Class NullParserContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class NullParserContext extends Object implements ParserContext
A null object implementation of ParserContext. Mainly used internally by expression parser implementations when null is passed in as a parser context value.
Keith Donad
  • Field Details


      public static final ParserContext INSTANCE
      The null parser context object instance; a singleton.
  • Method Details

    • getEvaluationContextType

      public Class<?> getEvaluationContextType()
      Description copied from interface: ParserContext
      Returns the type of context object the parsed expression will evaluate in. An expression parser may use this value to install custom variable resolves for that particular type of context.
      Specified by:
      getEvaluationContextType in interface ParserContext
      the evaluation context type
    • getExpectedEvaluationResultType

      public Class<?> getExpectedEvaluationResultType()
      Description copied from interface: ParserContext
      Returns the expected type of object returned from evaluating the parsed expression. An expression parser may use this value to coerce an raw evaluation result before it is returned.
      Specified by:
      getExpectedEvaluationResultType in interface ParserContext
      the expected evaluation result type
    • getExpressionVariables

      public ExpressionVariable[] getExpressionVariables()
      Description copied from interface: ParserContext
      Returns additional expression variables or aliases that can be referenced during expression evaluation. An expression parser will register these variables for reference during evaluation.
      Specified by:
      getExpressionVariables in interface ParserContext
    • isTemplate

      public boolean isTemplate()
      Description copied from interface: ParserContext
      Whether or not the expression being parsed is a template. A template expression consists of literal text that can be mixed with evaluatable blocks. Some examples:
                 Some literal text
           Hello #{name.firstName}!
           #{3 + 4}
      Specified by:
      isTemplate in interface ParserContext
      true if the expression is a template, false otherwise