Class IdTokenClaimNames


public final class IdTokenClaimNames extends Object
The names of the "claims" defined by the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specification that can be returned in the ID Token.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    acr - the Authentication Context Class Reference
    static final String
    amr - the Authentication Methods References
    static final String
    at_hash - the Access Token hash value
    static final String
    aud - the Audience(s) that the ID Token is intended for
    static final String
    auth_time - the time when the End-User authentication occurred
    static final String
    azp - the Authorized party to which the ID Token was issued
    static final String
    c_hash - the Authorization Code hash value
    static final String
    exp - the Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted
    static final String
    iat - the time at which the ID Token was issued
    static final String
    iss - the Issuer identifier
    static final String
    nonce - a String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks.
    static final String
    sub - the Subject identifier
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait