model:~.Product --field purchaseOrders --responseType THYMELEAF --views list,show
web mvc detail --entity model:~.Country --responseType THYMELEAF --field regions --views list,show
web mvc detail --entity model:~.Region --responseType THYMELEAF --field cities --views list,show
15. The integration layer
Today, applications must necessarily connect to many types of external systems. Spring Roo generate the connectors to send data and the endpoints to receive information to and from those systems in the outside.
Spring Roo can create a full REST API to manage the entities. You only have to execute the command below and Roo will generate one Spring MVC REST controller for each entity.
roo> web mvc controller --all --pathPrefix /api
Roo has generated the controllers with handler methods to create, update, delete single entities and collection of entities. In addition, the controllers will have methods to find data following the REST principles.
Spring Roo generate SOAP Services easily, available under /services
roo> ws endpoint --service service-api:~.CategoryService --sei application:~.ws.api.CategoryWebService --class application:~.ws.endpoint.CategoryWebServiceEndpoint --config application:~.config.WsEndpointsConfiguration
roo> email sender setup --service service-impl:~.CustomerServiceImpl --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host HOST --port 1000 --protocol PROTOCOL --starttls true
roo> email receiver setup --service service-impl:~.EmployeeServiceImpl --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host HOST --port 1000 --protocol PROTOCOL --starttls true
16. The security layer
Create and configure the Spring Security artifacts that will protect your application.
roo> security setup --provider SPRINGLETS_JPA
As you can see, since Spring Roo 2.0 the security setup
has the parameter --provider
that will let to indicate which security provider will create the security artifacts.
A security provider is simply a configurer that will create and configure the security artifacts in its way.
Currently you can chose one of the two available providers:
DEFAULT, configures the Spring Boot security defaults.
SPRINGLETS_JPA, sets the Spring Boot defaults plus the Springlets JPA authentication provider.
Now, grant the permissions that restricts executing the domain logic, for example, only the users with roles ADMIN
are granted to delete customers.
roo> security authorize --class service-api:~.CustomerService --method delete --roles ADMIN,EMPLOYEE
17. The infraestructure layer
By infraestructure layer we means the layer that contains those project artifacts that aren’t related directly with the problem domain, like tests, logging, etc.
roo> test unit --class model:~.CustomerOrder
test unit --class model:~.Category
test unit --class model:~.Product
test integration --class repository:~.CategoryRepository
test integration --class repository:~.CityRepository
test integration --class repository:~.CountryRepository
test integration --class repository:~.CustomerOrderRepository
test integration --class repository:~.CustomerRepository
test integration --class repository:~.EmployeeRepository
test integration --class repository:~.OrderDetailRepository
test integration --class repository:~.PartyRepository
test integration --class repository:~.ProductRepository
test integration --class repository:~.PurchaseOrderRepository
test integration --class repository:~.RegionRepository
test integration --class repository:~.ReportRepository
test integration --class repository:~.ShipperRepository
test integration --class repository:~.SoldProductRepository
test integration --class repository:~.StoreRepository
test integration --class repository:~.SupplierRepository
test integration --class application:~.web.CustomerOrdersCollectionThymeleafController
test integration --class application:~.web.CountriesItemRegionsThymeleafController
test integration --class application:~.web.CategoriesItemThymeleafController
test integration --class application:~.web.PurchaseOrdersItemJsonController
test integration --class application:~.web.OrderDetailsCollectionJsonController
18. Customize the code
You can easily modify the Roo-generated code by using the Eclipse/STS AJDT Refactoring Push-in feature.
The AJDT refactoring moves intertype declarations (methods, fields, etc) into their target types. From then, the method, field, etc. will be in the Java source file. Roo detects that change in the project and the declaration in the Java file will take priority over code generation so Roo won’t re-generate it whereas the declaration is in the Java file.
To push-in the Roo-generated code:
Edit Java source file.
Open the Cross References view.
If the Cross References view is empty you must re-build the project by executing It occurs when the crosscutting information is missing, so you must re-build the project in order to re-generate the crosscutting information shown in the Cross References view. -
Double click on the aspect declaration. The the ITD file is opened in the AspectJ/Java editor.
Right click ont he aspect declaration, then run
. -
Finally re-build the project by executing
At this point, the developer can modify the Java source file, Roo will not overwrite or modify any Java source file.
A quicker way to take the control of the generated code is using the push-in
command. This command moves in batch, intertype declarations into the target type. For example you can move the classes in one package from the .aj file to the .java file executing one command only:
roo> push-in --package model:org.northwind.model
In summary, you can easily modify the Roo-generated code by using the Eclipse/STS AJDT Push-in feature or by using the push-in
Project without .aj files
A simple way of stopping to use Roo is to simply never load it again. The Roo.aj files will still be on disk and your project will continue to work regardless of whether the Roo shell is never launched again. You can even uninstall the Roo system from your computer and your project will still work. The advantage of working in this way is that you have not lost the benefits of using Roo, and it is very easy to use Roo shell again in the future. Spring Roo needs that .aj files to maintain the generated code automatically. Is not possible to know which code has been generated by Spring Roo shell and which code has been modified by developers without the .aj files. Anyway, if you don’t want to have .aj files in your generated project, you could use the following command to make push-in of all the generated code:
19. Javadoc in AsciiDoc
Spring Roo generated projects automatically include the "maven-javadoc-plugin" to generate project documentation following AsciiDoc syntax. This configuration it’s done by using "Asciidoclet".
To generate the project’s documentation you can follow the following steps:
Go to the STS "Package Explorer".
Right click in the project and go to
In the window that will open, double click in Maven Build item from submenu.
In the configuration window, specify javadoc:aggregate as Maven goal.
Set the project’s root directory as "Base directory". You can easily do it by clicking Workspace… and selecting the root module of your project.
Apply configuration and close the window, or execute it directly with Run.
The generated JavaDoc will be in "[ROOT-PROJECT]/target/site/apidocs/".
20. Running the application
You can deploy your project using "Boot Dashboard":
Go to the "Boot Dashboard" view.
Select the right module of your project, one of the modules that contain a class annotated with
. Then press Start button -
The application should be available under the following URL http://localhost:8080/Northwind
Appendix A: Command index for application development
Commands are listed in alphabetic order, and are shown in monospaced font. with all the options you can specify when using the command. Most commands accept a large number of options, and all of the possible options for each command are presented in this appendix.
The Roo command syntax is presented with some marks to easily distingish the different parameters of the commands depending their behaviour in the shell:
. This kind of parameter must always be provided when executing the command. -
Dynamic mandatory:
. Depending on the project’s context or the already provided parameters, this kind of parameter may be mandatory. -
. This kind of parameter is optional when executing the command. -
Dynamic optional:
. This kind of parameter is optional, but it can only be used when an particular condition is fulfilled. -
Mutual excluding:
--parameter … | --parameter …
. Both groups of parameters in the two sides of the|
are mutually selective. If one of them is specified, the other won’t be available.
Allows execution of operating system (OS) commands. Ex.: !os mkdir test_dir
roo> !os [--command]
- --command
The OS command to execute.
Default: ''
Backups your project to a zip file located in root directory.
roo> backup
This command does not accept any options.
cache setup
Installs support for using intermediate memory in generated project by using Spring Cache abstraction. Users can specify different providers to use for managing it.
roo> cache setup [--provider --profile]
- --provider
Parameter that indicates the provider to use for managing intermediate memory. Possible values are:
. - --profile
Parameter that indicates the name of the profile that will be applied.
Creates a new Java class source file in any project path.
roo> class {--class} [--abstract --extends --implements --path --permitReservedWords --rooAnnotations --force]
- --class
The name of the class to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyClass
. You can specify module as well, if necessary. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the class will be created in the module which has the focus.
- --abstract
Whether the generated class should be marked as abstract.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --extends
The superclass fully qualified name.
Default if option not present:
. - --implements
The interface to implement.
- --path
Source directory to create the class in.
Default: [FOCUSED-MODULE]/src/main/java
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --rooAnnotations
Whether the generated class should have common Roo annotations (
).Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
Creates a class constructor.
roo> constructor [--class --fields]
- --class
The name of the class to receive this constructor. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyEntity
. You can specify module as well, if necessary. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module that has set the focus.Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo shell.
- --fields
The fields to include in the constructor. Multiple field names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces.
Creates a new DTO (Data Transfer Object) class in the directory src/main/java of the selected project module (if any) with @RooDTO
roo> dto {--class} [--entityFormatExpression --entityFormatMessage --immutable --serializable --utilityMethods --force]
- --class
The name of the DTO class to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyDto
. You can specify module as well, if needed. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyDto
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the class will be created in the module which has the focus.
- --entityFormatExpression
The SpEL expression used to format the entity when showing it in presentation layer e.g.
