Interface ConfigAttribute

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
PostInvocationAttribute, PreInvocationAttribute
All Known Implementing Classes:
Jsr250SecurityConfig, SecurityConfig

@Deprecated public interface ConfigAttribute extends Serializable
In modern Spring Security APIs, each API manages its own configuration context. As such there is no direct replacement for this interface. In the case of method security, please see SecurityAnnotationScanner and AuthorizationManager. In the case of channel security, please see HttpsRedirectFilter. In the case of web security, please see AuthorizationManager.
Stores a security system related configuration attribute.

When an AbstractSecurityInterceptor is set up, a list of configuration attributes is defined for secure object patterns. These configuration attributes have special meaning to a RunAsManager, AccessDecisionManager or AccessDecisionManager delegate.

Stored at runtime with other ConfigAttributes for the same secure object target.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    If the ConfigAttribute can be represented as a String and that String is sufficient in precision to be relied upon as a configuration parameter by a RunAsManager, AccessDecisionManager or AccessDecisionManager delegate, this method should return such a String.
  • Method Details

    • getAttribute

      String getAttribute()
      If the ConfigAttribute can be represented as a String and that String is sufficient in precision to be relied upon as a configuration parameter by a RunAsManager, AccessDecisionManager or AccessDecisionManager delegate, this method should return such a String.

      If the ConfigAttribute cannot be expressed with sufficient precision as a String, null should be returned. Returning null will require any relying classes to specifically support the ConfigAttribute implementation, so returning null should be avoided unless actually required.

      a representation of the configuration attribute (or null if the configuration attribute cannot be expressed as a String with sufficient precision).