Interface ConversionService

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultConversionService, FacesConversionService, GenericConversionService

public interface ConversionService
A service interface for retrieving type conversion executors. The returned command objects are thread-safe and may be safely cached for use by client code. Type converters convert from one type to another.
Keith Donald
  • Method Details

    • executeConversion

      Object executeConversion(Object source, Class<?> targetClass) throws ConversionException
      Execute a conversion of the source object provided to the specified targetClass
      source - the source to convert from (may be null)
      targetClass - the target class to convert to
      the converted object, an instance of the targetClass
      ConversionException - if an exception occurred during the conversion process
    • executeConversion

      Object executeConversion(String converterId, Object source, Class<?> targetClass)
      Execute a conversion using the custom converter with the provided id.
      converterId - the id of the custom converter, which must be registered with this conversion service and capable of converting to the target class
      source - the source to convert from (may be null)
      targetClass - the target class to convert to
      the converted object, an instance of the targetClass
      ConversionException - if an exception occurred during the conversion process
    • getConversionExecutor

      ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(Class<?> sourceClass, Class<?> targetClass) throws ConversionExecutorNotFoundException
      Return the default conversion executor capable of converting source objects of the specified sourceClass to instances of the targetClass.

      The returned ConversionExecutor is thread-safe and may safely be cached for use in client code.

      sourceClass - the source class to convert from (required)
      targetClass - the target class to convert to (required)
      the executor that can execute instance type conversion, never null
      ConversionExecutorNotFoundException - when no suitable conversion executor could be found
    • getConversionExecutor

      ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(String id, Class<?> sourceClass, Class<?> targetClass) throws ConversionExecutorNotFoundException
      Return the custom conversion executor capable of converting source objects of the specified sourceClass to instances of the targetClass.

      The returned ConversionExecutor is thread-safe and may safely be cached for use in client code.

      id - the id of the custom conversion executor (required)
      sourceClass - the source class to convert from (required)
      targetClass - the target class to convert to (required)
      the executor that can execute instance type conversion, never null
      ConversionExecutorNotFoundException - when no suitable conversion executor could be found
    • getClassForAlias

      Class<?> getClassForAlias(String alias)
      Lookup a class by its well-known alias. For example, long for java.lang.Long
      alias - the class alias
      the class, or null if no alias exists
    • getDelegateConversionService

      org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService getDelegateConversionService()
      Return the underlying Spring ConversionService.
      the conversion service