This guide describes how to configure Pivotal GemFire as a provider in Spring Session to transparently back
a web application’s HttpSession
using XML Configuration.
The completed guide can be found in the HttpSession with GemFire (P2P) using XML Sample Application. |
Updating Dependencies
Before using Spring Session, you must ensure that the required dependencies are included.
If you are using Maven, include the following dependencies
in your pom.xml:
<!-- ... -->
Since we are using a Milestone version, we need to add the Spring Milestone Maven Repository.
If you are using Maven, include the following repository
declaration in your pom.xml:
<!-- ... -->
Spring XML Configuration
After adding the required dependencies and repository declarations, we can create our Spring configuration.
The Spring configuration is responsible for creating a Servlet Filter that replaces the HttpSession
with an implementation backed by Spring Session and GemFire.
Add the following Spring Configuration:
<bean class=""/>
<util:properties id="gemfireProperties">
<prop key="name">GemFireP2PHttpSessionXmlSample</prop>
<prop key="mcast-port">0</prop>
<prop key="log-level">${sample.httpsession.gemfire.log-level:warning}</prop>
<prop key="jmx-manager">true</prop>
<prop key="jmx-manager-start">true</prop>
<gfe:cache properties-ref="gemfireProperties" use-bean-factory-locator="false"/>
1 | We use the combination of <context:annotation-config/> and GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration because Spring Session
does not yet provide XML Namespace support (see gh-104).
This creates a Spring bean with the name of springSessionRepositoryFilter that implements Filter . The filter is what
replaces the HttpSession with an implementation backed by Spring Session.
In this instance, Spring Session is backed by GemFire. |
2 | Then, we configure a GemFire peer cache using standard GemFire System properties. We give the GemFire data node
a name using the name property and set mcast-port to 0. With the absence of a locators property, this data node
will be a standalone server. GemFire’s log-level is set using an application-specific System property
(sample.httpsession.gemfire.log-level ) that a user can specify on the command-line when running this application
using either Maven or Gradle (default is "warning"). |
3 | Finally, we create an instance of the GemFire peer cache that embeds GemFire in the same JVM process as the running Spring Session sample application. |
Additionally, we have configured this data node (server) as a GemFire Manager as well using GemFire-specific JMX System properties that enable JMX client (e.g. Gfsh) to connect to this running data node. |
For more information on configuring Spring Data GemFire, refer to the reference guide. |
XML Servlet Container Initialization
Our Spring XML Configuration created a Spring bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter
that implements Filter
. The springSessionRepositoryFilter
bean is responsible for replacing the HttpSession
a custom implementation that is backed by Spring Session and GemFire.
In order for our Filter
to do its magic, we need to instruct Spring to load our session.xml
configuration file.
We do this with the following configuration:
The ContextLoaderListener
reads the contextConfigLocation
context parameter value and picks up our session.xml configuration file.
Finally, we need to ensure that our Servlet Container (i.e. Tomcat) uses our springSessionRepositoryFilter
for every request.
The following snippet performs this last step for us:
The DelegatingFilterProxy
will look up a bean by the name of springSessionRepositoryFilter
and cast it to a Filter
. For every request that DelegatingFilterProxy
is invoked, the springSessionRepositoryFilter
will be invoked.
HttpSession with GemFire (P2P) using XML Sample Application
Running the httpsession-gemfire-p2p-xml Sample Application
You can run the sample by obtaining the source code and invoking the following command:
$ ./gradlew :samples:httpsession-gemfire-p2p-xml:tomcatRun [-Dsample.httpsession.gemfire.log-level=info]
You should now be able to access the application at http://localhost:8080/
Exploring the httpsession-gemfire-p2p-xml Sample Application
Try using the application. Fill out the form with the following information:
Attribute Name: username
Attribute Value: john
Now click the Set Attribute button. You should now see the values displayed in the table.
How does it work?
We interact with the standard HttpSession
in the SessionServlet
shown below:
public class SessionServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String attributeName = request.getParameter("attributeName");
String attributeValue = request.getParameter("attributeValue");
request.getSession().setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/");
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2878267318695777395L;
Instead of using Tomcat’s HttpSession
, we are actually persisting the values in GemFire.
Spring Session creates a cookie named SESSION in your browser that contains the id of your session.
Go ahead and view the cookies (click for help with Chrome
or Firefox).
The following instructions assume you have a local GemFire installation. For more information on installation, see Installing Pivotal GemFire. |
If you like, you can easily remove the session using gfsh
. For example, on a Linux-based system type the following
at the command-line:
$ gfsh
Then, enter the following into Gfsh ensuring to replace 70002719-3c54-4c20-82c3-e7faa6b718f3
with the value
of your SESSION cookie, or the session ID returned by the GemFire OQL query (which should match):
gfsh>connect --jmx-manager=localhost[1099] gfsh>query --query='SELECT * FROM /ClusteredSpringSessions.keySet' Result : true startCount : 0 endCount : 20 Rows : 1 Result ------------------------------------ 70002719-3c54-4c20-82c3-e7faa6b718f3 NEXT_STEP_NAME : END gfsh>remove --region=/ClusteredSpringSessions --key="70002719-3c54-4c20-82c3-e7faa6b718f3"
The GemFire User Guide has more detailed instructions on using gfsh. |
Now visit the application at http://localhost:8080/ and observe that the attribute we added is no longer displayed.