Interface OAuth2TokenIntrospectionClaimNames

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface OAuth2TokenIntrospectionClaimNames
The names of the "Introspection Claims" defined by an Introspection Response.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    active - Indicator whether or not the token is currently active
    static final String
    aud - The intended audience for the token
    static final String
    client_id - The Client identifier for the token
    static final String
    exp - A timestamp indicating when the token expires
    static final String
    iat - A timestamp indicating when the token was issued
    static final String
    iss - The issuer of the token
    static final String
    jti - The identifier for the token
    static final String
    nbf - A timestamp indicating when the token is not to be used before
    static final String
    scope - The scopes for the token
    static final String
    sub - Usually a machine-readable identifier of the resource owner who authorized the token
    static final String
    token_type - The type of the token, for example bearer.
    static final String
    username - A human-readable identifier for the resource owner that authorized the token