Class AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
jakarta.servlet.Filter, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean, org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisherAware, org.springframework.context.EnvironmentAware, org.springframework.core.env.EnvironmentCapable, org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware
Direct Known Subclasses:
J2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter, RequestAttributeAuthenticationFilter, RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter, WebSpherePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter, X509AuthenticationFilter

public abstract class AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter extends org.springframework.web.filter.GenericFilterBean implements org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisherAware
Base class for processing filters that handle pre-authenticated authentication requests, where it is assumed that the principal has already been authenticated by an external system.

The purpose is then only to extract the necessary information on the principal from the incoming request, rather than to authenticate them. External authentication systems may provide this information via request data such as headers or cookies which the pre-authentication system can extract. It is assumed that the external system is responsible for the accuracy of the data and preventing the submission of forged values. Subclasses must implement the getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal() and getPreAuthenticatedCredentials() methods. Subclasses of this filter are typically used in combination with a PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider, which is used to load additional data for the user. This provider will reject null credentials, so the getPreAuthenticatedCredentials(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) method should not return null for a valid principal.

If the security context already contains an Authentication object (either from a invocation of the filter or because of some other authentication mechanism), the filter will do nothing by default. You can force it to check for a change in the principal by setting the checkForPrincipalChanges property.

By default, the filter chain will proceed when an authentication attempt fails in order to allow other authentication mechanisms to process the request. To reject the credentials immediately, set the continueFilterChainOnUnsuccessfulAuthentication flag to false. The exception raised by the AuthenticationManager will the be re-thrown. Note that this will not affect cases where the principal returned by getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) is null, when the chain will still proceed as normal.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter

      public AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter()
  • Method Details

    • afterPropertiesSet

      public void afterPropertiesSet()
      Check whether all required properties have been set.
      Specified by:
      afterPropertiesSet in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
      afterPropertiesSet in class org.springframework.web.filter.GenericFilterBean
    • doFilter

      public void doFilter(jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse response, jakarta.servlet.FilterChain chain) throws IOException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Try to authenticate a pre-authenticated user with Spring Security if the user has not yet been authenticated.
      Specified by:
      doFilter in interface jakarta.servlet.Filter
    • principalChanged

      protected boolean principalChanged(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Authentication currentAuthentication)
      Determines if the current principal has changed. The default implementation tries

      Subclasses can override this method to determine when a principal has changed.

      request -
      currentAuthentication -
      true if the principal has changed, else false
    • successfulAuthentication

      protected void successfulAuthentication(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authResult) throws IOException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Puts the Authentication instance returned by the authentication manager into the secure context.
    • unsuccessfulAuthentication

      protected void unsuccessfulAuthentication(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException failed) throws IOException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Ensures the authentication object in the secure context is set to null when authentication fails.

      Caches the failure exception as a request attribute

    • setApplicationEventPublisher

      public void setApplicationEventPublisher(org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher anApplicationEventPublisher)
      Specified by:
      setApplicationEventPublisher in interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisherAware
      anApplicationEventPublisher - The ApplicationEventPublisher to use
    • setSecurityContextRepository

      public void setSecurityContextRepository(SecurityContextRepository securityContextRepository)
      Sets the SecurityContextRepository to save the SecurityContext on authentication success. The default action is not to save the SecurityContext.
      securityContextRepository - the SecurityContextRepository to use. Cannot be null.
    • setAuthenticationDetailsSource

      public void setAuthenticationDetailsSource(AuthenticationDetailsSource<jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,?> authenticationDetailsSource)
      authenticationDetailsSource - The AuthenticationDetailsSource to use
    • getAuthenticationDetailsSource

      protected AuthenticationDetailsSource<jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,?> getAuthenticationDetailsSource()
    • setAuthenticationManager

      public void setAuthenticationManager(AuthenticationManager authenticationManager)
      authenticationManager - The AuthenticationManager to use
    • setContinueFilterChainOnUnsuccessfulAuthentication

      public void setContinueFilterChainOnUnsuccessfulAuthentication(boolean shouldContinue)
      If set to true (the default), any AuthenticationException raised by the AuthenticationManager will be swallowed, and the request will be allowed to proceed, potentially using alternative authentication mechanisms. If false, authentication failure will result in an immediate exception.
      shouldContinue - set to true to allow the request to proceed after a failed authentication.
    • setCheckForPrincipalChanges

      public void setCheckForPrincipalChanges(boolean checkForPrincipalChanges)
      If set, the pre-authenticated principal will be checked on each request and compared against the name of the current Authentication object. A check to determine if Authentication.getPrincipal() is equal to the principal will also be performed. If a change is detected, the user will be reauthenticated.
      checkForPrincipalChanges -
    • setInvalidateSessionOnPrincipalChange

      public void setInvalidateSessionOnPrincipalChange(boolean invalidateSessionOnPrincipalChange)
      If checkForPrincipalChanges is set, and a change of principal is detected, determines whether any existing session should be invalidated before proceeding to authenticate the new principal.
      invalidateSessionOnPrincipalChange - false to retain the existing session. Defaults to true.
    • setAuthenticationSuccessHandler

      public void setAuthenticationSuccessHandler(AuthenticationSuccessHandler authenticationSuccessHandler)
      Sets the strategy used to handle a successful authentication.
    • setAuthenticationFailureHandler

      public void setAuthenticationFailureHandler(AuthenticationFailureHandler authenticationFailureHandler)
      Sets the strategy used to handle a failed authentication.
    • setRequiresAuthenticationRequestMatcher

      public void setRequiresAuthenticationRequestMatcher(RequestMatcher requiresAuthenticationRequestMatcher)
      Sets the request matcher to check whether to proceed the request further.
    • getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal

      protected abstract Object getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Override to extract the principal information from the current request
    • getPreAuthenticatedCredentials

      protected abstract Object getPreAuthenticatedCredentials(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Override to extract the credentials (if applicable) from the current request. Should not return null for a valid principal, though some implementations may return a dummy value.