Prior to Spring Security 2.0, securing MethodInvocation
s needed quite a
lot of boiler plate configuration. Now the recommended approach for method security
is to use namespace configuration.
This way the method security infrastructure beans are configured automatically for you so you don't really need to
know about the implementation classes. We'll just provide a quick overview of the classes that are involved here.
Method security in enforced using a MethodSecurityInterceptor
, which secures
s. Depending on the configuration approach, an interceptor may be specific to a single
bean or shared between multiple beans. The interceptor uses a MethodDefinitionSource
instance to obtain the configuration attributes that apply to a particular method invocation.
is used to store configuration attributes keyed by method names
(which can be wildcarded) and will be used internally when the attributes are defined in the application context using
the <intercept-methods>
or <protect-point>
elements. Other implementations
will be used to handle annotation-based configuration.
You can of course configure a MethodSecurityIterceptor
directly in your application context
for use with one of Spring AOP's proxying mechanisms:
<bean id="bankManagerSecurity" class=""> <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/> <property name="accessDecisionManager" ref="accessDecisionManager"/> <property name="afterInvocationManager" ref="afterInvocationManager"/> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <value>*=ROLE_SUPERVISOR,ROLE_SUPERVISOR </value> </property> </bean>
The AspectJ security interceptor is very similar to the AOP Alliance security interceptor discussed in the previous section. Indeed we will only discuss the differences in this section.
The AspectJ interceptor is named
. Unlike the AOP Alliance
security interceptor, which relies on the Spring application context
to weave in the security interceptor via proxying, the
is weaved in via the
AspectJ compiler. It would not be uncommon to use both types of
security interceptors in the same application, with
being used for domain
object instance security and the AOP Alliance
being used for services
layer security.
Let's first consider how the
is configured in the
Spring application context:
<bean id="bankManagerSecurity" class=""> <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/> <property name="accessDecisionManager" ref="accessDecisionManager"/> <property name="afterInvocationManager" ref="afterInvocationManager"/> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <value>*=ROLE_SUPERVISOR,ROLE_SUPERVISOR </value> </property> </bean>
As you can see, aside from the class name, the
is exactly the same as
the AOP Alliance security interceptor. Indeed the two interceptors can
share the same objectDefinitionSource
, as the
works with
s rather than an AOP
library-specific class. Of course, your access decisions have access
to the relevant AOP library-specific invocation (ie
or JoinPoint
and as such can consider a range of addition criteria when making
access decisions (such as method arguments).
Next you'll need to define an AspectJ aspect
For example:
package; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; public aspect DomainObjectInstanceSecurityAspect implements InitializingBean { private AspectJSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor; pointcut domainObjectInstanceExecution(): target(PersistableEntity) && execution(public * *(..)) && !within(DomainObjectInstanceSecurityAspect); Object around(): domainObjectInstanceExecution() { if (this.securityInterceptor == null) { return proceed(); } AspectJCallback callback = new AspectJCallback() { public Object proceedWithObject() { return proceed(); } }; return this.securityInterceptor.invoke(thisJoinPoint, callback); } public AspectJSecurityInterceptor getSecurityInterceptor() { return securityInterceptor; } public void setSecurityInterceptor(AspectJSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor) { this.securityInterceptor = securityInterceptor; } public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (this.securityInterceptor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("securityInterceptor required"); } }
In the above example, the security interceptor will be applied
to every instance of PersistableEntity
, which is an
abstract class not shown (you can use any other class or
expression you like). For those curious,
is needed because the
statement has special meaning only
within an around()
body. The
calls this anonymous
class when it wants the target
object to continue.
You will need to configure Spring to load the aspect and wire it
with the AspectJSecurityInterceptor
. A bean
declaration which achieves this is shown below:
<bean id="domainObjectInstanceSecurityAspect" class="" factory-method="aspectOf"> <property name="securityInterceptor" ref="aspectJSecurityInterceptor"/> </bean>
That's it! Now you can create your beans from anywhere within
your application, using whatever means you think fit (eg new
) and they will have the security interceptor
To secure FilterInvocation
s, developers need
to add a FilterSecurityInterceptor
to their filter chain.
A typical configuration example is provided below:
In the application context you will need to configure three beans:
<bean id="exceptionTranslationFilter" class=""> <property name="authenticationEntryPoint" ref="authenticationEntryPoint"/> </bean> <bean id="authenticationEntryPoint" class=""> <property name="loginFormUrl" value="/acegilogin.jsp"/> <property name="forceHttps" value="false"/> </bean> <bean id="filterSecurityInterceptor" class=""> <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/> <property name="accessDecisionManager" ref="accessDecisionManager"/> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <security:filter-invocation-definition-source> <security:intercept-url pattern="/secure/super/**" access="ROLE_WE_DONT_HAVE"/> <security:intercept-url pattern="/secure/**" access="ROLE_SUPERVISOR,ROLE_TELLER"/> </security:filter-invocation-definition-source> </property> </bean>
The ExceptionTranslationFilter
the bridge between Java exceptions and HTTP responses. It is solely
concerned with maintaining the user interface. This filter does not do
any actual security enforcement. If an
is detected,
the filter will call the AuthenticationEntryPoint to commence the
authentication process (e.g. a user login).
The AuthenticationEntryPoint
will be called
if the user requests a secure HTTP resource but they are not
authenticated. The class handles presenting the appropriate response
to the user so that authentication can begin. Three concrete
implementations are provided with Spring Security:
commencing a form-based authentication,
for commencing a
HTTP Basic authentication process, and
for commencing a
JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS) login. The
have optional
properties related to forcing the use of HTTPS, so please refer to the
JavaDocs if you require this.
is responsible for
handling the security of HTTP resources. Like any other security
interceptor, it requires a reference to an
and an
, which are both discussed in
separate sections below. The
is also configured with
configuration attributes that apply to different HTTP URL requests. A
full discussion of configuration attributes is provided in the High
Level Design section of this document.
The FilterSecurityInterceptor
can be
configured with configuration attributes in two ways. The first,
which is shown above, is using the <filter-invocation-definition-source>
namespace element. This is similar to the <filter-chain-map>
used to configure a FilterChainProxy
but the <intercept-url>
child elements only use the pattern
and access
The second is by writing your own
, although this is beyond the
scope of this document. Irrespective of the approach used, the
is responsible for returning
a ConfigAttributeDefinition
object that contains
all of the configuration attributes associated with a single secure
It should be noted that the
method actually expects an instance of
. This is a marker
interface which subclasses ObjectDefinitionSource
It simply denotes the ObjectDefinitionSource
understands FilterInvocation
s. In the interests of
simplicity we'll continue to refer to the
as an
, as the distinction is of
little relevance to most users of the
When using the namespace option to configure the interceptor,
commas are used to delimit the different configuration
attributes that apply to each HTTP URL. Each configuration attribute
is assigned into its own SecurityConfig
object. The
object is discussed in the High
Level Design section. The ObjectDefinitionSource
created by the property editor,
, matches
configuration attributes against FilterInvocations
based on expression evaluation of the request URL. Two standard
expression syntaxes are supported. The default is to treat all
expressions as Apache Ant paths and regular expressions are also supported
for ore complex cases. The path-type
attribute is used
to specify the type of pattern being used. It is not possible to
mix expression syntaxes within the same definition. For example, the
previous configuration using regular expressions instead of Ant paths would be
written as follows:
<bean id="filterInvocationInterceptor" class=""> <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/> <property name="accessDecisionManager" ref="accessDecisionManager"/> <property name="runAsManager" ref="runAsManager"/> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <security:filter-invocation-definition-source path-type="regex"> <security:intercept-url pattern="\A/secure/super/.*\Z" access="ROLE_WE_DONT_HAVE"/> <security:intercept-url pattern="\A/secure/.*\" access="ROLE_SUPERVISOR,ROLE_TELLER"/> </security:filter-invocation-definition-source> </property> </bean>
Irrespective of the type of expression syntax used, expressions
are always evaluated in the order they are defined. Thus it is
important that more specific expressions are defined higher in the
list than less specific expressions. This is reflected in our example
above, where the more specific /secure/super/
pattern appears higher than the less specific
pattern. If they were reversed, the
pattern would always match and the
pattern would never be
As with other security interceptors, the
property is observed. When
set to true
(the default), at startup time the
will evaluate if the
provided configuration attributes are valid. It does this by checking
each configuration attribute can be processed by either the
or the
. If neither of these can process a
given configuration attribute, an exception is thrown.