Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| SoapHeaderElementMethodArgumentResolverTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.011 |
| SoapMethodArgumentResolverTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| DefaultStrategiesHelperTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 |
| MarshallingUtilsTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.011 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| SkipValidationWsSecurityInterceptorTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.007 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| UuidMessageIdStrategyTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.024 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| DefaultMessageContextTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| XmlRootElementEndpointMappingTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| QNameEditorTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 |
| QNameUtilsTest | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.029 |
| SimpleNamespaceContextTest | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.006 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| SoapMessageDispatcherTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.01 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| XmppConnectionFactoryBeanTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.029 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| MockWebServiceClientTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.039 |
| WebServiceMessageMatcherAdapterTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.001 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| Wsdl11DestinationProviderTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.013 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| MailIntegrationTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.153 |
| MailMessageSenderIntegrationTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.005 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| CommonsXsdSchemaCollectionTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.109 |
| CommonsXsdSchemaTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.257 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| Jaxp13ValidatorFactoryTest | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.054 |
| SchemaLoaderUtilsTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.081 |
| XmlValidatorFactoryTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.005 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| WebServiceMessageReceiverObjectSupportTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.004 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| DefaultWsdl11DefinitionTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.122 |
| SimpleWsdl11DefinitionTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.001 |
| Wsdl4jDefinitionTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.02 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| PayloadValidatingInterceptorTest | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.052 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| PayloadLoggingInterceptorTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.006 |
| PayloadTransformingInterceptorTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.099 |
| testContentHandlerDocumentNamespacePrefixes | 0.02 |
| testContentHandlerDocumentNoNamespacePrefixes | 0.002 |
| testContentHandlerElement | 0.002 |
| testNamespaceLocalPartPrefix | 0 |
| testNamespaceLocalPart | 0 |
| testLocalPart | 0 |
| testValidQNames | 0 |
| testInvalidQNames | 0 |
| testGetQNameForNodeNoNamespace | 0.023 |
| testGetQNameForNodeNoPrefix | 0.001 |
| testGetQNameForNode | 0 |
| testToQualifiedNamePrefix | 0 |
| testToQualifiedNameNoPrefix | 0 |
| testToQNamePrefix | 0 |
| testToQNameNoPrefix | 0 |
| testGetNamespaceURI | 0.001 |
| testGetPrefix | 0.001 |
| testGetPrefixes | 0 |
| unmodifiableGetPrefixes | 0.001 |
| testMultiplePrefixes | 0 |
| testGetBoundPrefixes | 0 |
| testSetBindings | 0.001 |
| testRemoveBinding | 0 |
| testHasBinding | 0 |
| testDefaultNamespaceMultiplePrefixes | 0.001 |
| defaultTransformerFactory | 0.018 |
| customTransformerFactory | 0.011 |
| testGetDocument | 0.001 |
| testDoWithDomSource | 0.02 |
| testDoWithDomResult | 0.003 |
| testDoWithSaxSource | 0 |
| testDoWithSaxResult | 0 |
| testDoWithStaxSourceEventReader | 0.004 |
| testDoWithStaxResultEventWriter | 0.018 |
| testDoWithStaxSourceStreamReader | 0 |
| testDoWithStaxResultStreamWriter | 0.001 |
| testDoWithStreamSourceInputStream | 0 |
| testDoWithStreamResultOutputStream | 0 |
| testDoWithStreamSourceReader | 0 |
| testDoWithStreamResultWriter | 0 |
| testDoWithSystemIdSource | 0 |
| testDoWithSystemIdResult | 0 |
| testDoWithInvalidSource | 0 |
| testDoWithInvalidResult | 0 |
| testHandleValidMessageStream | 0.009 |
| testValidateTwice | 0.004 |
| testHandleInvalidMessageStream | 0.006 |
| testHandleValidMessageSax | 0.006 |
| testHandleInvalidMessageSax | 0.003 |
| testHandleValidMessageDom | 0.005 |
| testHandleInvalidMessageDom | 0.004 |
| testMultipleSchemasValidMessage | 0.012 |
| customErrorHandler | 0.004 |
| testLoadSchema | 0.046 |
| testLoadNonExistantSchema | 0.001 |
| testLoadNullSchema | 0.002 |
| testLoadMultipleSchemas | 0.03 |
| testCreateValidator | 0.003 |
| testNonExistentResource | 0 |
| testInvalidSchemaLanguage | 0 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanInvalidNamespaces | 0.035 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanNamespaces | 0.003 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanNoNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleInvalidNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeInvalidNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeNoNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeListNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeListNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsStringInvalidNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsStringInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsStringNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsStringNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsObject | 0.002 |
