Spring Session

John Blum

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Samples and Guides (Start Here)
3. HttpSession Integration
3.1. Why Spring Session & HttpSession?
3.2. HttpSession with Apache Geode
3.2.1. Apache Geode Client-Server
Apache Geode Client-Server Java-based Configuration
Spring Java Configuration
Java Servlet Container Initialization
Apache Geode Client-Server XML-based Configuration
Spring XML Configuration
XML Servlet Container Initialization
3.2.2. Apache Geode Peer-To-Peer (P2P)
Apache Geode Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Java-based Configuration
Spring Java Configuration
Java Servlet Container Initialization
Apache Geode Peer-To-Peer (P2P) XML-based Configuration
Spring XML Configuration
XML Servlet Container Initialization
3.3. Apache Geode/Pivotal Pivotal GemFire Serialization
3.3.1. Apache Geode/Pivotal Pivotal GemFire Serialization Background
Data Serialization
PDX + Data Serialization + Java Serialization
3.3.2. Serialization with Spring Session
3.3.3. Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Serialization Framework
Implementing a SessionSerializer
Changing the Session Representation
3.4. How HttpSession Integration Works
3.5. HttpSessionListener
3.6. Session
3.7. SessionRepository
3.8. FindByIndexNameSessionRepository
3.9. EnableSpringHttpSession
3.10. EnableGemFireHttpSession
3.11. GemFireOperationsSessionRepository
3.11.1. Using Indexes with Apache Geode
3.11.2. Using Indexes with Apache Geode & Spring Security
3.11.3. Using Custom Indexes with GemFire
4. Spring Session Community
4.1. Support
4.2. Source Code
4.3. Issue Tracking
4.4. Contributing
4.5. License
5. Minimum Requirements

Spring Session provides an API and implementations for managing a user’s session information.

1. Introduction

Spring Session provides an API and implementations for managing a user’s session information. It also provides transparent integration with:

  • HttpSession - Spring Session enables the replacement of the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession in an application container (e.g. Tomcat) neutral way.

Additional features include:

  • Clustered Sessions - Spring Session makes it trivial to support clustered sessions without being tied to an application container specific solution.
  • Multiple Browser Sessions - Spring Session supports managing multiple user sessions within a single browser (i.e. multiple authenticated accounts similar to Google).
  • REST API - Spring Session allows the session ID to be provided in the protocol header to work with REST APIs.
  • WebSocket - Spring Session provides the ability to keep the HttpSession alive when receiving messages via a WebSocket.

2. Samples and Guides (Start Here)

If you are looking to get started with Spring Session right of way, the best place to start is with our Sample Applications.

Table 2.1. Sample Application using Spring Boot


HttpSession with Spring Boot and Apache Geode

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session to manage the HttpSession with Apache Geode in a Spring Boot application using a Client/Server topology.

HttpSession with Spring Boot and Apache Geode Guide

HttpSession with Spring Boot and Apache Geode using Scoped Proxies

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session to manage the HttpSession with Apache Geode in a Spring Boot application using a Client/Server topology. The application also makes use of Spring Request and Session Scoped Proxy beans.

HttpSession with Spring Boot and Apache Geode using Scoped Proxies Guide

Table 2.2. Sample Applications using Spring’s Java-based configuration


HttpSession with Apache Geode (Client/Server)

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session to manage the HttpSession with Apache Geode using a Client/Server topology.

HttpSession with Apache Geode (Client/Server) Guide

HttpSession with Apache Geode (P2P)

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session to manage the HttpSession with Apache Geode using a P2P topology.

HttpSession with Apache Geode (P2P) Guide

Table 2.3. Sample Applications using Spring’s XML-based configuration


HttpSession with Apache Geode (Client/Server)

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session to manage the HttpSession with Apache Geode using a Client/Server topology.

HttpSession with Apache Geode (Client/Server) Guide

HttpSession with Apache Geode (P2P)

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session to manage the HttpSession with Apache Geode using a P2P topology.

HttpSession with Apache Geode (P2P) Guide

3. HttpSession Integration

Spring Session provides transparent integration with javax.servlet.http.HttpSession. This means that developers can replace the HttpSession implementation with an implementation that is backed by Spring Session.

3.1 Why Spring Session & HttpSession?

We already mentioned that Spring Session provides transparent integration with HttpSession, but what benefits do we get out of this?

  • Clustered Sessions - Spring Session makes it trivial to support clustered sessions without being tied to an application container specific solution.
  • Multiple Browser Sessions - Spring Session supports managing multiple user sessions within a single browser (i.e. multiple authenticated accounts similar to Google).
  • REST API - Spring Session allows the session ID to be provided in the protocol header to work with REST APIs.
  • WebSocket - Spring Session provides the ability to keep the HttpSession alive when receiving messages via a WebSocket.

3.2 HttpSession with Apache Geode

When Apache Geode is used with Spring Session, a web application’s javax.servlet.http.HttpSession can be replaced with a clustered implementation managed by Apache Geode and conveniently accessed using Spring Session’s API.

The two most common topologies for managing Spring Sessions using Apache Geode include:

Additionally, Apache Geode supports site-to-site replication using WAN technology. The ability to configure and use Apache Geode’s WAN functionality is independent of Spring Session, and beyond the scope of this document.

More details on configuring Apache Geode WAN functionality using Spring Data Geode can be found here.

3.2.1 Apache Geode Client-Server

The Client-Server topology will probably be the more common configuration choice among users when using Apache Geode as a provider in Spring Session since a Apache Geode server has significantly different and unique JVM heap requirements than compared to the application. Using a Client-Server topology enables an application to manage (e.g. replicate) application state independently from other application processes.

In a Client-Server topology, an application using Spring Session will open 1 or more connections to a remote cluster of Apache Geode servers that will manage access to all HttpSession state.

You can configure a Client-Server topology with either:

Apache Geode Client-Server Java-based Configuration

This section describes how to configure Apache Geode’s Client-Server topology to manage an HttpSession with Java-based configuration.


The HttpSession with Apache Geode (Client-Server) provides a working sample demonstrating how to integrate Spring Session with Apache Geode to manage the HttpSession using Java configuration. You can read through the basic steps of integration below, but you are encouraged to follow along in the detailed `HttpSession` with Apache Geode (Client-Server) Guide when integrating with your own application.

Spring Java Configuration

After adding the required dependencies and repository declarations, we can create the Spring configuration. The Spring configuration is responsible for creating a Servlet Filter that replaces the HttpSession with an implementation backed by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

Client Configuration

Add the following Spring configuration:

@ClientCacheApplication(name = "SpringSessionDataGeodeClientJavaConfigSample", logLevel = "warning",
	pingInterval = 5000L, readTimeout = 15000, retryAttempts = 1, subscriptionEnabled = true) 1
@EnableGemFireHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 30, poolName = "DEFAULT") 2
public class ClientConfig extends IntegrationTestConfig {

	// Required to resolve property placeholders in Spring @Value annotations.
	static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
		return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();

	ClientCacheConfigurer clientCacheServerPortConfigurer(
			@Value("${spring.session.data.geode.cache.server.port:40404}") int port) { 3

		return (beanName, clientCacheFactoryBean) ->
				newConnectionEndpoint("localhost", port)));


First, we declare our Web application to be a Apache Geode cache client by annotating our ClientConfig class with @ClientCacheApplication. Additionally, we adjust a few basic, "DEFAULT" Pool settings.


@EnableGemFireHttpSession creates a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter that implements javax.servlet.Filter. The filter is what replaces the HttpSession with an implementation provided by Spring Session and backed by Apache Geode. This will also create the necessary client-side Region (by default, "ClusteredSpringSessions`, which is a PROXY Region) corresponding to the same server-side Region by name. All Session state will be sent from the cache client Web application to the server through Region data access operations. The client-side Region will use the "DEFAULT" Pool.


Then, we adjust the port used by the cache client Pool to connect to the CacheServer using a SDG ClientCacheConfigurer.


In typical Apache Geode production deployments, where the cluster includes potentially hundreds or thousands of Apache Geode servers (data nodes), it is more common for clients to connect to 1 or more Apache Geode Locators running in the cluster. A Locator passes meta-data to clients about the servers available in the cluster, the server load and which servers have the client’s data of interest, which is particularly important for direct, single-hop data access and latency-sensitive operations. See more details about the Client/Server Deployment in the Apache Geode User Guide.


For more information on configuring _Spring Data Geode, refer to the Reference Guide.

@EnableGemFireHttpSession enables a developer to configure certain aspects of both Spring Session and Apache Geode out-of-the-box using the following attributes:

  • clientRegionShortcut - specifies Apache Geode data management policy on the client with a Apache Geode ClientRegionShortcut (default is PROXY). This attribute is only used when configuring a client Region.
  • indexableSessionAttributes - Identifies the Session attributes by name that should be indexed for querying operations. Only Session attributes identified by name will be indexed.
  • maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds - controls HttpSession idle-timeout expiration (defaults to 30 minutes).
  • poolName - name of the dedicated Apache Geode Pool used to connect a client to the cluster of servers. The attribute is only used when the application is a cache client. Defaults to gemfirePool.
  • regionName - specifies the name of the Apache Geode Region used to store and manage HttpSession state (default is "ClusteredSpringSessions").
  • serverRegionShortcut - specifies Apache Geode data management policy on the server using a Apache Geode RegionShortcut (default is PARTITION). This attribute is only used when configuring server Regions, or when a P2P topology is employed.

It is important to remember that the Apache Geode client Region name must match a server Region by the same name if the client Region is a PROXY or CACHING_PROXY. Client and server Region names are not required to match if the client Region used to store Sessions is LOCAL. However, keep in mind that Session state will not be propagated to the server and you lose all the benefits of using Apache Geode to store and manage distributed, replicated Session state information on the servers in a cluster.

Server Configuration

So far, we only covered one side of the equation. We also need an Apache Geode Server for our cache client to talk to and send Session state to the server to manage.

In this sample, we will use the following Java configuration to spin up an Apache Geode Server:

@CacheServerApplication(name = "SpringSessionSampleJavaConfigGemFireClientServer", logLevel = "warning") 1
@EnableGemFireHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 30) 2
public class ServerConfig {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ServerConfig.class).registerShutdownHook();

	// Required to resolve property placeholders in Spring @Value annotations.
	static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
		return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();

	CacheServerConfigurer cacheServerPortConfigurer(
			@Value("${spring.session.data.geode.cache.server.port:40404}") int port) { 3

		return (beanName, cacheServerFactoryBean) -> {


First, we use the new Spring Data Geode configuration annotation @CacheServerApplication to simplify the creation of a peer cache instance along with a CacheServer for cache clients to connect.


(Optional) Then, the ServerConfig class is annotated with @EnableGemFireHttpSession to create the necessary server-side Region (by default, "ClusteredSpringSessions") used to store the HttpSessions state. This step is optional since the Session Region could be created manually, perhaps using external means. Using @EnableGemFireHttpSession is convenient.


Finally, we adjust the port that the CacheServer will use to listen for cache clients by declaring a CacheServerConfigurer bean to modify the SDG CacheServerFactoryBean using property placeholders.

The sample makes use of Spring’s PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer in order to externalize the sample application’s configuration using a properties file or with JVM System properties, which ever.

Java Servlet Container Initialization

Our Spring Java Configuration created a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter that implements javax.servlet.Filter. The springSessionRepositoryFilter bean is responsible for replacing the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession with a custom implementation backed by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

In order for our Filter to do its magic, Spring needs to load the ClientConfig class. We also need to ensure our Servlet container (i.e. Tomcat) uses our springSessionRepositoryFilter for every request.

Fortunately, Spring Session provides a utility class named AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer to make both of these steps extremely easy.

You can find an example below:


public class Initializer extends AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer { 1

	public Initializer() {
		super(ClientConfig.class); 2


The name of our class (Initializer) does not matter. What is important is that we extend AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer.


The first step is to extend AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer. This ensures that a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter is registered with our Servlet container and used on every HTTP request.


AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer also provides a mechanism to easily allow Spring to load our ClientConfig.

Apache Geode Client-Server XML-based Configuration

This section describes how to configure Apache Geode’s Client-Server topology to manage an HttpSession with XML-based configuration.


The HttpSession with Apache Geode (Client-Server) using XML provides a working sample demonstrating how to integrate Spring Session with Apache Geode to manage the HttpSession using XML configuration. You can read through the basic steps of integration below, but you are encouraged to follow along in the detailed `HttpSession` with Apache Geode (Client-Server) using XML Guide when integrating with your own application.

Spring XML Configuration

After adding the required dependencies and repository declarations, we can create the Spring configuration. The Spring configuration is responsible for creating a Servlet Filter that replaces the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession with an implementation backed by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

Client Configuration

Add the following Spring configuration:


	<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:META-INF/spring/application.properties"/>

	<bean class="sample.ClientServerReadyBeanPostProcessor"/>

	<util:properties id="gemfireProperties">
		<prop key="log-level">${spring.session.data.geode.log-level:warning}</prop>

	<gfe:client-cache properties-ref="gemfireProperties" pool-name="gemfirePool"/>

	<gfe:pool ping-interval="5000" read-timeout="15000" retry-attempts="1" subscription-enabled="true">
		<gfe:server host="${application.geode.client-server.host}"

	<bean class="org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.config.annotation.web.http.GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration"
		  p:maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds="30" p:poolName="DEFAULT"/>


(Optional) First, we can include a Properties bean to configure certain aspects of the Apache Geode ClientCache using GemFire Properties. In this case, we are just setting Apache Geode’s “log-level” from a application-specific System property, defaulting to “warning” if unspecified.


We must create an instance of an Apache Geode ClientCache initialized with our gemfireProperties.


Then we configure a Pool of client connections to talk to the Apache Geode Server in our Client/Server topology. In our configuration, we use sensible settings for timeouts, number of connections and so on. Also, our Pool has been configured to connect directly to the server.


Finally, a GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration bean is registered to enable Spring Session functionality.


In typical Apache Geode production deployments, where the cluster includes potentially hundreds or thousands of Apache Geode servers (data nodes), it is more common for clients to connect to 1 or more Apache Geode Locators running in the cluster. A Locator passes meta-data to clients about the servers available in the cluster, the server load and which servers have the client’s data of interest, which is particularly important for direct, single-hop data access and latency-sensitive operations. See more details about the Client/Server Deployment in the Apache Geode User Guide.


For more information on configuring _Spring Data Geode, refer to the Reference Guide.

Server Configuration

So far, we only covered one side of the equation. We also need an Apache Geode Server for our cache client to talk to and send Session state to the server to manage.

In this sample, we will use the following XML configuration to spin up an Apache Geode Server:


	<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:META-INF/spring/application.properties"/>

	<util:properties id="gemfireProperties">
		<prop key="name">SpringSessionSampleXmlGemFireClientServer</prop>
		<prop key="log-level">${spring.session.data.gemfire.log-level:warning}</prop>
		<prop key="jmx-manager">true</prop>
		<prop key="jmx-manager-start">true</prop>

	<gfe:cache properties-ref="gemfireProperties"/>

	<gfe:cache-server auto-startup="true"

	<bean class="org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.config.annotation.web.http.GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration"


(Optional) First, we can include a Properties bean to configure certain aspects of the Apache Geode peer Cache using GemFire Properties. In this case, we are just setting Apache Geode’s “log-level” from a application-specific System property, defaulting to “warning” if unspecified.


We must configure an Apache Geode peer Cache instance initialized with the Apache Geode properties.


Next, we define a CacheServer with sensible configuration for bind-address and port used by our cache client application to connect to the server to pass Session state.


Finally, we enable the same Spring Session functionality we declared in the client XML configuration by registering an instance of GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration, except we set the Session expiration timeout to 30 seconds. We explain what this means later.

The Apache Geode Server gets bootstrapped with the following:

@Configuration 1
@ImportResource("META-INF/spring/session-server.xml") 2
public class ServerConfig {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ServerConfig.class).registerShutdownHook();

Rather than defining a simple Java class with a main method, you might consider using Spring Boot instead.


The @Configuration annotation designates this Java class as a source of Spring configuration meta-data using 7.9. Annotation-based container configuration[Spring’s annotation configuration support].


Primarily, the configuration comes from the META-INF/spring/session-server.xml file.

XML Servlet Container Initialization

Our Spring XML Configuration created a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter that implements javax.servlet.Filter intervace. The springSessionRepositoryFilter bean is responsible for replacing the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession with a custom implementation that is provided by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

In order for our Filter to do its magic, we need to instruct Spring to load our session-client.xml configuration file.

We do this with the following configuration:



The ContextLoaderListener reads the contextConfigLocation context parameter value and picks up our session-client.xml configuration file.

Finally, we need to ensure that our Servlet container (i.e. Tomcat) uses our springSessionRepositoryFilter for every request.

The following snippet performs this last step for us:



The DelegatingFilterProxy will look up a bean by the name of springSessionRepositoryFilter and cast it to a Filter. For every HTTP request, the DelegatingFilterProxy is invoked, which delegates to the springSessionRepositoryFilter.

3.2.2 Apache Geode Peer-To-Peer (P2P)

Perhaps a less common approach is to configure the Spring Session application as a peer member in the Apache Geode cluster using the Peer-To-Peer (P2P) topology. In this configuration, the Spring Session application would be an actual server (or data node) in the Apache Geode cluster, and not a cache client as before.

One advantage to this approach is the proximity of the application to the application’s state (i.e. its data). However, there are other effective means of accomplishing similar data dependent computations, such as using Apache Geode’s Function Execution. Any of Apache Geode’s other features can be used when Apache Geode is serving as a provider in Spring Session.

P2P is very useful for testing purposes as well as for smaller, more focused and self-contained applications, such as those found in a microservices architecture, and will most certainly improve on your application’s perceived latency, throughput and consistency needs.