{#fieldA} {#fieldB}
. It adds thevalue
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation. - --entityFormatMessage
The message key used to obtain a localized SpEL expression to format the entity when showing it in presentation layer. It adds the
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation and creates a message in all message bundles with the provided key. Message value should be modified by developer. This kind of format has more priority that 'expression' format added with--entityFormatExpression
. - --immutable
Whether the DTO should be inmutable.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --serializable
Whether the DTO should implement
.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --utilityMethods
Whether the DTO should implement
methods.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
email receiver setup
Installs a Spring JavaMailReceiver in your project.
roo> email receiver setup (--module) [--jndiName | --host --port --protocol --username --password --starttls] [--profile --service]
- --module
The application module where to install the mail configuration.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an 'application' module and there are more than one 'application' modules, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --host
The host server.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --jndiName
The jndi name where the mail configuration has been defined.
This option is not available if any of
has been specified before. - --password
The mail account password.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --port
The port used by mail server.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --profile
The profile where the properties will be set.
- --protocol
The protocol used by mail server.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --service
The service where include an instance of MailReceiverService, which is a service that have methods to receive emails.
- --starttls
If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --username
The mail account username.
This option is not available if
has already been specified.
email sender setup
Installs a Spring JavaMailSender in your project.
roo> email sender setup (--module) [--jndiName | --host --port --protocol --username --password --starttls] [--profile --service]
- --module
The application module where to install the mail configuration.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an 'application' module and there are more than one 'application' modules, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --host
The host server.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --jndiName
The jndi name where the mail configuration has been defined.
This option is not available if any of
has been specified before. - --password
The mail account password.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --port
The port used by mail server.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --profile
The profile where the properties will be set.
- --protocol
The protocol used by mail server.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --service
The service where include an instance of JavaMailSender, which is a service that have methods to receive emails.
- --starttls
If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command.
This option is not available if
has already been specified. - --username
The mail account username.
This option is not available if
has already been specified.
Creates a new Java class source file with the JPA @Embeddable
annotation in the directory src/main/java of the selected project module (if any).
roo> embeddable {--class} [--permitReservedWords --serializable]
- --class
The name of the embeddable class to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyEmbeddableClass
. You can specify module as well, if necessary. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEmbeddableClass
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the class will be created in the module which has the focus.
- --serializable
Whether the generated class should implement
.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
entity jpa
Creates a new JPA persistent entity in the directory src/main/java of the selected project module (if any) with @RooEntity
roo> entity jpa {--class} (--identifierColumn --identifierStrategy --table --sequenceName --versionField --versionColumn --versionType) [--entityFormatExpression --entityFormatMessage --abstract --catalog --entityName --extends --identifierField --identifierType --implements --inheritanceType --mappedSuperclass --permitReservedWords --plural --readOnly --schema --serializable --force]
- --class
The name of the entity to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyEntity
. You can specify module as well, if necessary. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the entity will be created in the module which has the focus.
All the following parameters are mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’s value istrue
.- --identifierColumn
The JPA identifier field column to use for this entity.
- --identifierStrategy
The generation value strategy to be used.
Default if option present:
. - --table
The JPA table name to use for this entity.
- --sequenceName
The name of the sequence for incrementing sequence-driven primary keys.
- --versionField
The JPA version field name to use for this entity.
- --versionColumn
The JPA version field column to use for this entity.
This option is available only when
has been specified. - --versionType
The data type that will be used for the JPA version field.
This option is available only when
has been specified.
- --entityFormatExpression
The SpEL expression used to format the entity when showing it in presentation layer e.g.
{#fieldA} {#fieldB}
. It adds thevalue
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation. - --entityFormatMessage
The message key used to obtain a localized SpEL expression to format the entity when showing it in presentation layer. It adds the
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation and creates a message in all message bundles with the provided key. Message value should be modified by developer. This kind of format has more priority that 'expression' format added with--entityFormatExpression
. - --extends
The fully qualified name of the superclass.
Default if option not present:
. - --implements
The fully qualified name of the interface to implement.
- --abstract
Whether the generated class should be marked as abstract.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --schema
The JPA table schema name to use for this entity.
- --catalog
The JPA table catalog name to use for this entity.
- --identifierField
The JPA identifier field name to use for this entity.
- --identifierType
The data type that will be used for the JPA identifier field.
. - --inheritanceType
The JPA @Inheritance value (apply to base class).
- --mappedSuperclass
Apply @MappedSuperclass for this entity.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --serializable
Whether the generated class should implement
.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --entityName
The name used to refer to the entity in queries.
- --readOnly
Whether the generated entity should be used for read operations only.
Default if option present:
; default if option not presentfalse
. - --plural
Specify the plural of this new entity. If not provided, a calculated plural will be used by default.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
entity projection
Creates new projection classes from entities in the directory src/main/java of the selected project module (if any) annotated with @RooEntityProjection
. Transient, static and entity collection fields are not valid for projections.
roo> entity projection (--all [--suffix] | --class --entity --fields [--entityFormatExpression --entityFormatMessage]) [--force]
- --all
Create one projection class for each entity in the project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--class
will cause the parameter--all
won’t be available. - --class
The name of the projection class to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyProjection
. You can specify module as well, if necessary. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyProjection
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the projection will be created in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--all
will cause the parameter--class
won’t be available. - --entity
Name of the entity which can be used to create the Projection from.
This option is mandatory if
is specified. Otherwise, not specifying--class
will cause the parameter--entity
won’t be available. - --fields
Comma separated list of entity fields to be included into the Projection.
Possible values are: non-static, nor transient, nor entity collection fields from main entity or its related entities (only for one-to-one or many-to-one relations).
This option is mandatory if
is specified. Otherwise, not specifying--class
will cause the parameter--fields
won’t be available.
- --entityFormatExpression
The SpEL expression used to format the entity when showing it in presentation layer e.g. {#fieldA} {#fieldB}. It adds the
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation.This option is available only if
has been specified. - --entityFormatMessage
The message key used to obtain a localized SpEL expression to format the entity when showing it in presentation layer. It adds the
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation and creates a message in all message bundles with the provided key. Message value should be modified by developer. This kind of format has more priority that 'expression' format added with--entityFormatExpression
.This option is available only if
has been specified. - --suffix
Suffix added to each Projection class name, built from each associated entity name.
This option is only available if
has been already specified.Default if option not present: 'Projection'.
- --force
Force command execution Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
enum constant
Inserts a new enum constant into an enum class.
roo> enum constant {--name} [--class --permitReservedWords]
- --name
The name of the constant. It will converted to upper case automatically.
- --class
The name of the enum class to receive this constant. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the new constant will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEnumClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEnumClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo shell.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
enum type
Creates a new Java enum source file in any project path
roo> enum type {--class} [--path --permitReservedWords --force]
- --class
The name of the enum class to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyEnumClass
. You can specify module as well, if necessary. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEnumClass
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the projection will be created in the module which has the focus.
- --path
Source directory where create the enum.
Default: [FOCUSED-MODULE]/src/main/java
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
Adds equals()
and hashCode()
methods to a class.
roo> equals [--class --appendSuper --excludeFields]
- --class
The name of the class to generate
methods. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the methods will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo shell.
- --appendSuper
Whether to call the super class
methods. This param has no effect when used against JPA entities.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --excludeFields
The fields to exclude in the
methods. Multiple field names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces.
Waits until all metadata and files are refreshed and updated, then exits the shell. You can also use quit
roo> exit
This command does not accept any options.
field boolean
Adds a private boolean field to an existing Java source file.
roo> field boolean {--fieldName} (--class --column [--transient]) [--assertFalse | --assertTrue] [--notNull --value --comment --primitive --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo shell.
- --column
The JPA @Column name.
This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --transient
Indicates to mark the field as transient, adding JPA
annotation. This marks the field as not persistent.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:`true`. Default if option not present:
- --assertFalse
Whether the value of this field must be false. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --assertTrue
Whether the value of this field must be true. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --value
Inserts an optional Spring
annotation with the given content, typically used for expression-driven dependency injection. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --primitive
Indicates to use the primitive type.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field date
Adds a private date field to an existing Java source file.
roo> field date {--fieldName --type} (--class --column [--persistenceType --transient]) [--notNull | --nullRequired] [--future | --past] [--dateTimeFormatPattern | --dateFormat --timeFormat] [--comment --value --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --type
The Java date type of the field. Its value can be
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo shell.
- --column
The JPA @Column name.
