Logout functionality based around a filter which handles a specific logout URL.
Interface Summary Interface Description LogoutHandler Indicates a class that is able to participate in logout handling.LogoutSuccessHandler Strategy that is called after a successful logout by theLogoutFilter
, to handle redirection or forwarding to the appropriate destination. -
Class Summary Class Description CompositeLogoutHandler Performs a logout through all theLogoutHandler
implementations.CookieClearingLogoutHandler A logout handler which clears either - A defined list of cookie names, using the context path as the cookie path OR - A given list of CookiesDelegatingLogoutSuccessHandler Delegates to logout handlers based on matched request matchersForwardLogoutSuccessHandler LogoutSuccessHandler
implementation that will perform a request dispatcher "forward" to the specified target URL.HeaderWriterLogoutHandler HttpStatusReturningLogoutSuccessHandler Implementation of theLogoutSuccessHandler
.LogoutFilter Logs a principal out.LogoutSuccessEventPublishingLogoutHandler A logout handler which publishesLogoutSuccessEvent
SecurityContextLogoutHandler Performs a logout by modifying theSecurityContextHolder
.SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler Handles the navigation on logout by delegating to theAbstractAuthenticationTargetUrlRequestHandler
base class logic.