Spring Vault Changelog ============================= Changes in version 1.1.0.RELEASE ----------------------------------------- * Adapt Vault API changes in transit key value/configuration objects #124 * Add support for Batch Encryption/Decryption APIs #137 * Skip Javadoc validation in Javadoc plugin #140 * Add explicit automatic module name for Java 9 #141 * Upgrade dependencies #154 Changes in version 1.1.0.RC1 ----------------------------------------- * Upgrade to Vault 0.8.1 #127 * Allow Pull Mode when using the AppRoleAuthentication by sending on Ap… #133 * Upgrade to Vault 0.8.2 #134 * Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.11 #135 * Release 1.1.0 RC1 #136 Changes in version 1.1.0.M1 ----------------------------------------- * Add developer, SCM location and project URL to dependency POM #73 * Upgrade to Maven 3.5.0 #74 * SslConfiguration to support keystore type and keystore provider parameters #78 * VaultTokenRequestBuilder does not consider configured meta attributes #80 * Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.8 #81 * Store VaultToken as char[] #82 * Remove Maven settings.xml for TravisCI build and use Maven wrapper #83 * Cannot resolve LocalHost NetworkInterface in MacAddressUserId #84 * LifecycleAwareSessionManager renewal starts eventually #87 * Use remaining token TTL for Cubbyhole authentication #88 * Allow AWS-EC2 nonce configuration #89 * Upgrade to Vault 0.7.2 #90 * Support AWS IAM authentication #91 * Add central profiles #92 * Include notice and license in jar files #93 * Add LoginTokenAdapter for LoginToken TTL/renewability lookup #94 * Rotate generic secrets based on lease_duration/ttl #95 * Convert login token duration to milliseconds when calculating renewal time #96 * Add transit export operation #101 * Introduce equals/hashCode methods for RequestedSecret #103 * Upgrade to Vault 0.7.3 #105 * Introduce VaultEndpointProvider to allow usage of multiple endpoints within an application #113 * Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.10 #117 * Upgrade dependencies #118 Changes in version 2.0.0.M1 ----------------------------------------- * Setup 2.0 development #67 * Add automatic rotation of secrets stored in generic backend #68 * Add developer, SCM location and project URL to dependency POM #73 * Upgrade to Maven 3.5.0 #74 * SslConfiguration to support keystore type and keystore provider parameters #78 * VaultTokenRequestBuilder does not consider configured meta attributes #80 * Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.8 #81 * Store VaultToken as char[] #82 * Remove Maven settings.xml for TravisCI build and use Maven wrapper #83 * Cannot resolve LocalHost NetworkInterface in MacAddressUserId #84 * Remove support for OkHttp 2 #85 * LifecycleAwareSessionManager renewal starts eventually #87 * Use remaining token TTL for Cubbyhole authentication #88 * Allow AWS-EC2 nonce configuration #89 * Upgrade to Vault 0.7.2 #90 * Include notice and license in jar files #93 * Allow static token use with TTL #94 * Login Token Duration is assumed milliseconds instead of seconds #96 * VaultEndpoint uses -1 as port if initialized from URI without a port #99 * Transit Backend: Support for export operation added. #101 * Introduce equals/hashCode methods for RequestedSecret #103 * Upgrade to Vault 0.7.3 #105 * Introduce Duration instead of numeric durations #109 * Upgrade to Spring 5 RC2 #111 Changes in version 1.0.2.RELEASE ----------------------------------------- * Login Token Duration is assumed milliseconds instead of seconds #96 * Convert login token duration to milliseconds when calculating renewal… #97 * VaultEndpoint uses -1 as port if initialized from URI without a port #99 * Release 1.0.2 #106 Changes in version 1.0.1.RELEASE ----------------------------------------- * Add developer, SCM location and project URL to dependency POM #73 * Upgrade to Maven 3.5.0 #73 * VaultTokenRequestBuilder does not consider configured meta attributes #80 * Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.8 #81 * Remove Maven settings.xml for TravisCI build and use Maven wrapper #83 * Cannot resolve LocalHost NetworkInterface in MacAddressUserId #84 * LifecycleAwareSessionManager renewal starts eventually #87 * Use remaining token TTL for Cubbyhole authentication #88 * Release 1.0.1 #92 * Include notice and license in jar files #93 Changes in version 1.0.0 GA ----------------------------------------- * keystore file not created when $JAVA_HOME is not found #62 * Allow to create requested secret from mode and path #64 * Update to Spring-Next build profile to 4.3.8 #65 * Upgrade to Vault 0.7 #66 * Null-properties cause NullPointerException #69 * Vault seal operation fails #70 * Release 1.0.0 GA #72 Changes in version 1.0.0 RC1 ----------------------------------------- * Consider adding a EnvironmentVaultConfiguration #30 * Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.6 #46 * Request sent in XML instead of JSON when com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper exists in the classpath #47 * @VaultPropertySource should support custom prefixes #48 * Reshape APIs #49 * VaultPropertySource should renew leases #50 * Apache HttpComponents should support proxy configuration via system properties #52 * Allow listing transit keys #53 * Provide default, empty VaultTransitContext #54 * Upgrade to Vault 0.6.5 #55 * Upgrade LibSSL on TravisCI #56 * Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.7 #58 * Replace Thread.sleep in LifecycleAwareSessionManager with TaskScheduler #59 * Release 1.0 RC1 #60 * Upgrade dependencies #61 Changes in version 1.0.0 M2 ----------------------------------------- * Review documentation #12 * Documentation "Registering a Vault instance using Java based metadata" vs "Instantiating VaultTemplate" #22 * Fix missing plugin versions #32 * User Guide and JavaDocs 404 #34 * Upgrade to Spring 4.3.4 #35 * VaultResponse is incompatible with Vault 0.6.2 (missing warnings in VaultResponseSupport) #36 * Upgrade to Vault 0.6.3 #38 * Add support for OkHttp3 #39 * Flatten hierarchical JSON objects into property paths #40 * Upgrade to Spring 4.3.5 #41 * Upgrade to Vault 0.6.4 #42 * Upgrade to OkHttp 3.5.0 #43 * Upgrade test dependencies #44 Changes in version 1.0.0 M1 ----------------------------------------- * Provide transit backend support #1 * Assert compatibility with Vault 0.5.2 to 0.6.1 #2 * Support Cubbyhole authentication #3 * Add documentation for supported clients #4 * Provide documentation as zip file #5 * Support AppRole Authentication #7 * Cannot use Vault with Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory #8 * Add PropertySource support #9 * Add support to generate certificates using the PKI backend #11 * Revoke token on session disposal #13 * Upgrade to Vault 0.6.2 #14 * Task execution does not consider timeout #15 * Apply Spring Boot (Spring Cloud) code formatter #16 * Replace Codehaus Nexus with OSS Sonatype in TravisCI build #17 * Replace {version} in documentation with the actual version #19 * Getting Started and Dependencies #20 * SLF4J vs commons-logging? #24 * Document How to Externalize Vault's Token w/ VaultPropertySoure #26 * Fix String format in VaultEndpoint.toString #27