Spring Social LinkedIn 1.0.0 Milestone 5 (January 23, 2012) =========================================================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed SearchParameters.Sort.RECOMMENDERS typo to fix big in people search. (SOCIALLI-14) - Fixed Spring 3.0 compatibility issue by using request factory wrapper when interceptors are not available. (SOCIALLI-15) New Features: - API binding now includes Group API. The API binding is now mostly complete. (SOCIALLI-10) Spring Social LinkedIn 1.0.0 Milestone 4 (December 15, 2011) ============================================================ - Now includes a more complete API binding (SOCIALLI-1) - Consume LinkedIn resources as JSON instead of XML. - Renamed LinkedInApi interface to LinkedIn. - Extracted Spring Social LinkedIn module from core Spring Social project. Refer to Spring Social's changelog for a history of the LinkedIn module prior to it being extracted into its own project.