This guide describes how to build a Spring Boot application configured with Spring Session to transparently leverage
Apache Geode to manage a web application’s javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
In this sample, Apache Geode’s client/server topology is employed using a pair of Spring Boot applications, one to
configure and run a Apache Geode Server and another to configure and run the cache client, Spring MVC-based web application
making use of the HttpSession
The completed guide can be found in the Spring Boot Sample Web Application with an Apache Geode managed HttpSession. |
1. Updating Dependencies
Before using Spring Session, you must ensure that the required dependencies are included.
If you are using Maven, include the following dependencies
in your pom.xml
<!-- ... -->
2. Spring Boot Configuration
After adding the required dependencies and repository declarations, we can create the Spring configuration
for both our Apache Geode client and server using Spring Boot. The Spring configuration is responsible for creating
a Servlet Filter
that replaces the HttpSession
with an implementation backed by Spring Session and Apace Geode.
2.1. Spring Boot, Apache Geode Cache Server
We start with a Spring Boot application to configure and bootstrap the Apache Geode Server:
@SpringBootApplication (1)
@CacheServerApplication(name = "SpringSessionDataGeodeBootSampleServer", logLevel = "error") (2)
@EnableGemFireHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 20) (3)
public class GemFireServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(GemFireServer.class)
1 | First, we annotate the Apache Geode Server configuration class (GemFireServer ) with @SpringBootApplication
to indicate that this is a Spring Boot application leveraging all of Spring Boot’s features
(e.g. auto-configuration). |
2 | Next, we use the Spring Data for Apache Geode configuration annotation @CacheServerApplication to simplify
the creation of a peer cache instance containing a CacheServer for cache clients to connect. |
3 | (Optional) Then, the @EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation is used to create the necessary server-side Region
(by default, "ClusteredSpringSessions") to store the HttpSessions state. This step is optional since the
Session Region could be created manually, perhaps even using external means. Using @EnableGemFireHttpSession
is convenient and quick. |
2.2. Spring Boot, Apache Geode Cache Client Web application
Now, we create a Spring Boot Web application to expose our Web service with Spring Web MVC, running as an Apache Geode
cache client connected to our Spring Boot, Apache Geode Server. The Web application will use Spring Session
backed by Apache Geode to manage HttpSession
state in a clustered (distributed) and replicated manner.
@SpringBootApplication (1)
@Controller (2)
public class Application {
static final String INDEX_TEMPLATE_VIEW_NAME = "index";
static final String PING_RESPONSE = "PONG";
static final String REQUEST_COUNT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "requestCount";
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
@ClientCacheApplication(name = "SpringSessionDataGeodeBootSampleClient", logLevel = "error",
readTimeout = 15000, retryAttempts = 1, subscriptionEnabled = true) (3)
@EnableGemFireHttpSession(poolName = "DEFAULT") (4)
static class ClientCacheConfiguration extends ClientServerIntegrationTestsSupport {
ClientCacheConfigurer gemfireServerReadyConfigurer( (5)
@Value("${}") int cacheServerPort) {
return (beanName, clientCacheFactoryBean) -> waitForServerToStart("localhost", cacheServerPort);
static class SpringWebMvcConfiguration { (6)
public WebMvcConfigurer webMvcConfig() {
return new WebMvcConfigurer() {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
public String errorHandler(Throwable error) {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
error.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
return writer.toString();
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path = "/ping")
public String ping() {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, path = "/session")
public String session(HttpSession session, ModelMap modelMap,
@RequestParam(name = "attributeName", required = false) String name,
@RequestParam(name = "attributeValue", required = false) String value) { (7)
attributes(setAttribute(updateRequestCount(session), name, value)));
1 | Again, we declare our Web application to be a Spring Boot application by annotating our application class
with @SpringBootApplication . |
2 | @Controller is a Spring Web MVC annotation enabling our MVC handler mapping methods (i.e. methods annotated
with @RequestMapping ) to process HTTP requests (e.g. <7>) |
3 | We also declare our Web application to be an Apache Geode cache client by annotating our application class with
@ClientCacheApplication . Additionally, we adjust a few basic, "DEFAULT" Pool settings (e.g. readTimeout ). |
4 | Next, we declare that the Web application will use Spring Session backed by Apache Geode by annotating the
ClientCacheConfiguration class with @EnableGemFireHttpSession . This will create the necessary client-side Region
(by default, "ClusteredSpringSessions` as a PROXY Region ) corresponding to the same server-side Region
by name. All HttpSession state will be sent from the cache client Web application to the server through Region
data access operations. The client-side Region uses the "DEFAULT" Pool . |
5 | Then, we wait to ensure the Apache Geode Server is up and running before we proceed. This is only really useful for automated (integration) testing purposes. |
6 | We adjust the Spring Web MVC configuration to set the home page, and… |
7 | Finally, we declare the /sessions HTTP request handler method to set an HTTP Session attribute
and increment a count for the number of HTTP requests. |
There are many other useful utility methods, so please refer to the actual source code for full details.
In typical Apache Geode production deployments, where the cluster includes potentially hundreds or thousands of servers (a.k.a. data nodes), it is more common for clients to connect to 1 or more Apache Geode Locators running in the same cluster. A Locator passes meta-data to clients about the servers available in the cluster, the individual server load and which servers have the client’s data of interest, which is particularly important for direct, single-hop data access and latency-sensitive applications. See more details about the Client/Server Deployment in the Apache Geode User Guide. |
For more information on configuring Spring Data Geode, refer to the Reference Guide. |
The @EnableGemFireHttpSession
annotation enables developers to configure certain aspects of both Spring Session
and Apache Geode out-of-the-box using the following attributes:
- specifies Apache Geode data management policy on the client with the ClientRegionShortcut (default isPROXY
). This attribute is only used when configuring the clientRegion
. -
- Identifies the Session attributes by name that should be indexed for querying purposes. Only Session attributes explicitly identified by name will be indexed. -
- controls HttpSession idle-timeout expiration (defaults to 30 minutes). -
- name of the dedicated Apache GeodePool
used to connect a client to the cluster of servers. This attribute is only used when the application is a cache client. Defaults togemfirePool
. -
- specifies the name of the Apache GeodeRegion
used to store and manageHttpSession
state (default is "ClusteredSpringSessions"). -
- specifies Apache Geode data management policy on the server with the RegionShortcut (default isPARTITION
). This attribute is only used when configuring serverRegions
, or when a P2P topology is employed.
It is important to remember that the Apache Geode client Region name must match a server Region
by the same name if the client Region is a PROXY or CACHING_PROXY . Client and server Region names
are not required to match if the client Region used to store session state is LOCAL . However, keep in mind
that Session state will not be propagated to the server and you lose all the benefits of using Apache Geode
to store and manage distributed, replicated session state information on the servers in a distributed,
replicated manner.
3. Spring Boot Sample Web Application with an Apache Geode managed HttpSession
3.1. Running the Boot Sample Application
You can run the sample by obtaining the source code and invoking the following commands.
First, you must run the server:
$ ./gradlew :spring-session-sample-boot-gemfire:run
Then, in a separate terminal, run the client:
$ ./gradlew :spring-session-sample-boot-gemfire:bootRun
You should now be able to access the application at http://localhost:8080/.
In this sample, the Web application is the Spring Boot, Apache Geode cache client and the server is standalone, separate (JVM) process.
3.2. Exploring the Boot Sample Application
Try using the application. Fill out the form with the following information:
Attribute Name: username
Attribute Value: test
Now click the Set Attribute button. You should now see the attribute name and value displayed in the table
along with an additional attribute (requestCount
) indicating the number of Session interactions (via HTTP requests).
3.3. How does it work?
We interact with the standard javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
in the the Spring Web MVC service endpoint,
shown here for convenience:
class Controller {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, path = "/session")
public String session(HttpSession session, ModelMap modelMap,
@RequestParam(name = "attributeName", required = false) String name,
@RequestParam(name = "attributeValue", required = false) String value) {
attributes(setAttribute(updateRequestCount(session), name, value)));