Spring Security Kerberos - Reference Documentation


Janne Valkealahti


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Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. Requirements
II. Spring and Spring Security Kerberos
2. Authentication Provider
3. Spnego Negotiate
4. Using KerberosRestTemplate
5. Authentication with LDAP Services
III. Spring Security Kerberos Samples
6. Security Server Windows Auth Sample
7. Security Server Side Auth Sample
8. Security Server Spnego and Form Auth Sample
9. Security Server Spnego and Form Auth Xml Sample
10. Security Client KerberosRestTemplate Sample
IV. Appendices
A. Material Used in this Document
B. Crash Course to Kerberos
C. Setup Kerberos Environments
C.1. Setup MIT Kerberos
C.2. Setup Windows Domain Controller
D. Troubleshooting
E. Configure Browsers for Spnego Negotiation
E.1. Firefox
E.2. Chrome
E.3. Internet Explorer