Interface Saml2ErrorCodes

  • public interface Saml2ErrorCodes
    A list of SAML known 2 error codes used during SAML authentication.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String DECRYPTION_ERROR
      The system failed to decrypt an assertion or a name identifier.
      static java.lang.String INTERNAL_VALIDATION_ERROR
      An error happened during validation.
      static java.lang.String INVALID_ASSERTION
      The assertion was not valid.
      static java.lang.String INVALID_DESTINATION
      Response destination does not match the request URL.
      static java.lang.String INVALID_ISSUER
      An Issuer element contained a value that didn't
      static java.lang.String INVALID_SIGNATURE
      The signature of response or assertion was invalid.
      static java.lang.String MALFORMED_RESPONSE_DATA
      The response data is malformed or incomplete.
      static java.lang.String SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND
      The assertion did not contain a subject element.
      static java.lang.String UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_CLASS
      SAML Data does not represent a SAML 2 Response object.
      static java.lang.String USERNAME_NOT_FOUND
      The subject did not contain a user identifier The assertion contained a subject element, but the subject element did not have a NameID or EncryptedID element
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_CLASS
        SAML Data does not represent a SAML 2 Response object. A valid XML object was received, but that object was not a SAML 2 Response object of type ResponseType per specification
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String MALFORMED_RESPONSE_DATA
        The response data is malformed or incomplete. An invalid XML object was received, and XML unmarshalling failed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String INVALID_DESTINATION
        Response destination does not match the request URL. A SAML 2 response object was received at a URL that did not match the URL stored in the {code Destination} attribute in the Response object.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String INVALID_ASSERTION
        The assertion was not valid. The assertion used for authentication failed validation. Details around the failure will be present in the error description.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String INVALID_SIGNATURE
        The signature of response or assertion was invalid. Either the response or the assertion was missing a signature or the signature could not be verified using the system's configured credentials. Most commonly the IDP's X509 certificate.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND
        The assertion did not contain a subject element. The subject element, type SubjectType, contains a NameID or an EncryptedID that is used to assign the authenticated principal an identifier, typically a username.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String USERNAME_NOT_FOUND
        The subject did not contain a user identifier The assertion contained a subject element, but the subject element did not have a NameID or EncryptedID element
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String DECRYPTION_ERROR
        The system failed to decrypt an assertion or a name identifier. This error code will be thrown if the decryption of either a EncryptedAssertion or EncryptedID fails.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String INVALID_ISSUER
        An Issuer element contained a value that didn't
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String INTERNAL_VALIDATION_ERROR
        An error happened during validation. Used when internal, non classified, errors are caught during the authentication process.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values