OAuth 2.0 Client
's and supporting classes and interfaces.-
ClassDescriptionAn implementation of an
that delegates to the providedOAuth2AuthorizedClientService
if the currentPrincipal
is authenticated, otherwise, to the default (or provided)OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository
if the current request is unauthenticated (or anonymous).Implementations of this interface are responsible for the persistence ofOAuth2AuthorizationRequest
between requests.An implementation of anOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver
that attempts to resolve anOAuth2AuthorizationRequest
from the providedHttpServletRequest
using the default requestURI
.The default implementation of anOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
for use within the context of aHttpServletRequest
.The default implementation of thecontextAttributesMapper
.The default implementation of aReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
for use within the context of aServerWebExchange
.The default implementation of thecontextAttributesMapper
.An implementation of anAuthorizationRequestRepository
that storesOAuth2AuthorizationRequest
in theHttpSession
.An implementation of anOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository
that storesOAuth2AuthorizedClient
's in theHttpSession
for the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant, which handles the processing of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Response.A factory of customizers that customize theOAuth 2.0 Authorization Request
via theOAuth2AuthorizationRequest.Builder
initiates the authorization code grant or implicit grant flow by redirecting the End-User's user-agent to the Authorization Server's Authorization Endpoint.Implementations of this interface are capable of resolving anOAuth2AuthorizationRequest
from the providedHttpServletRequest
.Implementations of this interface are responsible for the persistence ofAuthorized Client(s)
between requests.An implementation of anAbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter
for OAuth 2.0 Login.