You can configure a Peer-To-Peer (P2P) topology with either:

Apache Geode Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Java-based Configuration

This section describes how to configure Apache Geode’s Peer-To-Peer (P2P) topology to manage an HttpSession using Java-based configuration.


The HttpSession with Apache Geode (P2P) provides a working sample demonstrating how to integrate Spring Session with Apache Geode to manage the HttpSession using Java configuration. You can read through the basic steps of integration below, but you are encouraged to follow along in the detailed `HttpSession` with Apache Geode (P2P) Guide when integrating with your own application.

Spring Java Configuration

After adding the required dependencies and repository declarations, we can create the Spring configuration.

The Spring configuration is responsible for creating a Servlet Filter that replaces the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession with an implementation backed by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

Add the following Spring configuration:

@PeerCacheApplication(name = "SpringSessionSampleJavaConfigGemFireP2p", logLevel = "warning") 1
@EnableGemFireHttpSession 2
@EnableManager(start = true) 3
public class Config {



First, we use the new Spring Data Geode configuration annotation @PeerCacheApplication to simplify the creation of a peer cache instance.


Then, the Config class is annotated with @EnableGemFireHttpSession to create the necessary server-side Region (by default, "ClusteredSpringSessions") used to store the HttpSessions state.


(Optionally) Finally, we annotated the Config class with @EnableManager to start an embedded Apache Geode Manager service to allow JMX clients (e.g. Apache Geode’s Gfsh shell tool) to connect and inspect the server.


For more information on configuring _Spring Data Geode, refer to the Reference Guide.

@EnableGemFireHttpSession enables a developer to configure certain aspects of both Spring Session and Apache Geode out-of-the-box using the following attributes:

  • clientRegionShortcut - specifies Apache Geode data management policy on the client with a Apache Geode ClientRegionShortcut (default is PROXY). This attribute is only used when configuring a client Region.
  • indexableSessionAttributes - Identifies the Session attributes by name that should be indexed for querying operations. Only Session attributes identified by name will be indexed.
  • maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds - controls HttpSession idle-timeout expiration (defaults to 30 minutes).
  • poolName - name of the dedicated Apache Geode Pool used to connect a client to the cluster of servers. The attribute is only used when the application is a cache client. Defaults to gemfirePool.
  • regionName - specifies the name of the Apache Geode Region used to store and manage HttpSession state (default is "ClusteredSpringSessions").
  • serverRegionShortcut - specifies Apache Geode data management policy on the server using a Apache Geode RegionShortcut (default is PARTITION). This attribute is only used when configuring server Regions, or when a P2P topology is employed.

Java Servlet Container Initialization

Our <<[httpsession-spring-java-configuration-gemfire-p2p,Spring Java Configuration>> created a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter that implements javasx.servlet.Filter. The springSessionRepositoryFilter bean is responsible for replacing the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession with a custom implementation backed by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

In order for our Filter to do its magic, Spring needs to load our Config class. We also need to ensure our Servlet container (i.e. Tomcat) uses our springSessionRepositoryFilter on every HTTP request.

Fortunately, Spring Session provides a utility class named AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer to make both of these steps extremely easy.

You can find an example below:


public class Initializer extends AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer { 1

	public Initializer() {
		super(Config.class); 2


The name of our class (Initializer) does not matter. What is important is that we extend AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer.


The first step is to extend AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer. This ensures that a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter is registered with our Servlet container and used on every HTTP request.


AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer also provides a mechanism to easily allow Spring to load our Config class.

Apache Geode Peer-To-Peer (P2P) XML-based Configuration

This section describes how to configure Apache Geode’s Peer-To-Peer (P2P) topology to manage an HttpSession using XML-based configuration.


The HttpSession with Apache Geode (P2P) using XML provides a working sample demonstrating how to integrate Spring Session with Apache Geode to manage the HttpSession using XML configuration. You can read through the basic steps of integration below, but you are encouraged to follow along in the detailed `HttpSession` with Apache Geode (P2P) using XML Guide when integrating with your own application.

Spring XML Configuration

After adding the required dependencies and repository declarations, we can create the Spring configuration.

The Spring configuration is responsible for creating a Servlet Filter that replaces the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession with an implementation backed by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

Add the following Spring configuration:




<util:properties id="gemfireProperties">
	<prop key="name">SpringSessionSampleXmlGemFireP2p</prop>
	<prop key="log-level">${spring.session.data.geode.log-level:warning}</prop>
	<prop key="jmx-manager">true</prop>
	<prop key="jmx-manager-start">true</prop>

<gfe:cache properties-ref="gemfireProperties" use-bean-factory-locator="false"/>

<bean class="org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.config.annotation.web.http.GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration"/>


(Optional) First, we can include a Properties bean to configure certain aspects of the Apache Geode peer Cache using GemFire Properties. In this case, we are just setting Apache Geode’s “log-level” from a application-specific System property, defaulting to “warning” if unspecified.


We must configure an Apache Geode peer Cache instance initialized with the Apache Geode properties.


Finally, we enable Spring Session functionality by registering an instance of GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration.


Additionally, we have configured this data node (server) as a Apache Geode Manager as well using Apache Geode-specific JMX properties that enable JMX client (e.g. Gfsh) to connect to this running server.


For more information on configuring _Spring Data Geode, refer to the Reference Guide.

XML Servlet Container Initialization

The Spring XML Configuration created a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter that implements javax.servlet.Filter. The springSessionRepositoryFilter bean is responsible for replacing the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession with a custom implementation that is backed by Spring Session and Apache Geode.

In order for our Filter to do its magic, we need to instruct Spring to load our session.xml configuration file.

We do this with the following configuration:



The ContextLoaderListener reads the contextConfigLocation context parameter value and picks up our session.xml configuration file.

Finally, we need to ensure that our Servlet container (i.e. Tomcat) uses our springSessionRepositoryFilter for every HTTP request.

The following snippet performs this last step for us:



The DelegatingFilterProxy will look up a bean by the name of springSessionRepositoryFilter and cast it to a Filter. For every HTTP request the DelegatingFilterProxy is invoked, delegating to the springSessionRepositoryFilter.

