Interface ReactiveOidcSessionRegistry

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public interface ReactiveOidcSessionRegistry
A registry to record the tie between the OIDC Provider session and the Client session. This is handy when a provider makes a logout request that indicates the OIDC Provider session or the End User.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • saveSessionInformation

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> saveSessionInformation(OidcSessionInformation info)
      Register a OIDC Provider session with the provided client session. Generally speaking, the client session should be the session tied to the current login.
      info - the OidcSessionInformation to use
    • removeSessionInformation

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<OidcSessionInformation> removeSessionInformation(String clientSessionId)
      Deregister the OIDC Provider session tied to the provided client session. Generally speaking, the client session should be the session tied to the current logout.
      clientSessionId - the client session
      any found OidcSessionInformation, could be null
    • removeSessionInformation

      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<OidcSessionInformation> removeSessionInformation(OidcLogoutToken logoutToken)
      Deregister the OIDC Provider sessions referenced by the provided OIDC Logout Token by its session id or its subject. Note that the issuer and audience should also match the corresponding values found in each OidcSessionInformation returned.
      logoutToken - the OidcLogoutToken
      any found OidcSessionInformations, could be empty