Package org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository
package org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository
The flow execution repository subsystem for saving and restoring managed flow executions.
The central concept defined by this package is the
, representing a persistent store
for one or more FlowExecution objects that capture the state of user conversations in a form that can be restored
on subsequent requests.
ClassDescriptionThrown when an encoded flow execution key is badly formatted and could not be parsed.Base class for exceptions that indicate a flow execution could not be accessed within a repository.A pessmistic lock to obtain exclusive rights to a flow execution.Central subsystem interface responsible for the saving and restoring of flow executions, where each flow execution represents a state of an active flow definition.The root of the
exception hierarchy.Thrown when the flow execution with the persistent identifier provided could not be restored.Thrown when the flow execution with the persistent identifier provided could not be found.Thrown when access to a flow execution was denied by a repository.