3.3 Apache Geode/Pivotal Pivotal GemFire Serialization

In order to transfer data between clients and servers, or when data is distributed/replicated between peer nodes in a cluster, the data must be serialized. In this case, the data in question is the Session’s state.

Anytime a Session is persisted or accessed in a client/server topology, the Session’s state is sent over-the-wire. Typically, a Spring Boot application with Spring Session enabled will be a client to the server(s) that form a cluster of nodes in Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire.

On the server-side, Session state maybe distributed across several servers (data nodes) in the cluster to replicate the data in order to support high availability of the Session state. Using Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode, data can be partitioned, or sharded, and a redundancy-level can be specified. When the data is distributed for replication, it must also be serialized to transfer the Session state among the peer nodes in the cluster.

Out-of-the-box, both Pivotal GemFire and Apache Geode support Java Serialization. There are many advantages to Java Serialization such as handling cycles in the object graph, or being universally supported by any application written in Java. However, Java Serialization is very verbose and not the most efficient over-the-wire format.

As such, Pivotal GemFire and Apache Geode provides its own serialization frameworks to serialize Java types:

3.3.1 Apache Geode/Pivotal Pivotal GemFire Serialization Background

As mentioned above, Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire provide 2 additional serialization frameworks: Data Serialization and PDX Serialization.

Data Serialization

Data Serialization is a very efficient format (i.e. fast and compact), with little overhead when compared to Java Serialization. It supports Delta Propagation by sending only the bits of data that actually changed as opposed to sending the entire object, which certainly cuts down on the amount of data sent over the network in addition to reducing the amount of IO when data is persisted or overflowed to disk.

However, Data Serialization incurs a CPU penalty anytime data is transferred over-the-wire, or persisted/overflowed to and accessed from disk, since the receiving end performs a deserialization. In fact, anytime Delta Propagation is used, the object must be deserialized on the receiving end in order to apply the "delta", since GemFire/Apache Geode applies deltas by invoking a method on the object that implements the org.apache.geode.Delta interface. Clearly, you cannot invoke a method on a serialized object.


PDX, on the other hand, which stands for Portable Data Exchange, retains the form in which the data was sent. For example, if a client sends data to a server in PDX format, the server will retain the data as PDX serialized bytes and store them in the cache Region for which the data access operation was targeted.

Additionally, PDX, as the name implies, is "portable", meaning it enables both Java and Native Language Clients, such as C, C++ and C# clients, to inter-operate on the same data set.

PDX even allows OQL queries to be performed on the serialized bytes without causing the objects to be deserialized in order to evaluate the query predicate and execute the query. This can be accomplished since Pivotal GemFire and Apache Geode maintains a "Type Registry" containing type meta-data for the objects that get serialized and stored in Apache Geode.

However, portability does come with a cost, having slightly more overhead than Data Serialization. Still, PDX is far more efficient and flexible than Java Serialization where type meta-data is actually stored in the serialized bytes of the object rather than in a separate Type Registry as in Pivotal GemFire and Apache Geode’s case.

PDX does not support Deltas. Technically, a PDX serializable object can be used in Delta Propagation by implementing the org.apache.geode.Delta interface, and only the "delta" will be sent, even in the context of PDX. But then, the PDX serialized object must be deserialized to apply the delta. Remember, a method is invoked to apply the delta, which defeats the purpose of using PDX in the first place.

When developing Native Clients (e.g. C++) that manage data in a Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode cluster, or even when mixing Native Clients with Java clients, typically there will not be any associated Java types provided on the classpath of the servers in the cluster. With PDX, it is not necessary to provide the Java types on the classpath, and many customers who only develop and use Native Clients will not provide any Java types for the corresponding C# types.

GemFire and Apache Geode also support JSON serialized to/from PDX. In this case, it is very likely that Java types will not be provided on the servers classpath since many different languages (e.g. JavaScript, Python, Ruby) supporting JSON can be used with Pivotal GemFire and Apache Geode.

Still, even with PDX in play, users must take care not to cause the PDX serialized object on the servers in the cluster to be deserialized.

For example, consider a query on an object of the following Java type serialized as PDX…​

class Person {

  private LocalDate birthDate;
  private String name;

  public int getAge() {
    // no explicit 'age' field/property in Person
    // age is just implemented in terms of the 'birthDate' field

And, the OQL query invokes a method on a Person object…​

SELECT * FROM /People p WHERE p.age >= 21

Then, this is going to cause a PDX serialized Person object to be deserialized since age is not a field of Person, but rather a method containing a computation based on another field of Person (i.e. birthDate).

Likewise, calling any java.lang.Object method in a OQL query, like Object.toString(), is going to cause a deserialization to happen as well.

GemFire and Apache Geode do provide the read-serialized configuration setting so that any cache Region.get(key) operations that are potentially invoked inside a Function do not cause PDX serialized objects to be deserialized. But, nothing will prevent an ill-conceived OQL query from causing a deserialization, so be careful.

PDX + Data Serialization + Java Serialization

It is possible for Apache Geode/Pivotal Pivotal GemFire to support all 3 serialization formats simultaneously.

For instance, your application domain model might contain objects that implement the java.io.Serialiable interface, and you may be using a combination of the Data Serialization framework along with PDX.


While using Java Serialization with Data Serialization and PDX is possible, it is generally preferable and recommended that you use 1 serialization strategy.


Unlike Java Serialization, Data Serialization and PDX Serialization do not handle object graph cycles.

More background on Apache Geode Serialization can be found here.

3.3.2 Serialization with Spring Session

Previously, Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode only supported Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire’s Data Serialization format. The main motivation behind this was to take advantage of Delta Propagation since a Session’s state can be arbitrarily large.

However, as of Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode 2.0, PDX is also supported and is now the new, default serialization option. The default was changed to PDX in Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode 2.0 primarily because PDX is the most widely used and requested format by users.

PDX is certainly the most flexible format, so much so that you do not even need Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode or any of its transitive dependencies on the classpath of the servers in the cluster to use Spring Session with either Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire. In fact, with PDX, you do not even need to put your application domain object types that will be stored in the (HTTP) Session on the servers' classpath either.