This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --persistenceType
The type of persistent storage to be used. It adds a
to ajavax.persistence.Temporal
annotation into the field.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option not present:
- --transient
Indicates to mark the field as transient, adding JPA
annotation. This marks the field as not persistent.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:`true`. Default if option not present:
- --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --future
Whether this value must be in the future. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
option has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --past
Whether this value must be in the past. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
option has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --dateFormat
Indicates the style of the date format, adding
attribute toorg.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat
annotation into the field, with date style (first character of the code).Possible values are:
(style='--') andSHORT
(style='S-').This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default:
. - --timeFormat
Indicates the style of the time format, adding
attribute toorg.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat
annotation into the field, with time style (second character of the code).Possible values are:
(style='--') andSHORT
(style='-S').This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default:
. - --dateTimeFormatPattern
Indicates a 'custom' DateTime format pattern such as yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss, adding
attribute toorg.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat
annotation into the field, with the provided value.This option is not available if
have already been specified. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --value
Inserts an optional Spring
annotation with the given content, typically used for expression-driven dependency injection. - --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field embedded
Adds a private @Embedded field to an existing Java source file. This command is only available for entities annotated with @RooJpaEntity
. Therefore, you should focus the desired entity in the Roo Shell to make this command available.
roo> field embedded {--fieldName --type} (--class) [--permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --type
The Java type of an embeddable class, annotated with
.Possible values are: any class in the project annotated with
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field enum
Adds a private enum field to an existing Java source file. The field type must be a Java enum type.
roo> field enum {--fieldName --type} (--class --column [--transient --enumType]) [--notNull | --nullRequired] [--comment --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --type
The Java type of the field. It must be a Java enum type.
Possible values are: any enumerated class in the user’s project.
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --column
name.This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --transient
Indicates to mark the field as transient, adding JPA
annotation. This marks the field as not persistent.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:`true`; default if option not present:
. - --enumType
Defines how the enumerated field should be persisted at a JPA level. Adds the
annotation to the field, withjavax.persistence.EnumType
attribute.Possible values are:
(persists as an integer) andSTRING
(persists as a String). If this option is not specified, theEnumerated
annotation will be added without theEnumType
attribute, using its default value (ORDINAL
).This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field file
Adds a byte array field for storing uploaded file contents.
roo> field file {--fieldName --contentType} (--class --column) [--autoUpload --notNull --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the file upload field to add.
- --contentType
The content type of the file.
Possible values are:
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --column
name.This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --autoUpload
Whether the file is uploaded automatically when selected.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field list
Adds a private List
field to an existing Java source file, representing (always) a bidirectional relation with other entity. Therefore, this command will also add a field on the other side of the relation (the owner side, with mappedBy
attribute), which will be a List
field for 'many-to-many' relations, or a not Collection
field for a 'one-to-many' relation. All added fields will have the needed JPA annotations to properly manage bidirectional relations.
This command is only available for entities annotated with @RooJpaEntity
(Roo JPA entities). Therefore, you should focus the desired entity in the Roo Shell to make this command available.
roo> field list {--fieldName --type} (--class) (--joinColumnName --referencedColumnName | --joinTable --joinColumns --referencedColumns --inverseJoinColumns --inverseReferencedColumns) [--notNull | --nullRequired] [--mappedBy --cardinality --fetch --aggregation --comment --entityFormatExpression --entityFormatMessage --orphanRemoval --sizeMin --sizeMax --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --type
The entity related to this one, which will be contained within the
.Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --joinColumnName
attribute. When this option is set, cardinality will be set asONE_TO_MANY
.This option is mandatory for 'ONE_TO_MANY' relationships without join table, if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
. - --referencedColumnName
attribute.This option is only available when
option is set. - --joinTable
Join table name. Most usually used in
relations.This option is mandatory for this command if
is set toMANY_TO_MANY
configuration setting exists and it’strue
. - --joinColumns
Comma separated list of join table’s foreign key columns which references the table of the related entity (the owner entity in bidirectional relations).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set. - --referencedColumns
Comma separated list of foreign key referenced columns in the primary table of the related entity (the owner entity in bidirectional relations).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set. - --inverseJoinColumns
Comma separated list of join table’s foreign key columns which references the table of the entity that does not own the relation (current entity).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set. - --inverseReferencedColumns
Comma separated list of foreign key referenced columns in the primary table of the entity that does not own the relation (current entity).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set.
- --mappedBy
The field name on the referenced type which owns the relationship, which will be also created due to bidirectional relation. If the field already exists in the related entity, command won’t be executed.
Default if not present: current entity name in lower camel case.
- --cardinality
The relationship cardinality at a JPA level.
. - --fetch
The fetch semantics at a JPA level. It adds the provided value to
attribute of JPA@OneToMany
.Possible values are
.Default if option not present:
. - --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --aggregation
Whether the relationship type is 'aggregation' or 'composition'. An aggregation relation means that children entities aren’t dependent from parent entity (current entity) and they can exist without parent entity. In the other hand, in a composition relation the parent entity of the relationship also owns the life cycle of related entities. The parent entity is responsible for the creation and destruction of children entities, these being linked to a single parent entity. A child entity cannot be in two different composition relationships.
. - --entityFormatExpression
The SpEL expression used to format the related entity when showing it in presentation layer e.g.
{#fieldA} {#fieldB}
. It adds thevalue
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation. - --entityFormatMessage
The message key used to obtain a localized SpEL expression to format the related entity when showing it in presentation layer. It adds the
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation and creates a message in all message bundles with the provided key. Message value should be modified by developer. - --orphanRemoval
Indicates whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities. If this relation represents a 'composition' relation and this option is not present,
value will betrue
.Default if option present:
. - --sizeMin
The minimum number of elements in the collection. This option adds or updates
with the provided value asmin
attribute value. - --sizeMax
The maximum number of elements in the collection. This option adds or updates
with the provided value asmax
attribute value. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field number
Adds a private numeric field to an existing Java source file. User can choose the field type between a wide range of numeric types.
roo> field number {--fieldName --type} (--class --column [--unique --transient]) [--nullRequired | --notNull --primitive] [--decimalMin --decimalMax --digitsInteger --digitsFraction --min --max --comment --value --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --type
The Java type of the field. Only numeric types allowed.
Possible values are:
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --column
name.This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --unique
Indicates whether to mark the field with a unique constraint.
This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --transient
Indicates to mark the field as transient, adding JPA
annotation. This marks the field as not persistent.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:`true`. Default if option not present:
- --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
option have already been specified with valuetrue
or without value.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --decimalMin
The BigDecimal string-based representation of the minimum value. It adds to the field
annotation with provided value. - --decimalMax
The BigDecimal string based representation of the maximum value. It adds to the field
annotation with provided value. - --digitsInteger
Maximum number of integral digits accepted for this number. It creates or updates field
annotation, addinginteger
attribute with the provided value. - --digitsFraction
Maximum number of fractional digits accepted for this number. It creates or updates field
annotation, addingfraction
attribute with the provided value. - --min
The minimum value of the numeric field. It adds
with provided value to the field. - --max
The maximum value of the numeric field. It adds
with provided value to the field. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --value
Inserts an optional Spring
annotation with the given content, typically used for expression-driven dependency injection. - --primitive
Indicates to use a primitive type if possible.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field other
Inserts a private field into the specified file. User can choose a custom type for the field by specifying its fully qualified name.
roo> field other {--fieldName --type} (--class --column [--transient]) [--notNull | --nullRequired] [--comment --value --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field.
- --type
The Java type of this field.
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --column
name.This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --transient
Indicates to mark the field as transient, adding JPA
annotation. This marks the field as not persistent.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:`true`. Default if option not present:
- --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --value
Inserts an optional Spring
annotation with the given content, typically used for expression-driven dependency injection. - --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field reference
Adds a private reference field, representing (always) a bidirectional 'one-to-one' relation, to an existing Java source file. Therefore, this command will add as well a 'one-to-one' field on the other side of the relation.
This command is only available for entities annotated with @RooJpaEntity
, so you should focus the desired entity in the Roo Shell to make this command available.
roo> field reference {--fieldName --type} (--class --joinColumnName --referencedColumnName [--fetch --mappedBy]) [--notNull | --nullRequired] [--aggregation --entityFormatExpression --entityFormatMessage --orphanRemoval --comment --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --type
The Java type of the entity to reference.
Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --joinColumnName
attribute.This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities.
- --referencedColumnName
attribute.This option is only available for JPA entities.
- --fetch
The fetch semantics at a JPA level. It adds the provided value to
attribute of JPA@OneToOne
. If this option is not provided, default fetch type will beLAZY
.Possible values are
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --mappedBy
The field name on the referenced type which owns the relationship, which will be also created due to bidirectional relation. If not specified, it will take the lower camel case of the current entity (focused entity or specified in
option). If the field already exists in the related entity, command won’t be executed.This option is only available for JPA entities.
Default if not present: current entity name in lower camel case.
