30. Persist

Persist is a sample using recipe Chapter 23, Persist to demonstate how a database entry update logic can be controlled by a state machine.

The state machine logic and configuration is shown above:


StateMachine Config. 

static class StateMachineConfig
        extends StateMachineConfigurerAdapter<String, String> {

    public void configure(StateMachineStateConfigurer<String, String> states)
            throws Exception {

    public void configure(StateMachineTransitionConfigurer<String, String> transitions)
            throws Exception {


PersistStateMachineHandler can be created using a below config:

Handler Config. 

static class PersistHandlerConfig {

    private StateMachine<String, String> stateMachine;

    public Persist persist() {
        return new Persist(persistStateMachineHandler());

    public PersistStateMachineHandler persistStateMachineHandler() {
        return new PersistStateMachineHandler(stateMachine);


Order class used with this sample is shown below:

Order Class. 

public static class Order {
    int id;
    String state;

    public Order(int id, String state) {
        this.id = id;
        this.state = state;

    public String toString() {
        return "Order [id=" + id + ", state=" + state + "]";


Now let’s see how this example works.

sm>persist db
Order [id=1, state=PLACED]
Order [id=2, state=PROCESSING]
Order [id=3, state=SENT]
Order [id=4, state=DELIVERED]

sm>persist process 1
Exit state PLACED
Entry state PROCESSING

sm>persist db
Order [id=2, state=PROCESSING]
Order [id=3, state=SENT]
Order [id=4, state=DELIVERED]
Order [id=1, state=PROCESSING]

sm>persist deliver 3
Exit state SENT
Entry state DELIVERED

sm>persist db
Order [id=2, state=PROCESSING]
Order [id=4, state=DELIVERED]
Order [id=1, state=PROCESSING]
Order [id=3, state=DELIVERED]

What happened in above run:


If you’re wondering where is the database because there are literally no signs of it in a sample code. Sample is based on Spring Boot and because necessary classes are in a classpath, embedded HSQL instance is created automatically.

Spring Boot will even create an instance of JdbcTemplate which you can just autowire like how it’s done in Persist.java.

private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

Finally we need to handle state changes:

public void change(int order, String event) {
    Order o = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select id, state from orders where id = ?", new Object[]{order}, new RowMapper<Order>() {
        public Order mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
            return new Order(rs.getInt("id"), rs.getString("state"));
    handler.handleEventWithState(MessageBuilder.withPayload(event).setHeader("order", order).build(), o.state);

And use a PersistStateChangeListener to update database:

private class LocalPersistStateChangeListener implements PersistStateChangeListener {

    public void onPersist(State<String, String> state, Message<String> message,
            Transition<String, String> transition, StateMachine<String, String> stateMachine) {
        if (message != null && message.getHeaders().containsKey("order")) {
            Integer order = message.getHeaders().get("order", Integer.class);
            jdbcTemplate.update("update orders set state = ? where id = ?", state.getId(), order);