Class HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements SecurityContextRepository
    A SecurityContextRepository implementation which stores the security context in the HttpSession between requests.

    The HttpSession will be queried to retrieve the SecurityContext in the loadContext method (using the key SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY by default). If a valid SecurityContext cannot be obtained from the HttpSession for whatever reason, a fresh SecurityContext will be created by calling by SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext() and this instance will be returned instead.

    When saveContext is called, the context will be stored under the same key, provided

    1. The value has changed
    2. The configured AuthenticationTrustResolver does not report that the contents represent an anonymous user

    With the standard configuration, no HttpSession will be created during loadContext if one does not already exist. When saveContext is called at the end of the web request, and no session exists, a new HttpSession will only be created if the supplied SecurityContext is not equal to an empty SecurityContext instance. This avoids needless HttpSession creation, but automates the storage of changes made to the context during the request. Note that if SecurityContextPersistenceFilter is configured to eagerly create sessions, then the session-minimisation logic applied here will not make any difference. If you are using eager session creation, then you should ensure that the allowSessionCreation property of this class is set to true (the default).

    If for whatever reason no HttpSession should ever be created (for example, if Basic authentication is being used or similar clients that will never present the same jsessionid), then allowSessionCreation should be set to false. Only do this if you really need to conserve server memory and ensure all classes using the SecurityContextHolder are designed to have no persistence of the SecurityContext between web requests.

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY
        The default key under which the security context will be stored in the session.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • logger

        protected final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository

        public HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository()
    • Method Detail

      • loadContext

        public SecurityContext loadContext​(HttpRequestResponseHolder requestResponseHolder)
        Gets the security context for the current request (if available) and returns it.

        If the session is null, the context object is null or the context object stored in the session is not an instance of SecurityContext, a new context object will be generated and returned.

        Specified by:
        loadContext in interface SecurityContextRepository
        requestResponseHolder - holder for the current request and response for which the context should be loaded.
        The security context which should be used for the current request, never null.
      • saveContext

        public void saveContext​(SecurityContext context,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
        Description copied from interface: SecurityContextRepository
        Stores the security context on completion of a request.
        Specified by:
        saveContext in interface SecurityContextRepository
        context - the non-null context which was obtained from the holder.
      • containsContext

        public boolean containsContext​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: SecurityContextRepository
        Allows the repository to be queried as to whether it contains a security context for the current request.
        Specified by:
        containsContext in interface SecurityContextRepository
        request - the current request
        true if a context is found for the request, false otherwise
      • generateNewContext

        protected SecurityContext generateNewContext()
        By default, calls SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext() to obtain a new context (there should be no context present in the holder when this method is called). Using this approach the context creation strategy is decided by the SecurityContextHolderStrategy in use. The default implementations will return a new SecurityContextImpl.
        a new SecurityContext instance. Never null.
      • setAllowSessionCreation

        public void setAllowSessionCreation​(boolean allowSessionCreation)
        If set to true (the default), a session will be created (if required) to store the security context if it is determined that its contents are different from the default empty context value.

        Note that setting this flag to false does not prevent this class from storing the security context. If your application (or another filter) creates a session, then the security context will still be stored for an authenticated user.

        allowSessionCreation -
      • setDisableUrlRewriting

        public void setDisableUrlRewriting​(boolean disableUrlRewriting)
        Allows the use of session identifiers in URLs to be disabled. Off by default.
        disableUrlRewriting - set to true to disable URL encoding methods in the response wrapper and prevent the use of jsessionid parameters.
      • setSpringSecurityContextKey

        public void setSpringSecurityContextKey​(java.lang.String springSecurityContextKey)
        Allows the session attribute name to be customized for this repository instance.
        springSecurityContextKey - the key under which the security context will be stored. Defaults to SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY.