48. JPA Config

JPA Config is an example how state machine concepts can be used with a machine configuration kept in a database. This sample is using embedded H2 database with a H2 Console to ease playing with a database.

This sample uses spring-statemachine-boot which on default auto-configures repositories and entity classes needed for JPA. Thus only @SpringBootApplication is needed.

public class Application {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

What comes for a machine config RepositoryStateMachineModelFactory can be used as shown below.

public static class Config extends StateMachineConfigurerAdapter<String, String> {

    private StateRepository<? extends RepositoryState> stateRepository;

    private TransitionRepository<? extends RepositoryTransition> transitionRepository;

    public void configure(StateMachineModelConfigurer<String, String> model) throws Exception {

    public StateMachineModelFactory<String, String> modelFactory() {
        return new RepositoryStateMachineModelFactory(stateRepository, transitionRepository);

Let’s get into actual demo. Run the boot based sample application:

# java -jar spring-statemachine-samples-datajpa-1.2.3.RELEASE.jar

Accessing application via http://localhost:8080 brings up a new constructed machine with every request and you can choose to send events to a machine. Possible events and machine configuration are updated from a database with every request.

sm datajpa 1

To access embedded console use JDBC URL jdbc:h2:mem:testdb if it’s not already set.

sm datajpa 2

From console you can see how database tables look like and modify those as you wish.

sm datajpa 3

Now that you got this far you probably wondered how those default states and transitions got populated into a database. Spring Data already have a nice trick to auto populate repositories and we simply use this feature via Jackson2RepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean.

public StateMachineJackson2RepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean jackson2RepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean() {
    StateMachineJackson2RepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean factoryBean = new StateMachineJackson2RepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean();
    factoryBean.setResources(new Resource[]{new ClassPathResource("data.json")});
    return factoryBean;

Actual source for populator data is shown below.

		"@id": "10",
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryAction",
		"spel": "T(System).out.println('hello exit S1')"
		"@id": "11",
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryAction",
		"spel": "T(System).out.println('hello entry S2')"
		"@id": "12",
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryAction",
		"spel": "T(System).out.println('hello state S3')"
		"@id": "13",
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryAction",
		"spel": "T(System).out.println('hello')"
		"@id": "1",
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryState",
		"initial": true,
		"state": "S1",
		"exitActions": ["10"]
		"@id": "2",
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryState",
		"initial": false,
		"state": "S2",
		"entryActions": ["11"]
		"@id": "3",
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryState",
		"initial": false,
		"state": "S3",
		"stateActions": ["12"]
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryTransition",
		"source": "1",
		"target": "2",
		"event": "E1",
		"kind": "EXTERNAL"
		"_class": "org.springframework.statemachine.data.jpa.JpaRepositoryTransition",
		"source": "2",
		"target": "3",
		"event": "E2",
		"actions": ["13"]