All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class implementing the Spring Session core CookieSerializer interface to encapsulate functionality common to all implementations as well as to simplify the implementation of the Spring Session core CookieSerializer interface.
The AbstractDataSerializableSessionSerializer class is an abstract base class encapsulating and implementing operations common to all Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire DataSerializer and Spring Session SessionSerializer implementations.
The AbstractGemFireHttpSessionConfiguration class is an abstract base class containing configuration logic common to Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire in order to manage HttpSession state.
AbstractGemFireOperationsSessionRepository is an abstract base class encapsulating functionality common to all implementations that support SessionRepository operations backed by Apache Geode.
AbstractGemFireOperationsSessionRepository.GemFireSession is a Abstract Data Type (ADT) for a Spring Session that stores and manages Session state in Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire.
The AbstractGemFireOperationsSessionRepository.GemFireSessionAttributes class is a container for Session attributes implementing both the DataSerializable and Delta Pivotal GemFire interfaces for efficient storage and distribution (replication) in GemFire.
Abstract base class implementing the Spring Session core HttpSessionIdResolver interface to encapsulate functionality common to all implementations as well as to simplify the implementation of the Spring Session core HttpSessionIdResolver interface.
AbstractPdxSerializableSessionSerializer<T extends org.springframework.session.Session>
The AbstractPdxSerializableSessionSerializer class is an abstract base class containing functionality common to all GemFire/Geode PDX-based SessionSerializer implementations.
Abstract base class for implementations of the Session interface in order to simplify the implementation of various Session types and their capabilities.
The ComposablePdxSerializer class is a composite of PdxSerializer objects implementing the Composite Software Design Pattern.
The DataSerializableSessionAttributesSerializer class is an implementation of the SessionSerializer interface used to serialize a Spring Session attributes using the GemFire/Geode's Data Serialization framework.
The DataSerializableSessionSerializer class is an implementation of the SessionSerializer interface used to serialize a Spring Session using the GemFire/Geode's Data Serialization framework.
Register the custom Spring Session DataSerializableSessionSerializer with Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire's DataSerialization framework as the DataSerializer used to handle de/serialization of the Session, the Session Attributes and any application domain model objects contained in the Session (if necessary).
DataSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter<T extends org.springframework.session.Session>
The DataSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter class is a two-way Adapter adapting a SessionSerializer as an instance of DataSerializer in a GemFire/Geode context, or adapting a DataSerializer as an instance of SessionSerializer in a Spring Session context.
DeltaAwareDirtyPredicate is an IsDirtyPredicate strategy interface implementation that evaluates the new value as instance of Delta and uses the Delta.hasDelta() method to determine if the new value is dirty.
Add this annotation to a Spring application defined @Configuration Class exposing the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter to back the HttpSession with either Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire.
EqualsDirtyPredicate is an IsDirtyPredicate strategy interface implementation that determines whether the new value is dirty by comparing the new value with the old value using the Object.equals(Object) method.
FixedDurationExpirationSessionRepository<S extends org.springframework.session.Session>
The FixedDurationExpirationSessionRepository class is a SessionRepository implementation wrapping an existing SessionRepository, data store specific, implementation in order to implement a fixed Duration expiration policy on the Session.
The FixedDurationExpirationSessionRepositoryBeanPostProcessor class wraps an existing, data store specific, instance of SessionRepository in an instance of FixedDurationExpirationSessionRepository initialized with a provided Duration for the expiration timeout to implement lazy, fixed Duration expiration on all Sessions.
An implementation of the SessionExpirationPolicy interface that specifies an expiration policy based on a fixed duration of time.
The GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration class used to configure and initialize Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode as a clustered, distributed and replicated HttpSession provider implementation in Spring Session.
The GemFireOperationsSessionRepository class is a Spring SessionRepository implementation that interfaces with and uses Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire to back and store Spring Sessions.
Framework supporting class for AbstractGemFireOperationsSessionRepository implementations.
GemFireUtils is an abstract, extensible utility class for working with Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire objects and types.
IdentityEqualsDirtyPredicate is an IsDirtyPredicate strategy interface implementation that determines whether the new value is dirty by comparing the new value with the old value using the identity operator (==).
An implementation of the SessionExpirationPolicy interface that specifies an expiration policy for Sessions that have been idle, or inactive for a predefined duration of time.
IsDirtyPredicate is a strategy interface used to configure Spring Session on how to evaluate application domain objects to determine whether they are dirty or not.
The PdxSerializableSessionSerializer class is an implementation of the SessionSerializer interface used to serialize a Spring Session using the GemFire/Geode's PDX Serialization framework.
PdxSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter<T extends org.springframework.session.Session>
The PdxSerializerSessionSerializerAdapter class is a two-way Adapter adapting a SessionSerializer instance as an instance of PdxSerializer in a GemFire/Geode context, or adapting a PdxSerializer as a SessionSerializer in a Spring Session context.
The SerializationException class is a RuntimeException indicating an error occurred while attempting to serialize a Session.
The SessionAttributesIndexFactoryBean class is a Spring FactoryBean that creates a Pivotal GemFire Index on the session attributes of the HttpSession object.
The SessionCacheTypeAwareRegionFactoryBean class is a Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize the Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire cache Region used to store and manage Session state.
SessionChangedEvent is a Spring ApplicationEvent fire when the Session state changes.
The SessionExpirationPolicy interface is a Strategy Interface defining a contract for users to implement custom application expiration policies and rules for Session state management.
Enumeration of different actions to take when a Session expires.
The SessionExpirationPolicyCustomExpiryAdapter class is an Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire CustomExpiry implementation wrapping and adapting an instance of the SessionExpirationPolicy strategy interface to plugin to and affect Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire's expiration behavior.
The SessionExpirationTimeoutAware interface is a configuration callback interface allowing implementors to receive a callback with the configured Session expiration timeout as set on the EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation, EnableGemFireHttpSession.maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds() attribute.
The SessionExpirationTimeoutAwareBeanPostProcessor class is a Spring BeanPostProcessor handling the post processing of all Spring beans defined in the Spring container implementing the SessionExpirationTimeoutAware interface.
SessionIdHolder class is a Spring Session Session implementation that only holds the ID of the Session.
The SessionSerializer interface is a Service Provider Interface (SPI) for providers needing to provide a custom implementation of their serialization strategy.
Abstract utility class containing functions for managing Session objects.
The SpringSessionGemFireConfigurer interface defines a contract for programmatically controlling the configuration of either Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire as a (HTTP) Session state management provider in Spring Session.