Class ReactiveSecurityContextHolder

  • public class ReactiveSecurityContextHolder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Allows getting and setting the Spring SecurityContext into a Context.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.util.function.Function<reactor.util.context.Context,​reactor.util.context.Context> clearContext()
      Clears the Mono<SecurityContext> from Reactor Context
      static reactor.core.publisher.Mono<SecurityContext> getContext()
      Gets the Mono<SecurityContext> from Reactor Context
      static reactor.util.context.Context withAuthentication​(Authentication authentication)
      static reactor.util.context.Context withSecurityContext​(reactor.core.publisher.Mono<? extends SecurityContext> securityContext)
      Creates a Reactor Context that contains the Mono<SecurityContext> that can be merged into another Context
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReactiveSecurityContextHolder

        public ReactiveSecurityContextHolder()
    • Method Detail

      • getContext

        public static reactor.core.publisher.Mono<SecurityContext> getContext()
        Gets the Mono<SecurityContext> from Reactor Context
        the Mono<SecurityContext>
      • clearContext

        public static java.util.function.Function<reactor.util.context.Context,​reactor.util.context.Context> clearContext()
        Clears the Mono<SecurityContext> from Reactor Context
        Return a Mono<Void> which only replays complete and error signals from clearing the context.
      • withSecurityContext

        public static reactor.util.context.Context withSecurityContext​(reactor.core.publisher.Mono<? extends SecurityContext> securityContext)
        Creates a Reactor Context that contains the Mono<SecurityContext> that can be merged into another Context
        securityContext - the Mono<SecurityContext> to set in the returned Reactor Context
        a Reactor Context that contains the Mono<SecurityContext>
      • withAuthentication

        public static reactor.util.context.Context withAuthentication​(Authentication authentication)
        authentication - the Authentication to be used
        a Reactor Context that contains the Mono<SecurityContext>