30. Monitoring State Machine

StateMachineMonitor can be used to get more information about durations of how long transitions and actions takes to execute. Below you can see how this interface is implemented.

public class TestStateMachineMonitor extends AbstractStateMachineMonitor<String, String> {

    public void transition(StateMachine<String, String> stateMachine, Transition<String, String> transition, long duration) {

    public void action(StateMachine<String, String> stateMachine, Action<String, String> action, long duration) {

Once you have StateMachineMonitor implementation it can be added to a state machine via configuration as shown below.

public class Config1 extends StateMachineConfigurerAdapter<String, String> {

    public void configure(StateMachineConfigurationConfigurer<String, String> config)
            throws Exception {

    public void configure(StateMachineStateConfigurer<String, String> states) throws Exception {

    public void configure(StateMachineTransitionConfigurer<String, String> transitions) throws Exception {

    public StateMachineMonitor<String, String> stateMachineMonitor() {
        return new TestStateMachineMonitor();

Check sample Chapter 53, Monitoring for detailed usage.