19. @RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient

Spring Security allows resolving an access token using @RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient.


A working example can be found in OAuth 2.0 WebClient WebFlux sample.

After configuring Spring Security for OAuth2 Login or as an OAuth2 Client, an OAuth2AuthorizedClient can be resolved using the following:

Mono<String> explicit(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("client-id") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
    // ...

This integrates into Spring Security to provide the following features:

If the user authenticated using oauth2Login(), then the client-id is optional. For example, the following would work:

Mono<String> implicit(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
    // ...

This is convenient if the user always authenticates with OAuth2 Login and an access token from the same authorization server is needed.