Spring Statemachine 1.1 is focusing on security and a better
interoperability with web applications.
Comprehensive support for Spring Security is added, Chapter 24, State Machine Security
Context integration with `@WithStateMachine' has been greatly
enhanced, Chapter 21, Context Integration
is now a first class citizen with how user can
interact with a State Machine, Chapter 18, Using StateContext.
Features around persistence has been enhanced with a build-in
support for redis, Section 27.3, “Using Redis”.
New feature helping with persist operations,
Section 27.2, “Using StateMachinePersister”.
Configuration model classes are now a public API.
New features in timer based events.
New Junction pseudostate Section 10.8.5, “Junction State”.
New Exit Point and Entry Point pseudostates Section 10.8.8, “Exit/Entry Point States”.
Configuration model verifier.
New samples, Chapter 45, Security, Chapter 46, Event Service.
UI modeling support using Eclipse Papyrus, Chapter 32, Eclipse Modeling Support.