4. Client

To make your web-app into an OAuth2 client you can simply add @EnableOAuth2Client and Spring Boot will create an OAuth2ClientContext and OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails that are necessary to create an OAuth2RestOperations. Spring Boot does not automatically create such bean but you can easily create your own:

public OAuth2RestTemplate oauth2RestTemplate(OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext,
        OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails details) {
    return new OAuth2RestTemplate(details, oauth2ClientContext);

You may want to add a qualifier and review your configuration as more than one RestTemplate may be defined in your application.

This configuration uses security.oauth2.client.* as credentials (the same as you might be using in the Authorization Server), but in addition it will need to know the authorization and token URIs in the Authorization Server. For example:


      clientId: bd1c0a783ccdd1c9b9e4
      clientSecret: 1a9030fbca47a5b2c28e92f19050bb77824b5ad1
      accessTokenUri: https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
      userAuthorizationUri: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
      clientAuthenticationScheme: form

An application with this configuration will redirect to Github for authorization when you attempt to use the OAuth2RestTemplate. If you are already signed into Github you won’t even notice that it has authenticated. These specific credentials will only work if your application is running on port 8080 (register your own client app in Github or other provider for more flexibility).

To limit the scope that the client asks for when it obtains an access token you can set security.oauth2.client.scope (comma separated or an array in YAML). By default the scope is empty and it is up to Authorization Server to decide what the defaults should be, usually depending on the settings in the client registration that it holds.


There is also a setting for security.oauth2.client.client-authentication-scheme which defaults to “header” (but you might need to set it to “form” if, like Github for instance, your OAuth2 provider doesn’t like header authentication). In fact, the security.oauth2.client.* properties are bound to an instance of AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails so all its properties can be specified.


In a non-web application you can still create an OAuth2RestOperations and it is still wired into the security.oauth2.client.* configuration. In this case it is a “client credentials token grant” you will be asking for if you use it (and there is no need to use @EnableOAuth2Client or @EnableOAuth2Sso). To prevent that infrastructure to be defined, just remove the security.oauth2.client.client-id from your configuration (or make it the empty string).