- --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --aggregation
Whether the relationship type is 'aggregation' or 'composition'. An aggregation relation means that children entities aren’t dependent from parent entity (current entity) and they can exist without parent entity. In the other hand, in a composition relation the parent entity of the relationship also owns the life cycle of related entities. The parent entity is responsible for the creation and destruction of children entities, these being linked to a single parent entity. A child entity cannot be in two different composition relationships.
. - --entityFormatExpression
The SpEL expression used to format the related entity when showing it in presentation layer e.g.
{#fieldA} {#fieldB}
. It adds thevalue
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation. - --entityFormatMessage
The message key used to obtain a localized SpEL expression to format the related entity when showing it in presentation layer. It adds the
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation and creates a message in all message bundles with the provided key. Message value should be modified by developer. - --orphanRemoval
Indicates whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities. If this relation represents a 'composition' relation and this option is not present,
value will betrue
.Default if option present:
. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field set
Adds a private Set
field to an existing Java source file, representing (always) a bidirectional relation with other entity. Therefore, this command will also add a field on the other side of the relation (the owner side, with mappedBy
attribute), which will be a Set
field for 'many-to-many' relations, or a not Collection
field for a 'one-to-many' relation. All added fields will have the needed JPA annotations to properly manage bidirectional relations.
This command is only available for entities annotated with @RooJpaEntity
(Roo JPA entities). Therefore, you should focus the desired entity in the Roo Shell to make this command available.
roo> field set {--fieldName --type} (--class) (--joinColumnName --referencedColumnName | --joinTable --joinColumns --referencedColumns --inverseJoinColumns --inverseReferencedColumns) [--notNull | --nullRequired] [--mappedBy --cardinality --fetch --aggregation --comment --entityFormatExpression --entityFormatMessage --orphanRemoval --sizeMin --sizeMax --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --type
The entity related to this one, which will be contained within the
.Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --joinColumnName
attribute. When this option is set, cardinality will be set asONE_TO_MANY
.This option is mandatory for 'ONE_TO_MANY' relationships without join table, if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
. - --referencedColumnName
attribute.This option is only available when
option is set. - --joinTable
Join table name. Most usually used in
relations.This option is mandatory for this command if
is set toMANY_TO_MANY
configuration setting exists and it’strue
. - --joinColumns
Comma separated list of join table’s foreign key columns which references the table of the related entity (the owner entity in bidirectional relations).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set. - --referencedColumns
Comma separated list of foreign key referenced columns in the primary table of the related entity (the owner entity in bidirectional relations).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set. - --inverseJoinColumns
Comma separated list of join table’s foreign key columns which references the table of the entity that does not own the relation (current entity).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set. - --inverseReferencedColumns
Comma separated list of foreign key referenced columns in the primary table of the entity that does not own the relation (current entity).
This option is mandatory if
option has been specified and ifspring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available when
option is set.
- --mappedBy
The field name on the referenced type which owns the relationship, which will be also created due to bidirectional relation. If the field already exists in the related entity, command won’t be executed.
Default if not present: current entity name in lower camel case.
- --cardinality
The relationship cardinality at a JPA level.
. - --fetch
The fetch semantics at a JPA level. It adds the provided value to
attribute of JPA@OneToMany
.Possible values are
.Default if option not present:
. - --aggregation
Whether the relationship type is 'aggregation' or 'composition'. An aggregation relation means that children entities aren’t dependent from parent entity (current entity) and they can exist without parent entity. In the other hand, in a composition relation the parent entity of the relationship also owns the life cycle of related entities. The parent entity is responsible for the creation and destruction of children entities, these being linked to a single parent entity. A child entity cannot be in two different composition relationships.
. - --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --entityFormatExpression
The SpEL expression used to format the related entity when showing it in presentation layer e.g.
{#fieldA} {#fieldB}
. It adds thevalue
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation. - --entityFormatMessage
The message key used to obtain a localized SpEL expression to format the related entity when showing it in presentation layer. It adds the
attribute toio.springlets.format.EntityFormat
annotation and creates a message in all message bundles with the provided key. Message value should be modified by developer. - --orphanRemoval
Indicates whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities. If this relation represents a 'composition' relation and this option is not present,
value will betrue
.Default if option present:
. - --sizeMin
The minimum number of elements in the collection. This option adds or updates
with the provided value asmin
attribute value. - --sizeMax
The maximum number of elements in the collection. This option adds or updates
with the provided value asmax
attribute value. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
field string
Adds a private string field to an existing Java source file.
roo> field string {--fieldName} (--class --column [--transient --lob --unique]) [--notNull | --nullRequired] [--regexp --sizeMin --sizeMax --value --comment --permitReservedWords --force]
- --fieldName
The name of the field to add.
- --class
The name of the class to generate the field. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the field will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory for this command when the focus is not set to one class.
Default if option not present: the class focused by Roo Shell.
- --column
name.This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
- --transient
Indicates to mark the field as transient, adding JPA
annotation. This marks the field as not persistent.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:`true`. Default if option not present:
- --lob
Indicates that this field is a Large Object. This option adds
annotation to the field.This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --unique
Indicates whether to mark the field with a unique constraint.
This option is only available for JPA entities and embeddable classes.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
- --notNull
Whether this value cannot be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --nullRequired
Whether this value must be null. Adds
annotation to the field.This option is not available if
has already been specified.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --regexp
The required regular expression pattern. This option adds
with the provided value asregexp
attribute. - --sizeMin
The minimum string length. This option adds or updates
with the provided value asmin
attribute value. - --sizeMax
The maximum string length. This option adds or updates
with the provided value asmax
attribute value. - --value
Inserts an optional Spring
annotation with the given content, typically used for expression-driven dependency injection. - --comment
An optional comment for JavaDocs.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
finder add
Installs a finder in the given target (must be an entity). This command needs an existing repository for the target entity, you can create it with repository jpa
command. The finder will be added to targeted entity associated repository and associated service if exists or when it will be created.
roo> finder add {--entity --name} (--formBean --returnType)
- --entity
The entity for which the finders are generated. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEntity
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus. - --name
The finder string defined as a Spring Data query. Use Spring Data JPA nomenclature.
Possible values are: any finder name following Spring Data nomenclature.
This option will not be available until
is specified.
- --formBean
The finder’s search parameter. Should be a DTO and it must have at least same fields (name and type) as those included in the finder
, which can be target entity fields or related entity fields.Possible values are: any of the DTO’s in the project.
This option is mandatory if
is specified and its a projection.This option is not available if
parameter has not been specified before or if it does not exist any DTO in generated project.Default if option not present: the entity specified in
option. - --returnType
The finder’s results return type.
Possible values are: Projection classes annotated with
and related to the entity specified in--entity
option (useentity projection
command), or the same entity.This option is not available if
parameter has not been specified before or if it does not exist any Projection class associated to the targeted entity.Default if not present: the default return type of the repository related to the entity, which can be specified with
parameter inrepository jpa
Changes Roo Shell focus to a different type in the project.
roo> focus {--class}
- --class
The type to focus on (mandatory). When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the class in which the new constant will be included. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEnumClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEnumClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.
Shows a summary of all Spring Roo commands.
roo> help [--command]
- --command
Command name to provide help for. When command name has more than one word, it should be between quotation marks.
Provides step-by-step hints and context-sensitive guidance.
roo> hint [--topic]
- --topic
The topic for which advice should be provided.
Possible values are:
Creates a new Java interface source file in any project path.
roo> interface {--class} [--path --permitReservedWords --force]
- --class
The name of the class to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be specified with
). Ex.:--class ~.domain.MyClass
. You can specify module as well, if necessary. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. When working with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the class will be created in the module which has the focus.
- --path
Source directory to create the interface in.
Default: [FOCUSED-MODULE]/src/main/java.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
jms receiver
Creates an JMS receiver.
roo> jms receiver {--destinationName --endpoint --jndiConnectionFactory} [--profile --force]
- --destinationName
The name of the JMS destination, composed by 'application' type module and destination name. If only have one 'application' type module or focused module is the 'application' module that you want to use, don’t include it, only write destination name. If only have one 'application' type module or focused module is the 'application' module that you want to use, don’t include it, only write destination name.
- --endpoint
The service where include the method that receives JMS messages.
- --jndiConnectionFactory
The jndi name for which the JMS receiver configuration has been defined.
- --profile
The profile where the properties will be set.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
jms sender
Creates an JMS sender.
roo> jms sender {--class --destinationName --jndiConnectionFactory} [--profile --force]
- --class
The class where include a reference to the JMS which sends messages.
- --destinationName
The name of the JMS destination, composed by 'application' type module and destination name. module and destination name.If only have one 'application' type module or focused module is the 'application' module that you want to use, don’t include it, only write destination name.