Essentially, when using PDX serialization, Pivotal GemFire and Apache Geode do not require the associated Java types be present on the servers' classpath. So long as no deserialization happens on the servers in the cluster, you are safe.

The @EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation introduces the new sessionSerializerBeanName attribute that a user can configure to refer to the name of a bean declared and registered in the Spring context that implements the desired serialization strategy. The serialization strategy is used by Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode to serialize the Session state.

Out-of-the-box, Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode provides 2 serialization strategies: 1 for PDX and 1 for Data Serialization. It automatically registers both serialization strategy beans in the Spring context. However, only 1 of those strategies is actually used at runtime…​ PDX!

The 2 beans registered in the Spring context implementing Data Serialization and PDX are named SessionDataSerializer and SessionPdxSerializer, respectively.

By default, the sessionSerializerBeanName attribute is set to SessionPdxSerializer, as if the user annotated his/her Spring Boot, Spring Session enabled application configuration class with…​

@EnableGemFireHttpSession(sessionSerializerBeanName = "SessionPdxSerializer")
class MySpringSessionApplication { .. }

It is a simple matter to change the serialization strategy to Data Serialization instead by setting the sessionSerializerBeanName attribute to SessionDataSerializer, like so…​

@EnableGemFireHttpSession(sessionSerializerBeanName = "SessionDataSerializer")
class MySpringSessionApplication { .. }

Since these 2 values are so common, Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode provides constants for each value in the GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration class: GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration.SESSION_PDX_SERIALIZER_BEAN_NAME and GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration.SESSION_DATA_SERIALIZER_BEAN_NAME. So, you could explicitly configure PDX using…​

import org.springframework.session.data.geode.config.annotation.web.http.GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration;

@EnableGemFireHttpSession(sessionSerializerBeanName = GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration.SESSION_PDX_SERIALIZER_BEAN_NAME)
class MySpringSessionApplication { .. }

With 1 attribute and 2 provided bean definitions out-of-the-box, a user can specify which Serialization framework she wishes to use with her Spring Session application backed by either Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire.

3.3.3 Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Serialization Framework

To abstract away the details of Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire’s Data Serialization and PDX Serialization frameworks Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode provides its own Serialization framework (facade) wrapping GemFire/Apache Geode’s Serialization frameworks.

The Serialization API exists under the org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization package.

The primary interface in this API is the…​


The interface is defined as…​

Spring Session SessionSerializer interface. 

interface SessionSerializer<T, IN, OUT> {

  void serialize(T session, OUT out);

  T deserialize(IN in);

  boolean canSerializer(Class<?> type);

  boolean canSerializer(Object obj) {
    // call Object.getClass() in a null-safe way and then call and return canSerialize(:Class)

Basically, the interface allows you to serialize and deserialize a Spring Session object.

The IN and OUT type parameters and corresponding method arguments of those types provide reference to the objects responsible for writing the Session to a stream of bytes or reading the Session from a stream of bytes. The actual arguments will be type dependent/specific, based on the underlying GemFire/Apache Geode Serialization strategy configured.

For instance, when using GemFire/Apache Geode’s PDX Serialization framework, IN and OUT will be instances of org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader and org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter, respectively. When GemFire/Apache Geode’s Data Serialization framework has been configured, then IN and OUT will be instances of java.io.DataInput and java.io.DataOuput, respectively.

These arguments are provided to the SessionSerializer implementation by the framework automatically, and as mentioned above, is based on the underlying GemFire/Apache Geode Serialization strategy configured.

Essentially, even though Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode provides a facade around GemFire/Apache Geode’s Serialization frameworks, under-the-hood, GemFire/Apache Geode still expects that one of these Serialization frameworks is being used to serialize data to/from GemFire/Apache Geode.

So what purpose does the SessionSerializer interface really serve then?

Effectively, it allows a user to customize what aspects of the Session’s state actually gets serialized and stored in Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode. Application developers can provide their own custom, application-specific SessionSerializer implementation, register it as a bean in the Spring context, and then configure it to be used by Spring Session Data GemFire/Apache Geode to serialize the Session state…​

@EnableGemFireHttpSession(sessionSerializerBeanName = "MyCustomSessionSerializer")
class MySpringSessionDataGemFireApplication {

  SessionSerializer<Session, ?, ?> myCustomSessionSerializer() {

Implementing a SessionSerializer

Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode (SSDG) provides assistance when a user wants to implement a custom SessionSerializer that fits into one of Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode’s Serialization frameworks.

If the user just implements the org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization.SessionSerializer interface directly without extending from one of SSDG’s provided abstract base classes, pertaining to 1 of GemFire/Apache Geode’s Serialization frameworks , then SSDG will wrap the user’s custom SessionSerializer implementation in an instance of org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization.pdx.support.PdxSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter and register it with GemFire/Apache Geode as a org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializer.

Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode is careful not to stomp on any existing, PdxSerializer implementation that a user may already have registered with the GemFire/Apache Geode cache by some other means. Indeed, several different and provided implementations of the GemFire/Apache Geode org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializer interface do exists:

This is accomplished by obtaining any currently registered PdxSerializer instance on the cache and composing it with the PdxSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter wrapping the user’s custom application SessionSerializer implementation and re-registering this "composite" PdxSerializer on the GemFire/Apache Geode cache. The "composite" PdxSerializer implementation is provided Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode’s org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.pdx.support.ComposablePdxSerializer class when entities are stored in either GemFire or Apache Geode as PDX.

If no other PdxSerializer was currently registered with the GemFire/Apache Geode cache, then the adapter is simply registered.

