Class DefaultTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DefaultTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient extends Object implements OAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient<TokenExchangeGrantRequest>
The default implementation of an OAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient for the token-exchange grant. This implementation uses a RestOperations when requesting an access token credential at the Authorization Server's Token Endpoint.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient

      public DefaultTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient()
  • Method Details

    • getTokenResponse

      public OAuth2AccessTokenResponse getTokenResponse(TokenExchangeGrantRequest grantRequest)
      Description copied from interface: OAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient
      Exchanges the authorization grant credential, provided in the authorization grant request, for an access token credential at the Authorization Server's Token Endpoint.
      Specified by:
      getTokenResponse in interface OAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient<TokenExchangeGrantRequest>
      grantRequest - the authorization grant request that contains the authorization grant credential
      an OAuth2AccessTokenResponse that contains the access token credential
    • setRequestEntityConverter

      public void setRequestEntityConverter(org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<TokenExchangeGrantRequest,org.springframework.http.RequestEntity<?>> requestEntityConverter)
      Sets the Converter used for converting the TokenExchangeGrantRequest to a RequestEntity representation of the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request.
      requestEntityConverter - the Converter used for converting to a RequestEntity representation of the Access Token Request
    • setRestOperations

      public void setRestOperations(org.springframework.web.client.RestOperations restOperations)
      Sets the RestOperations used when requesting the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response.

      NOTE: At a minimum, the supplied restOperations must be configured with the following:

      1. HttpMessageConverter's - FormHttpMessageConverter and OAuth2AccessTokenResponseHttpMessageConverter
      2. ResponseErrorHandler - OAuth2ErrorResponseErrorHandler
      restOperations - the RestOperations used when requesting the Access Token Response