5. Authentication with LDAP Services

With most of your samples we’re using DummyUserDetailsService because there is not necessarily need to query a real user details once kerberos authentication is successful and we can use kerberos principal info to create that dummy user. However there is a way to access kerberized LDAP services in a say way and query user details from there.

KerberosLdapContextSource can be used to bind into LDAP via kerberos which is at least proven to work well with Windows AD services.

private String adServer;

private String servicePrincipal;

private String keytabLocation;

private String ldapSearchBase;

private String ldapSearchFilter;

public KerberosLdapContextSource kerberosLdapContextSource() {
    KerberosLdapContextSource contextSource = new KerberosLdapContextSource(adServer);
    SunJaasKrb5LoginConfig loginConfig = new SunJaasKrb5LoginConfig();
    loginConfig.setKeyTabLocation(new FileSystemResource(keytabLocation));
    return contextSource;

public LdapUserDetailsService ldapUserDetailsService() {
    FilterBasedLdapUserSearch userSearch =
            new FilterBasedLdapUserSearch(ldapSearchBase, ldapSearchFilter, kerberosLdapContextSource());
    LdapUserDetailsService service = new LdapUserDetailsService(userSearch);
    service.setUserDetailsMapper(new LdapUserDetailsMapper());
    return service;

Sample Chapter 6, Security Server Windows Auth Sample is currently configured to query user details from AD if authentication happen via kerberos.