Class RelyingPartyRegistration

  • public class RelyingPartyRegistration
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a configured service provider, SP, and a remote identity provider, IDP, pair. Each SP/IDP pair is uniquely identified using a registrationId, an arbitrary string. A fully configured registration may look like
                    //remote IDP entity ID
                    String idpEntityId = "";
                    //remote WebSSO Endpoint - Where to Send AuthNRequests to
                    String webSsoEndpoint = "";
                    //local registration ID
                    String registrationId = "simplesamlphp";
                    //local entity ID - autogenerated based on URL
                    String localEntityIdTemplate = "{baseUrl}/saml2/service-provider-metadata/{registrationId}";
                    //local SSO URL - autogenerated, endpoint to receive SAML Response objects
                    String acsUrlTemplate = "{baseUrl}/login/saml2/sso/{registrationId}";
                    //local signing (and local decryption key and remote encryption certificate)
                    Saml2X509Credential signingCredential = getSigningCredential();
                    //IDP certificate for verification of incoming messages
                    Saml2X509Credential idpVerificationCertificate = getVerificationCertificate();
                    RelyingPartyRegistration rp = RelyingPartyRegistration.withRegistrationId(registrationId)
                                    .credentials(c -> c.add(signingCredential))
                                    .credentials(c -> c.add(idpVerificationCertificate))
    • Method Detail

      • getRemoteIdpEntityId

        public java.lang.String getRemoteIdpEntityId()
        Returns the entity ID of the IDP, the asserting party.
        entity ID of the asserting party
      • getRegistrationId

        public java.lang.String getRegistrationId()
        Returns the unique relying party registration ID
      • getAssertionConsumerServiceUrlTemplate

        public java.lang.String getAssertionConsumerServiceUrlTemplate()
        returns the URL template for which ACS URL authentication requests should contain Possible variables are baseUrl, registrationId, baseScheme, baseHost, and basePort.
        string containing the ACS URL template, with or without variables present
      • getIdpWebSsoUrl

        public java.lang.String getIdpWebSsoUrl()
        Contains the URL for which to send the SAML 2 Authentication Request to initiate a single sign on flow.
        a IDP URL that accepts REDIRECT or POST binding for authentication requests
      • getLocalEntityIdTemplate

        public java.lang.String getLocalEntityIdTemplate()
        The local relying party, or Service Provider, can generate it's entity ID based on possible variables of baseUrl, registrationId, baseScheme, baseHost, and basePort, for example {baseUrl}/saml2/service-provider-metadata/{registrationId}
        a string containing the entity ID or entity ID template
      • getCredentials

        public java.util.List<Saml2X509Credential> getCredentials()
        Returns a list of configured credentials to be used in message exchanges between relying party, SP, and asserting party, IDP.
        a list of credentials
      • withRegistrationId

        public static RelyingPartyRegistration.Builder withRegistrationId​(java.lang.String registrationId)
        Creates a RelyingPartyRegistration RelyingPartyRegistration.Builder with a known registrationId
        registrationId - a string identifier for the RelyingPartyRegistration
        Builder to create a RelyingPartyRegistration object