- --jndiConnectionFactory
The jndi name where the JMS sender configuration has been defined.
- --profile
The profile where the properties will be set.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
jpa audit add
Adds support for auditing a JPA entity. This will add JPA and Spring listeners to this entity to record the entity changes.
roo> jpa audit add {--entity} (--createdDateColumn --modifiedDateColumn --createdByColumn --modifiedByColumn)
- --entity
The entity which should be audited. When working on a mono module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEntity
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus.
- --createdDateColumn
The DB column used for storing the date when each record is created.
This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
. - --modifiedDateColumn
The DB column used for storing the date when each record is modified.
This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
. - --createdByColumn
The DB column used for storing information about who creates each record.
This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
. - --modifiedByColumn
The DB column used for storing information about who modifies each record.
This option is mandatory if
configuration setting exists and it’strue
jpa audit setup
Installs audit support into your project, preparing it to audit entity changes.
roo> jpa audit setup (--module)
- --module
The application module where to install the audit support.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
jpa setup
Installs or updates a JPA persistence provider in your project. User can execute this command for diferent profiles with different persistence configurations.
roo> jpa setup {--provider} (--jndiDataSource | --database [--hostName --databaseName --userName --password]) (--module) [--force --profile]
- --provider
The persistence ORM provider to support.
Possible values are:
.This option is available only if
has not been specified.This option is mandatory if
has not been specified.
- --database
The database type to support.Possible values are:
.This option is mandatory if
has not been specified.This option is available only if
has not been specified. - --module
The application module where to install the persistence.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --jndiDataSource
The JNDI datasource to use.
This option is not available if any of
options are specified. - --hostName
The host name to use.
This option is available if
has already been specified and its value is notHYPERSONIC
has not been specified. - --databaseName
The database name to use.
This option is available if
has already been specified and its value is notHYPERSONIC
has not been specified. - --userName
The username to use.
This option is available if
has already been specified and its value is notHYPERSONIC
has not been specified. - --password
The password to use.
This option is available if
has already been specified and its value is notHYPERSONIC
has not been specified.
- --force
Force command execution; default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
- --profile
Parameter that indicates the name of the profile that will be applied.
module create
Creates a new Maven module in current multimodule project.
roo> module create {--moduleName} [--packaging --artifactId]
- --moduleName
The name of the module to create.
- --packaging
The Maven packaging of this module.
Possible values are:
.Default if option not present:
(equals to 'jar'). - --artifactId
The artifact ID of this module.
Default if option not present:
module focus
Changes Roo Shell focus to a different project module, when in a multimodule project.
roo> module focus {--moduleName}
- --moduleName
The module name to focus on.
Possible values are: any of the project module names (
for root module).
project setup
Creates a new Maven project.
roo> project setup {--topLevelPackage} [--multimodule | --packaging] [--projectName --java]
- --topLevelPackage
The uppermost package name (this becomes the
in Maven and also the~
value when using Roo Shell).
- --projectName
The name of the project (this becomes the
in Maven).Default if option not present: last segment of
name used. - --multimodule
Option to use a multimodule architecture.
Possible values are:
(root module with child 'application' module), andSTANDARD
(root module with child 'application' module), and (root module with children modules: 'application', 'model', 'repository', 'service-api', 'service-impl' and 'integration').Default if option present:
- --java
Forces a particular major version of Java to be used.
Default if option not present: Java 6 inherited from Spring Boot.
- --packaging
The Maven packaging of this project.
This option is not available if 'multimodule' is specified.
Default if option not present: 'jar'.
property add
Adds or updates a particular property from application config properties file.
roo> property add {--key --value} (--module) [--force --profile]
- --key
The property key that should be changed.
- --value
The new value for this property key.
- --module
Module where property will be added.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --profile
Parameter that indicates the name of the profile that will be applied.
property list
List all properties from application config properties file.
roo> property list (--module) [--force --profile]
- --module
Module which properties will be listed.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
- --profile
Parameter that indicates the name of the profile that will be applied.
property remove
Removes a particular property from application config properties file.
roo> property remove {--key} (--module) [--force --profile]
- --key
The property key that should be removed.
- --module
Module where property will be removed.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --profile
Parameter that indicates the name of the profile that will be applied.
Allows to push-in elements declared in the ITDs to its .java files. You could specify --all
option to apply push-in on every component of generated project, or you could define any package, class or method to apply push-in, combining them.
roo> push-in (--all | --package --class --method) [--force]
- --all
Option that indicates if push-in process should be applied to entire project.
This option is mandatory if none of
are specified. Otherwise, using--package
will cause the parameter--all
won’t be available. - --package
JavaPackage with the specified package where developer wants to make push-in. In multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. Ex.:
--package model:org.springframework.roo
but, if module name is not present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used.This option is not avalaible if
parameter has been already specified. - --class
JavaType with the specified class where developer wants to make push-in. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is not avalaible if
parameter has been already specified. - --method
String with the specified name of the method which developer wants to push-in. You could use a Regular Expression to make push-in of more than one method on the same execution.
This option is not avalaible if
parameter has been already specified.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
Waits until all metadata and files are refreshed and updated, then exits the shell. You can also use exit
roo> quit
This command does not accept any options.
repository jpa
Generates new Spring Data repository for specified entity or for all entities in generated project.
roo> repository jpa (--all [--package] | --entity --interface [--defaultReturnType])
- --all
Indicates if developer wants to generate repositories for every entity of current project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--entity
will cause the parameter--all
won’t be available.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --entity
The domain entity this repository should manage. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEntity
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the entity and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--all
will cause the parameter--entity
won’t be available. - --interface
The java Spring Data repository to generate. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory if
has been already specified and the project is multi-module.This option is available only when
has been specified.
- --defaultReturnType
The default return type which this repository will have for all finders, including those created by default. The default return type should be a Projection class associated to the entity specified in
parameter.Possible values are: any of the projections associated to the entity in
option.This option is not available if domain entity specified in
parameter has no associated Projections.Default: the entity specified in the
option. - --package
The package where repositories will be generated. In multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. Ex.:
--package model:org.springframework.roo
but, if module name is not present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used.This option is not available if
option has not been specified.Default value if not present:
package, or 'repository:~.' if multi-module project.
Parses the specified resource file and executes its Roo commands. You can as well execute *.roo example scripts in the Roo classpath. Ex.: script --file clinic.roo
roo> script {--file} [--ignoreLines --lineNumbers]
- --file
The file to locate and execute.
- --ignoreLines
Comma-list of prefixes to ignore the lines that starts with any of the provided case-sensitive prefixes.
- --lineNumbers
Display line numbers when executing the script.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
security authorize
Includes @PreAuthorize
annotation to an specific method for controlling access to its invocation.
roo> security authorize {--class --method} (--roles | --usernames)
- --class
The service class that contains the method to annotate with
. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:--class ~.service.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class service:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the service classes in the project.
- --method
The service method name (including its params) that will be annotated with
. Is possible to specify a regular expression.Possible values are: any of the existing methods of the class specified in
option, or regular expression.
- --roles
Comma separated list with all the roles to add inside 'hasAnyRole' instruction.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. - --usernames
Comma separated list with all the usernames to add inside Spring Security annotation.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified.
security filtering
Include @PreFilter
annotation to an specific method to filter results of a method invocation based on an expression.
roo> security filtering {--class --method} (--roles | --usernames) [--when]
- --class
The service class that contains the method to annotate. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.service.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class service:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the service classes in the project.
- --method
The service method name (including its params), that will be annotated with
. Is possible to specify a regular expression.Possible values are: any of the existing methods of the class specified in
option, or regular expression.
- --roles
Comma separated list with all the roles to add inside 'hasAnyRole' instruction.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. - --usernames
Comma separated list with all the usernames to add inside Spring Security annotation.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified.
- --when
Indicates if filtering should be after or before to execute the operation. Depends of the specified value,
annotation or@PostFilter
annotation will be included.Possible values are:
security setup
Install Spring Security into your project.
roo> security setup (--module) [--provider]
- --module
The application module where to install the security support.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --provider
The Spring Security provider to install.
Possible values are:
(default Spring Security configuration provided by Spring Boot will be used), andSPRINGLETS_JPA
(advanced Spring Security configuration will be included using Springlets JPA Authentication).