Of course, the user is allowed to force the underlying GemFire/Apache Geode Serialization strategy used with his/her custom SessionSerializer implementation by doing 1 of the following…​

  1. The custom SessionSerializer implementation can implement GemFire/Apache Geode’s org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializer interface, or for convenience, extend Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode’s org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization.pdx.AbstractPdxSerializableSessionSerializer class and Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode will register the custom SessionSerializer as a PdxSerializer with GemFire/Apache Geode.
  2. The custom SessionSerializer implementation can extend the GemFire/Apache Geode’s org.apache.geode.DataSerializable class, or for convenience, extend Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode’s org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization.data.AbstractDataSerializableSessionSerializer class and Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode will register the custom SessionSerializer as a DataSerializer with GemFire/Apache Geode.
  3. Finally, a user can create a custom SessionSerializer implementation as before, not specifying which GemFire/Apache Geode Serialization framework to use because the custom SessionSeriaizer implementation does not implement any GemFire/Apache Geode serialization interfaces or extend from any of Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode’s provided abstract base classes, and still have it registered in GemFire/Apache Geode as a DataSerializer by declaring an additional Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode bean in the Spring context of type org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization.data.support.DataSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter, like so…​

Forcing the registration of a custom SessionSerializer as a DataSerializer in GemFire/Apache Geode. 

@EnableGemFireHttpSession(sessionSerializerBeanName = "customSessionSerializer")
class Application {

	DataSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter dataSerializerSessionSerializer() {
		return new DataSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter();

	SessionSerializer<Session, ?, ?> customSessionSerializer() {

Just by the very presence of the DataSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter registered as a bean in the Spring context any neutral, custom SessionSerializer implementation will be treated and registered as a DataSerializer in GemFire/Apache Geode.

Changing the Session Representation

Internally, Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode maintains 2 representations for the (HTTP) Session and the Session’s attributes. Each representation is based on whether GemFire/Apache Geode "Deltas" are supported or not. GemFire/Apache Geode Delta Propagation is only enabled by Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode when using Data Serialization for reasons that were discussed earlier.

Effectively, the strategy is:

  1. If GemFire/Apache Geode Data Serialization is configured, then Deltas are supported and the DeltaCapableGemFireSession and DeltaCapableGemFireSessionAttributes representations are used.
  2. If GemFire/Apache Geode PDX Serialization is configured, then the Delta Propagation will be disabled and the GemFireSession and GemFireSessionAttributes representations are used.

It is possible to override these internal representations used by Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode, and for users to provide their own Session related types. The only strict requirement is that the Session implementation must implement the org.springframework.session.Session interface.

By way of example, let’s say the user wants to define their own Session implementation.

First, the user defines their Session type. Perhaps the user’s custom Session type even encapsulates and handles the Session attributes without having to define a separate type.

User-defined Session interface implementation. 

class MySession implements org.springframework.session.Session {

Then, the user would need to extend the org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.GemFireOperationsSessionRepository class and override the createSession() method to create instances of the user-defined Session implementation class.

Custom SessionRepository implementation creating and returning instances of the custom Session type. 

class MySessionRepository extends GemFireOperationsSessionRepository {

  public Session createSession() {
    return new MySession();

If the user provided his/her own custom SessionSerializer implementation and GemFire/Apache Geode PDX Serialization is configured, then the user is done.

However, if the user configured GemFire/Apache Geode Data Serialization then the user must provide a custom implementation of the SessionSerializer interface and either have it directly extend the GemFire/Apache Geode’s org.apache.geode.DataSerializer class, or extend Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode’s org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization.data.AbstractDataSerializableSessionSerializer class and override the getSupportedClasses():Class<?>[] method.

For instance…​

Custom SessionSerializer for custom Session type. 

class MySessionSerializer extends AbstractDataSerializableSessionSerializer {

  public Class<?>[] getSupportedClasses() {
    return new Class[] { MySession.class };


Unfortunately, getSupportedClasses() cannot return the generic Spring Session org.springframework.session.Session interface type. If it could then we could avoid the explicit need to override the getSupportedClasses() method on the custom DataSerializer implementaton. Bu, GemFire/Apache Geode’s Data Serialization framework can only match on exact class types since it incorrectly and internally stores and refers to the class type by name, which basically requires a user to override and implement the getSupportedClasses() method.

3.4 How HttpSession Integration Works

Fortunately, both javax.servlet.http.HttpSession and javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest (the API for obtaining an HttpSession) are interfaces. This means we can provide our own implementations for each of these APIs.


This section describes how Spring Session provides transparent integration with javax.servlet.http.HttpSession. The intent is so users understand what is happening under-the-hood. This functionality is already implemented and integrated so you do not need to implement this logic yourself.

First, we create a custom javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest that returns a custom implementation of javax.servlet.http.HttpSession. It looks something like the following:

public class SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {

	public SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest original) {

	public HttpSession getSession() {
		return getSession(true);

	public HttpSession getSession(boolean createNew) {
		// create an HttpSession implementation from Spring Session

	// ... other methods delegate to the original HttpServletRequest ...

Any method that returns an javax.servlet.http.HttpSession is overridden. All other methods are implemented by javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper and simply delegate to the original javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest implementation.

We replace the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest implementation using a Servlet Filter called SessionRepositoryFilter. The pseudocode can be found below:

public class SessionRepositoryFilter implements Filter {

	public doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) {

		HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;

		SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper customRequest = new SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper(httpRequest);

		chain.doFilter(customRequest, response, chain);

	// ...

By passing in a custom javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest implementation into the FilterChain we ensure that anything invoked after our Filter uses the custom javax.servlet.http.HttpSession implementation.

This highlights why it is important that Spring Session’s SessionRepositoryFilter must be placed before anything that interacts with the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.

3.5 HttpSessionListener

Spring Session supports HttpSessionListener by translating SessionDestroyedEvent and SessionCreatedEvent into HttpSessionEvent by declaring SessionEventHttpSessionListenerAdapter.

To use this support, you need to:

  • Ensure your SessionRepository implementation supports and is configured to fire SessionDestroyedEvent and SessionCreatedEvent.
  • Configure SessionEventHttpSessionListenerAdapter as a Spring bean.
  • Inject every HttpSessionListener into the SessionEventHttpSessionListenerAdapter

If you are using the configuration support documented in HttpSession with Apache Geode, then all you need to do is register every HttpSessionListener as a bean.

