Spring Vault 3.0.0 API

Spring support for Hashicorp Vault.
Annotation support for the Spring Vault.
Support for authentication and session management.
Support classes for authentication application events.
Spring Vault Client abstraction.
Spring configuration for Vault.
Vault core support.
Spring Vault's environment abstraction consisting property source support.
The core package implementing lease renewal and secret rotation.
Lease domain classes.
Support classes for lease application events.
Property transformer classes for Spring Vault core support.
Support infrastructure for the configuration of Vault specific repositories.
Spring Vault specific converter infrastructure.
Spring Vault core repository implementation.
Infrastructure for the Vault JSON-to-object mapping subsystem.
Query derivation mechanism for Vault specific repositories.
Support infrastructure for query derivation of Vault specific repositories.
Integration with Spring Security.
Classes supporting the Vault packages, such as value objects.