Creates new service interface and its implementation related to an entity, or for all the entities in generated project, with some basic management methods by using Spring Data repository methods.
roo> service (--all [--apiPackage --implPackage] | --entity --repository --interface [--class])
- --all
Indicates if developer wants to generate service interfaces and their implementations for every entity of current project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--entity
will cause the parameter--all
won’t be available.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --entity
The domain entity this service should manage. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEntity
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the entity and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--all
will cause the parameter--entity
won’t be available. - --repository
The repository this service should expose. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.repository.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class repository:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the repositories annotated with
and associated to the entity specified in--entity
.This option is mandatory if
has been already specified and the project is multi-module.This option is available only when
has been specified.Default if option not present: first repository annotated with
and associated to the entity specified in--entity
. - --interface
The service interface to be generated. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.service.api.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class service-api:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is mandatory if
has been already specified and the project is multi-module.This option is available only when
has been specified.Default if option not present: concatenation of entity simple name with 'Service' in
package, or 'service-api:~.' if multi-module project.
- --class
The service implementation to be generated. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.service.impl.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class service-impl:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.This option is available only when
has been specified.Default if option not present: concatenation of entity simple name with 'ServiceImpl' in
package, or 'service-impl:~.' if multi-module project. - --apiPackage
The java interface package. In multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. Ex.:
--apiPackage service-api:org.springframework.roo
but, if module name is not present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used.This option is available only when
parameter has been specified.Default value if not present:
package, or 'service-api:~.' if multi-module project. - --implPackage
The java package of the implementation classes for the interfaces. In multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. Ex.:
--implPackage service-impl:org.springframework.roo
but, if module name is not present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used.This option is available only when
parameter has been specified.Default value if not present:
package, or 'service-impl:~.' if multi-module project.
settings add
Adds or updates a Roo project setting, which can modify the configuration of some commands acting in the current project. These settings are located in [PROJECT-ROOT]/.roo/config/project.properties.
roo> settings add {--name --value} [--force]
- --name
The setting name that should be added or changed.
- --value
The value for this settings name.
- --force
Force command execution.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
settings list
Lists all settings added into Roo project configuration. These settings are located in [PROJECT-ROOT]/.roo/config/project.properties.
roo> settings list
This command does not accept any options.
settings remove
Removes a specific setting from Roo project configuration. Use 'settings list' to see the Roo settings added to the project.
roo> settings remove {--name}
- --name
The settings name that should be removed.
test integration
Creates a new integration test class for the specified class. The generated test class will contain a basic structure and the necessary testing components.
roo> test integration {--class} (--module) [--permitReservedWords]
- --class
The name of the class to create an integration test. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.package.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class module:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the valid classes in the project which support automatically integration test creation.
- --module
The application module where generate the integration test.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an 'application' module and there are more than one 'application' modules, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
test unit
Creates a unit test class with a basic structure and with the necessary testing components, for the specified class.
roo> test unit {--class} [--permitReservedWords]
- --class
The name of the project class which this unit test class is targeting. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.model.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name" of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.
- --permitReservedWords
Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo.
Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
Displays Roo Shell banner and version.
roo> version
This command does not accept any options.
web flow
Installs a Spring Web Flow into your project.
roo> web flow {--flowName} (--module) [--class]
- --flowName
The name for your web flow.
- --module
The application module where create the web flow.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an 'application' module and there are more than one 'application' modules, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --class
The class used to create the model object this flow is mainly bound to. Can be an entity or a DTO and must be serializable.
web mvc controller
Generates new @RooController’s
in the directory src/main/java of the selected project module (if any). The generated controllers should manage specific entities in the project.
roo> web mvc controller (--all | --entity ) [--responseType --package --pathPrefix]
- --all
Indicates if developer wants to generate controllers for every entity of current project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--entity
will cause the parameter--all
won’t be available.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --entity
The domain entity this controller should manage. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEntity
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the entity and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--all
will cause the parameter--entity
won’t be available.
- --responseType
Indicates the responseType to be used by generated controller. Depending on the selected responseType, generated methods and views will vary.
Possible values are:
plus any response type installed withweb mvc view setup
command.This option is available once
parameters have been specified.Default:
. - --package
Indicates which package should be used to include generated controllers. In multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. Ex.:
--package application:org.springframework.roo.web
but, if module name is not present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used.This option is available only if
option has been specified.Default value if not present:
package, or 'application:~.web' if multi-module project. - --pathPrefix
prefix to be used on this controller. It is not necessary to specify '/' as Spring Roo shell will include it automatically.This option is available only if
option has been specified.
web mvc detail
Generates new @RooController
for relation fields which detail wants to be managed. It must be a @OneToMany
field. Generated controllers will have @RooDetail
with info about the parent entity and the parent views where the detail will be displayed.
roo> web mvc detail (--all | --entity [--field]) [--package --responseType --views]
- --all
Indicates if developer wants to generate detail controllers for each
relation of field in each entity in the project.This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--entity
will cause the parameter--all
won’t be available.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
. - --entity
Indicates the entity which this detail controller manages. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEntity
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the entity and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--all
will cause the parameter--entity
won’t be available.
- --field
Indicates the entity’s field on which the detail controller is generated. It must be a
field.Possible values are: fields representing a
relation of the entity specified in--entity
parameter.This param is only available if
parameter has been specified before. - --package
Indicates the Java package where the detail controllers should be generated. In multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. Ex.:
--package application:org.springframework.roo.web
but, if module name is not present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used.This option is available only if
option has been specified.Default if option not present:
package, or 'application:~.web' if multi-module project. - --responseType
Indicates the responseType to be used by generated detail controllers. Depending on the selected responseType, generated methods and views will vary.
Possible values are:
plus any response type installed withweb mvc view setup
command.This option is available once
parameters have been specified.Default:
. - --views
Separated comma list where developer could specify the different parent views where this new detail will be displayed.
This parameter is not available if the provided
doesn’t use views to display the data.Possible values are: 'list', 'show' or the different parent finder views (if exists).
Default if option not present: The parent 'list' view if it exists.
web mvc exception handler
Adds methods to handle an application exception in a specified controller or a class annotated with @ControllerAdvice
roo> web mvc exception handler {--exception} [--class --controller --errorView]
- --exception
The exception to handle. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.model.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.
- --class
Class annotated with
where include the handler methods. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:--class ~.model.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus. - --controller
Controller where include the handler methods. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.model.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus. - --errorView
View to be returned when specified exception is thrown.
web mvc finder
Publishes existing finders to web layer, generating controllers and additional views for them. It adds @RooWebFinder
annotation to MVC controller type.
roo> web mvc finder (--all | --entity [--queryMethod]) [--package --pathPrefix --responseType]
- --entity
The entity owning the finders that should be published. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--class ~.domain.MyEntity
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the entity and the module where it is. Ex.:--class model:~.domain.MyEntity
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus.Possible values are: any of the entities in the project.
This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--all
will cause the parameter--entity
won’t be available. - --all
Indicates if developer wants to publish in web layer all finders from all entities in project. This option is mandatory if
is not specified. Otherwise, using--entity
will cause the parameter--all
won’t be available.Default if option present:
; default if option not present:false
- --queryMethod
Indicates the name of the finder to add to web layer.
Possible values are: any of the finder names created for the entity, included in
of the--entity
associated repository.This option is available only when
has been specified. - --responseType
Indicates the responseType to be used by generated finder controllers. Depending on the selected responseType, generated methods and views will vary.
Possible values are:
plus any response type installed withweb mvc view setup
command.This option is only available if
parameters have been specified.Default:JSON
. - --package
Indicates the Java package where the finder controllers should be generated. In multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. Ex.:
--package application:org.springframework.roo.web
but, if module name is not present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used.This option is available only if
option has been specified.Default value if not present:
package, or 'application:~.web' if multi-module project. - --pathPrefix
Indicates the default path value for accesing finder resources in controller, used for this controller
excluding first '/'.This option is available only if
option has been specified.
web mvc language
Installs new language in generated project views. Also, could be used to specify the default language of the project.
roo> web mvc language {--code} (--module) [--useAsDefault]
- --code
The language code for the desired bundle.
Possible values are: supported languages. Currently
(English, default) andes
- --module
The application module where to install the language support.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
- --useAsDefault
Indicates if selected language should be used as default on this application.
web mvc setup
Includes Spring MVC configuration on generated project. Needed for several MVC related commands.
roo> web mvc setup (--module)
- --module
The application module where to install the Spring MVC support.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class. This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
web mvc templates setup
Includes view generation templates on current project. Will allow developers to customize view generation by modifying the templates from [PROJECT-ROOT]/.roo/templates/…
roo> web mvc templates setup {--type}
- --type
View identifier of templates you want to install. Only installed views are available. Views can be installed with
web mvc view setup
web mvc view setup
Includes all necessary resources of provided response type on generated project. This response type will be needed by web mvc controller
, web mvc detail
and web mvc templates setup
roo> web mvc view setup {--type} (--module)
- --type
View identifier you want to install. This is known as 'responseType' in other
web mvc
- --module
The application module where to install views.
This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a module containing an
class.This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of them is focused.
Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application' module.
ws client
Generates a new Web Service client by the provided WSDL file.
roo> ws client {--wsdl --endpoint --class} [--binding --serviceUrl --profile]
- --wsdl
WSDL file located in some specific module. By default, Spring Roo searches .wsdl files in the 'src/main/resources/' folder of the existing modules.
- --endpoint
Select some endpoint defined in the .wsdl file provided before. This parameter will be autocompleted with the attribute 'name' of the 'port' element inside the 'service' element.
- --class
Configuration class that will include the method to define the Web Service client. You could provide a new class.
- --binding
The binding type to be used. You could choose between SOAP11 and SOAP12. If not specified, it will be calculated using the .wsdl file namespace.
- --serviceUrl
The service URL to be used. If This option is not specified, default location provided by the .wsdl file will be used. This default location will be obtained from the 'location' attribute of the 'address' element located inside the 'port' element provided in the '--endpoint' parameter.
- --profile
Parameter that indicates the name of the profile that will be applied.
ws endpoint
Generates a new Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) and its implementation.
roo> ws endpoint {--service --sei} [--class --config --profile --force]
- --service
Existing service annotated with
that will be used to generate the new SEI. The new generated SEI will include all defined operations in the provided service interface.Possible values are: any of the project service classes, annotated with
. - --sei
New Service Endpoint Interface to generate. It’s not possible to indicate an existing class.
- --class
New class that will implement the new generated SEI. If not specified, a new implementation class will be generated in the same module using the SEI name and the 'Endpoint' suffix.
- --config
Configuration class that will register the new endpoint. You could specify an existing
class or indicates a new one to be generated. If not specified, a new@Configuration
class will be generated in the same module using the SEI name and the 'Configuration' suffix. - --profile
Parameter that indicates the name of the profile that will be applied.
- --force
Force command execution.
Appendix B: Command index for add-on management
addon info bundle
Provide information about a specific Spring Roo Add-on from installed repositories.
roo> addon info bundle {--bundleSymbolicName}
- --bundleSymbolicName
The bundle symbolic name of the add-on of interest.
addon install bundle
Install Spring Roo Add-on from installed repositories
roo> addon install bundle {--bundleSymbolicName}
- --bundleSymbolicName
The bundle symbolic name of the add-on of interest.
addon install url
Installs Spring Roo Add-on using an URL.
roo> addon install url {--url}
- --url
The url of the add-on of interest.
addon remove
Removes an installed Spring Roo Add-on.
roo> addon remove {--bundleSymbolicName}
- --bundleSymbolicName
The bundle symbolic name of the add-on of interest.
addon repository add
Adds a new OBR Repository to Roo Shell.
roo> addon repository add {--url}
- --url
URL file that defines repository. Ex: 'http://localhost/repo/index.xml'.
See that in Windows systems, you must use file:\ protocol when you specify a local repository URL. However, in Unix systems the protocol for local repositories URL must be file:// .
addon repository introspect
Introspects all installed OBR Repositories and list all their add-ons.
roo> addon repository introspect
This command does not accept any options.
addon repository list
Lists installed OBR Repositories.
roo> addon repository list
This command does not accept any options.
addon repository remove
Removes an existing OBR Repository from Roo Shell.
roo> addon repository remove {--url}
- --url
URL file that defines repository. Ex: 'http://localhost/repo/index.xml'.
See that in Windows systems, you must use file:\ protocol when you specify a local repository URL. However, in Unix systems the protocol for local repositories URL must be file:// .
addon search
Searches all known Spring Roo Add-ons from installed repositories.
roo> addon search {--requiresCommand}
- --requiresCommand
Only display add-ons in search results that offer this command.
addon suite install name
Installs some 'Roo Addon Suite' from installed OBR Repository.
roo> addon suite install name {--symbolicName}
- --symbolicName
Name that identifies the 'Roo Addon Suite'.
addon suite install url
Installs some 'Roo Addon Suite' from URL.
roo> addon suite install url {--url}
- --url
URL of Roo Addon Suite .esa file.
addon suite list
Lists all installed 'Roo Addon Suite'. If you want to list all available 'Roo Addon Suites' on Repository, use --repository
roo> addon suite list [--repository]
- --repository
OBR Repository where the 'Roo Addon Suite' are located.
addon suite start
Starts some installed 'Roo Addon Suite'. By default, an installed 'Roo Addon Suite' is started automatically.
roo> addon suite start {--symbolicName}
- --symbolicName
Name that identifies the 'Roo Addon Suite'.
Appendix C: Command index for add-on development
These commands are specific for developing Spring Roo add-ons and will be only available if user enables the add-on "development mode" with addon development mode
Passes a command directly through to the Felix shell infrastructure
roo> !g
- --[default]
The command to pass to Felix (WARNING: no validation or security checks are performed); default: 'help'
addon create advanced
Create a new advanced add-on for Spring Roo (commands + operations + metadata + trigger annotation + dependencies).
roo> addon create advanced {--topLevelPackage} [--description --projectName]
- --topLevelPackage
The top level package of the new addon. In Maven, this will be the
- --description
Description of your addon (surround text with double quotes).
- --projectName
Provide a custom project name. In Maven, this will be the
.Default if option not present: the top level package specified in
addon create i18n
Create a new internationalization add-on for Spring Roo, with a new language. Created add-on can be installed later into a project for localizing the project to that new language.
roo> addon create i18n {--topLevelPackage --locale --messageBundle} [--language --flagGraphic --description --projectName]
- --topLevelPackage
The top level package of all Spring Roo Addon Suite. In Maven, this will be the
. - --locale
The locale abbreviation (ie: en, or more specific like en_AU, or de_DE) for the new language.
- --messageBundle
Fully qualified path to the messages_xx.properties file which contains the messages in the new language.
- --language
The full name of the language (used as a label for the UI).
- --flagGraphic
Fully qualified path to new flag xx.png file.
- --description
Description of your addon (surround text with double quotes).
- --projectName
Provide a custom project name. In Maven, this will be the
.Default if option not present: the top level package specified in
addon create simple
Create a new simple add-on for Spring Roo (commands + operations).
roo> addon create simple {--topLevelPackage} [--description --projectName]
- --topLevelPackage
The top level package of the new addon. In Maven, this will be the
- --description
Description of your addon (surround text with double quotes).
- --projectName
Provide a custom project name. In Maven, this will be the
.Default if option not present: the top level package specified in
addon create suite
Create a new Spring Roo Addon Suite for Spring Roo (two sample addons + repository + suite generator).
roo> addon create suite {--topLevelPackage} [--description --projectName]
- --topLevelPackage
The top level package of all Spring Roo Addon Suite. In Maven, this will be the
- --description
Description of your Roo Addon Suite (surround text with double quotes).
- --projectName
Provide a custom project name for root module. In Maven, this will be the
.Default if option not present: the top level package specified in
addon create wrapper
Create a new add-on for Spring Roo which wraps a maven artifact to create a OSGi compliant bundle.
roo> addon create wrapper {--topLevelPackage --groupId --artifactId --version --vendorName --licenseUrl} [--docUrl --description --projectName --osgiImports]
- --topLevelPackage
The top level package of the new wrapper bundle.
- --groupId
Dependency group id.
- --artifactId
Dependency artifact id.
- --version
Dependency version.
- --vendorName
Dependency vendor name.
- --licenseUrl
Dependency license URL.
- --docUrl
Dependency documentation URL.
- --description
Description of the bundle (use keywords with #-tags for better search integration).
- --projectName
Provide a custom project name. In Maven, this will be the
.Default if option not present: the top level package specified in
. - --osgiImports
Contents of Import-Package in OSGi manifest.
addon development mode
Switches the system into development mode, which enables add-on development commands and shows greater diagnostic information.
roo> addon development mode [--enabled]
- --enabled
Activates addon development mode.
metadata cache
Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type.
roo> metadata cache {--maximumCapacity}
- --maximumCapacity
The maximum number of metadata items to cache.
metadata for id
Shows detailed information about the metadata item.
roo> metadata for id {--metadataId}
- --metadataId
The metadata ID (should start with MID:).
metadata for module
Shows the ProjectMetadata for the indicated project module.
roo> metadata for module [--module]
- --module
The module for which to retrieve the metadata.
Default if option not present: the Roo Shell focused module.
metadata for type
Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type
roo> metadata for type {--type}
- --type
The Java type for which to display metadata. When working on a single module project, simply specify the name of the class. If you consider it necessary, you can also specify the package. Ex.:
--type ~.domain.MyClass
is the base package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the class and the module where it is. Ex.:--type model:~.domain.MyClass
. If the module is not specified, it is assumed that the class is in the module which has the focus.
metadata status
Shows metadata statistics of the current project.
roo> metadata status
This command does not accept any options.
metadata trace
Traces metadata event delivery notifications.
roo> metadata trace {--level}
- --level
The verbosity of notifications (0=none, 1=some, 2=all).
process manager debug
Indicates if process manager debugging is desired. It is only available if 'addon development mode' is true.
roo> process manager debug [--enabled]
- --enabled
Activates debug mode, which shows status of process manager such as 'Active' or 'Scanning'.
project scan now
Performs a manual file system scan, calling thread monitors and checking that all files are updated.
roo> project scan now
This command does not accept any options.
project scan speed
Changes the time inteval between file system scans.
roo> project scan speed {--ms}
- --ms
The number of milliseconds between each scan.
project scan status
Displays file system scanning information such as the time lasted for last scan and scanning frequency.
roo> project scan status
This command does not accept any options.
Appendix D: Using Spring Roo without IDE
Installing Spring Roo
Once you have met the initial requirements, you are ready to install Roo by following these steps:
Download the current release from Spring Roo project page downloads section.
You can also build a distribution ZIP yourself from our source control repository. -
Unzip the distribution, which will unpack to a single installation directory; this will be known as
in the paths below.-
If using Windows, add
to your PATH environment variable -
If using Linux or MacOS, create a symbolic link using a command such as:
$ sudo ln -s $ROO_HOME/bin/roo.sh /usr/bin/roo
Next verify Roo has been installed correctly. This can be done, using the following commands:
$ mkdir roo-test $ cd roo-test $ roo _ ___ _ __ _ __(_)_ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ / __| '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | | '__/ _ \ / _ \ \__ \ |_) | | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_) | (_) | |___/ .__/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | |_| \___/ \___/ |_| |___/ W.X.Y.ZZ Welcome to Spring Roo. For assistance press TAB or type "hint" then hit ENTER. roo>
If Roo logo appears, you have installed Roo successfully. For those curious, the "[rev RRR]" refers to the Git commit ID used to compile that particular build of Roo.
Backup and deployment
A very useful command is the backup command. Using this command you will create a backup of the current workspace with all sources, log files and the script log file (excluding the target directory):
roo> backup
Finally, you may wish to deploy your application to a production Web container. For this you can easily create two war files, by using the Maven command mvn package
in the project base directory. You can perform this as well without exiting from Roo shell by using !os
command, providing you have Maven in the $PATH
roo> !os mvn package
This command generates a "*.war" file which can then be easily copied into your production Web container and a "*exec.war" file that uses a embedded web server.
You can execute "*exec.war" as follows:
$ java -jar name-exec.war
The provider dependencies are added only in "*exec.war" file. |
Appendix E: Roo Resources
As an open source project, Spring Roo offers a large number of resources to assist the community learn, interact with one another and become more involved in the project. Below you’ll find a short summary of the official project resources.
Spring Roo Project Home Page
The definitive source of information about Spring Roo is the Spring Roo Home at http://spring.io.
That site provides a brief summary of Roo’s main features and links to most of the other project resources. The project home page serves as a hub of information and is the best place to find up-to-date announcements about the project as well as links to articles, blogs and new documentation.
Please use this URI if you are referring other people to the Spring Roo project, as it is the main landing point for the project.
Downloads and Maven Repositories
You can always access the latest Spring Roo release ZIP by visiting Downloads section at Spring Roo Home Page.
We publish all Roo modules to Maven Central, the default repository from which Maven will download the Spring Roo artifacts automatically.
Because Roo is an official top-level Spring project, of course you’ll find there is a dedicated "Spring Roo" tag at Stack Overflow for all your questions, comments and experiences.
If you have any question about Spring Roo project and its functionalities, you can check and ask at Spring Roo tagged questions at Stack Overflow. We monitor stackoverflow.com for questions tagged with spring-roo.
http://forum.springsource.org is now a read-only archive. All commenting, posting, registration services have been turned off.
The Roo project does not have a "mailing list" or "newsgroup" as you might be familiar with from other open source projects, although commercial support options are available.
Extensive search facilities are provided on the community forums, and the Roo developers routinely answer user questions. One excellent way of contributing to the Roo project is to simply keep an eye on the forum messages and help other people. Even recommendations along the lines of, "I don’t know how to do what you’re trying to do, but we usually tackle the problem this way instead…." are very helpful to other community members.
When you ask a question on the forum, it’s highly recommended you include a small Roo sample script that can be used to reproduce your problem. If that’s infeasible, using Roo’s "backup" command is another alternative and you can attach the resulting ZIP file to your post. Other tips include always specifying the version of Roo that you’re running (as can be obtained from the "version" command), and if you’re having trouble with IDE integration, the exact version of the IDE you are using (and, if an Eclipse-based IDE, the version of AspectJ Development Tools in use). Another good source of advice on how to ask questions on the forum can be found in Eric Raymond’s often-cited essay, "How to Ask Smart Questions".
If you believe you have found a bug or are experiencing an issue, it is recommended you first log a message on the forum. This allows other experienced users to comment on whether it appears there is a problem with Roo or perhaps just needs to be used a different way. Someone will usually offer a solution or recommend you log a bug report (usually by saying "please log this in Jira"). When you do log a bug report, please ensure you link to the fully-qualified URI to the forum post. That way the developer who attempts to solve your bug will have background information. Please also post the issue tracking link back in thread you started on the forum, as it will help other people cross-reference the two systems.
Roo Hash Code (please include in your tweets, and also follow for low-volume announcements): #SpringRoo
If you use Twitter, you’re encouraged to follow @SpringRoo. Also please use @SpringRoo in your tweets so everyone can easily see them.
The Roo team also uses and monitors tweets that include #SpringRoo, so if you’re tweeting about Roo, please remember to include #SpringRoo somewhere in the tweet. If you like Roo or have found it helpful on a project, please tweet about it and help spread the word!
Follow the core Roo development team for interesting Roo news and progress (higher volume than just following @SpringRoo, but only a few Tweets per week): @disid_corp, @juanCaFX, @enrique_ruiz_.
Many people who use Roo also use Twitter, including the core Roo development team. If you’re a Twitter user, you’re welcome to follow the Roo development team (using the Twitter IDs above) to receive up-to-the-minute Tweets on Roo activities, usage and events.
We do request that you use the StackOverFlow if you have a question or issue with Roo, as 140 characters doesn’t allow us to provide in-depth technical support or provide a growing archive of historical answers that people can search against.
Issue Tracking
Spring projects use Atlassian Jira for tracking bugs, improvements, feature requests and tasks. Roo uses a public Jira instance you’re welcome to use in order to log issues, watch existing issues, vote for existing issues and review the changes made between particular versions.
As discussed in the StackOverFlow section, we ask that you refrain from logging bug reports until you’ve first discussed them on stackoverflow. This allows others to comment on whether a bug actually exists. When logging an issue in Jira, there is a field explicitly provided so you can link the forum discussion to the Jira issue.
Please note that every commit into the Roo source repository will be prefixed with a particular Jira issue number. All Jira issue numbers for the Roo project commence with "ROO-", providing you an easy way to determine the rationale of any change.
Because open source projects receive numerous enhancement requests, we generally prioritise enhancements that have patches included, are quick to complete or those which have received a large number of votes. You can vote for a particular issue by logging into Jira (it’s fast, easy and free to create an account) and click the "vote" link against any issue. Similarly you can monitor the progress on any issue you’re interested in by clicking "watch".
Enhancement requests are easier to complete (and therefore more probable to be actioned) if they represent fine-grained units of work that include as much detail as possible. Enhancement requests should describe a specific use case or user story that is trying to be achieved. It is usually helpful to provide a Roo sample script that can be used to explain the issue. You should also consider whether a particular enhancement is likely to appeal to most Roo users, and if not, whether perhaps writing it as an add-on would be a good alternative.
Source Repository
Read repository: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-roo.git
The Git source control system is currently used by Roo for mainline development.
Historical releases of Roo can be accessed by browsing the tags branches within our Git repository. The mainline development of Roo occurs on the "master" branch.
"gh-pages" branch is used to build and publish Spring Roo’s project page site based on Jekyll and GitHub Pages.
Commercial Products and Services
Web: http://www.disid.com
DISID Corporation employs the Roo development team and offers a wide range of products and professional services around Roo and the technologies which Roo enables. Available professional services include software factory, geographic information systems, web application development, mobile application development, training, consulting and mentoring. Please visit the above URI to learn more about DISID products and services.
Web: http://spring.io/
Pivotal Software offers a wide range of products and professional services around Roo and the technologies which Roo enables. Available professional services include training, consulting, design reviews and mentoring, with products including service level agreement (SLA) backed support subscriptions, certified builds, indemnification and integration with various commercial products. Please visit the above URI to learn more about SpringSource products and services and how these can add value to your build-run-manage application lifecycle.