For example, assume you want to support Spring Security’s concurrency control and need to use HttpSessionEventPublisher you can simply add HttpSessionEventPublisher as a bean.

3.6 Session

A Session is a simplified Map of key/value pairs with support for expiration.

3.7 SessionRepository

A SessionRepository is in charge of creating, persisting and retrieving Session instances and state.

If possible, developers should not interact directly with a SessionRepository or a Session. Instead, developers should prefer to interact with SessionRepository and Session indirectly through the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession and WebSocket integration.

3.8 FindByIndexNameSessionRepository

Spring Session’s most basic API for using a Session is the SessionRepository. The API is intentionally very simple so that it is easy to provide additional implementations with basic functionality.

Some SessionRepository implementations may choose to implement FindByIndexNameSessionRepository also. For example, Spring Session’s Apache Geode support implements FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.

The FindByIndexNameSessionRepository provides a single method to look up all the Sessions for a particular user. This is done by ensuring that the session attribute with the name FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME is populated with the username. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure the attribute is populated since Spring Session is not aware of the authentication mechanism being used.


Some implementations of FindByIndexNameSessionRepository will provide hooks to automatically index other session attributes. For example, many implementations will automatically ensure the current Spring Security user name is indexed with the index name FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME.

3.9 EnableSpringHttpSession

The @EnableSpringHttpSession annotation can be added to any @Configuration class to expose the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean in the Spring application context named "springSessionRepositoryFilter".

In order to leverage the annotation, a single SessionRepository bean must be provided.

3.10 EnableGemFireHttpSession

The @EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation can be added to any @Configuration class in place of the @EnableSpringHttpSession annotation to expose the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean in the Spring application context named "springSessionRepositoryFilter" and to position Apache Geode as a provider to manage the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.

When using the @EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation, additional configuration is imported out-of-the-box that also provides a Apache Geode specific implementation of the SessionRepository interface, the GemFireOperationsSessionRepository.

3.11 GemFireOperationsSessionRepository

GemFireOperationsSessionRepository is a SessionRepository implementation that is implemented using Spring Session for Apache Geode’s GemFireOperationsSessionRepository.

In a web environment, this repository is used in conjunction with the SessionRepositoryFilter.

This implementation supports SessionCreatedEvents, SessionDeletedEvents and SessionDestroyedEvents through SessionEventHttpSessionListenerAdapter.

3.11.1 Using Indexes with Apache Geode

While best practices concerning the proper definition of Indexes that positively impact Apache Geode’s performance is beyond the scope of this document, it is important to realize that Spring Session for Apache Geode creates and uses Indexes to query and find Sessions efficiently.

Out-of-the-box, Spring Session for Apache Geode creates 1 Hash-typed Index on the principal name. There are two different built-in strategies for finding the principal name. The first strategy is that the value of the Session attribute with the name FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME will be Indexed to the same index name.

For example:

String indexName = FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME;

session.setAttribute(indexName, username);
Map<String, Session> idToSessions =
	this.sessionRepository.findByIndexNameAndIndexValue(indexName, username);

3.11.2 Using Indexes with Apache Geode & Spring Security

Alternatively, Spring Session for Apache Geode will map Spring Security’s current Authentication#getName() to the Index FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME.

For example, if you are using Spring Security you can find the current user’s sessions using:

SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
Authentication authentication = securityContext.getAuthentication();
String indexName = FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME;

Map<String, Session> idToSessions =
	this.sessionRepository.findByIndexNameAndIndexValue(indexName, authentication.getName());

3.11.3 Using Custom Indexes with GemFire

This enables developers using the GemFireOperationsSessionRepository programmatically to query and find all Sessions with a given principal name efficiently.

Additionally, Spring Session for Apache Geode will create a Range-based Index on the implementing Session’s Map-type attributes property (i.e. on any arbitrary Session attribute) when a developer identifies 1 or more named Session attributes that should be indexed by Apache Geode.

Sessions attributes to index can be specified with the indexableSessionAttributes attribute on the @EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation. A developer adds this annotation to their Spring application @Configuration class when s/he wishes to enable Spring Session’s support for HttpSession backed by Apache Geode.

String indexName = "name1";

session.setAttribute(indexName, indexValue);
Map<String, Session> idToSessions =
	this.sessionRepository.findByIndexNameAndIndexValue(indexName, indexValue);

Only Session attribute names identified in the @EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation’s indexableSessionAttributes attribute will have an Index defined. All other Session attributes will not be indexed.

However, there is one caveat. Any values stored in indexable Session attributes must implement the java.lang.Comparable<T> interface. If those object values do not implement Comparable, then Pivotal GemFire will throw an error on startup when the Index is defined for Regions with persistent Session data, or when an attempt is made at runtime to assign the indexable Session attribute a value that is not Comparable and the Session is saved to GemFire.


Any Session attribute that is not indexed may store non-Comparable values.

To learn more about GemFire’s Range-based Indexes, see Creating Indexes on Map Fields.

To learn more about Pivotal GemFire Indexing in general, see Working with Indexes.

4. Spring Session Community

We are glad to consider you a part of our community. Please find additional information below.

4.1 Support

You can get help by asking questions on StackOverflow with the tag spring-session. Similarly we encourage helping others by answering questions on StackOverflow.

4.2 Source Code

The source code can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-session-data-geode

4.3 Issue Tracking

We track issues in GitHub Issues at https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-session-data-geode/issues

4.4 Contributing

We appreciate Pull Requests.

4.5 License

Spring Session for Apache Geode and Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire are Open Source Software released under the Apache 2.0 license.

5. Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirements for Spring Session are:

  • Java 8+
  • If you are running in a Servlet container (not required), Servlet 2.5+
  • If you are using other Spring libraries (not required), the minimum required version is Spring Framework 5.0.0.RC2.
  • @EnableGemFireHttpSession requires Spring Data Apache Geode 2.0.0.RC2 and Spring Data GemFire 2.0.0.RC2.
  • @EnableGemFireHttpSession requires Apache Geode 1.2.0 or Pivotal GemFire 9.1.0.

At its core Spring Session only has a required dependency on spring-jcl.