| testEvaluate | 0.002 |
| testInvalidExpression | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsStringNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsObject | 0.001 |
| testEvaluate | 0.001 |
| testInvalidExpression | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsBoolean | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsDouble | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsNode | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodes | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsNodesNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsString | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateDomSource | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateSAXSource | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateStaxSource | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateStreamSourceInputStream | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateStreamSourceSystemId | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanInvalidNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanNamespaces | 0.003 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleInvalidNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeInvalidNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.007 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeNoNamespaces | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeListNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeListNoNamespaces | 0.003 |
| testEvaluateAsStringInvalidNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsStringInvalidNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsStringNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsStringNoNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsObject | 0.002 |
| testEvaluate | 0.002 |
| testInvalidExpression | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateAsDoubleNamespaces | 0.015 |
| testEvaluateAsBooleanNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodeNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsStringNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsObject | 0.003 |
| testEvaluate | 0.003 |
| testInvalidExpression | 0.004 |
| testEvaluateAsBoolean | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsDouble | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNode | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodes | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsNodesNamespaces | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateAsString | 0.001 |
| testEvaluateDomSource | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateSAXSource | 0.003 |
| testEvaluateStaxSource | 0.052 |
| testEvaluateStreamSourceInputStream | 0.002 |
| testEvaluateStreamSourceSystemId | 0.002 |
| testCreateXPathExpression | 0 |
| testCreateEmptyXPathExpression | 0 |
| testMarshalAndSendNoMarshallerSet | 0.003 |
| testMarshalAndSendNoUnmarshallerSet | 0 |
| testSendAndReceiveMessageResponse | 0.002 |
| testSendAndReceiveMessageNoResponse | 0 |
| testSendAndReceiveMessageFault | 0.002 |
| testSendAndReceiveConnectionError | 0.001 |
| testSendAndReceiveSourceResponse | 0.002 |
| testSendAndReceiveSourceNoResponse | 0.001 |
| testSendAndReceiveResultResponse | 0.002 |
| testSendAndReceiveResultNoResponse | 0.001 |
| testSendAndReceiveResultNoResponsePayload | 0.001 |
| testSendAndReceiveMarshalResponse | 0.002 |
| testSendAndReceiveMarshalNoResponse | 0 |
| testSendAndReceiveCustomUri | 0.001 |
| testInterceptors | 0.002 |
| testInterceptorsIntercepted | 0.002 |
| testInterceptorsInterceptedCreateResponse | 0 |
| testDestinationResolver | 0.001 |
| testHandleInvalidRequest | 0.007 |
| testHandlerInvalidRequest | 0.004 |
| testHandleValidRequest | 0.003 |
| testHandleInvalidResponse | 0.003 |
| testHandleValidResponse | 0.003 |
| testNamespacesInType | 0.007 |
| testNonExistingSchema | 0.002 |
| testHandlerInvalidRequestMultipleSchemas | 0.003 |
| testHandleValidRequestMultipleSchemas | 0.003 |
| testHandleInvalidResponseMultipleSchemas | 0.003 |
| testHandleValidResponseMultipleSchemas | 0.003 |
| testXsdSchema | 0.006 |
| endpointMappings | 1.374 |
| endpointAdapters | 0.471 |
| endpointExceptionResolver | 0.462 |
| testGetPayload | 0.029 |
| testGetPayloadResultTwice | 0.003 |
| testWriteTo | 0.003 |
| initDefaultStrategies | 0.004 |
| supportsSupported | 0.001 |
| supportsUnsupportedParameter | 0 |
| supportsUnsupportedReturnType | 0 |
| invokeSupported | 0 |
| invokeException | 0 |
| testResponse | 0.001 |
| testNoResponse | 0 |
| testNoRequestPayload | 0.001 |
| testSupportedNoResponse | 0.001 |
| testSupportedResponse | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodMultipleParams | 0.001 |
| testUnsupportedMethodWrongParam | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodWrongReturnType | 0 |
| testResponse | 0.001 |
| testNoResponse | 0 |
| testNoRequestPayload | 0 |
| testSupportedNoResponse | 0.001 |
| testSupportedResponse | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodMultipleParams | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodWrongParam | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodWrongReturnType | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodMultipleParams | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodWrongParam | 0 |
| testSupported | 0 |
| testInvokeSupported | 0 |
| supportsParameter | 0 |
| supportsReturnType | 0 |
| saajArgument | 0.02 |
| mockArgument | 0.001 |
| axiomCachingArgument | 0.002 |
| axiomNonCachingArgument | 0.001 |
| saajReturnValue | 0.012 |
| mockReturnValue | 0.007 |
| axiomCachingReturnValue | 0.007 |
| axiomNonCachingReturnValue | 0.008 |
| supportsParameter | 0 |
| supportsReturnType | 0 |
| saajArgument | 0.001 |
| mockArgument | 0.002 |
| axiomCachingArgument | 0.002 |
| axiomNonCachingArgument | 0.002 |
| saajReturnValue | 0.003 |
| mockReturnValue | 0.004 |
| axiomCachingReturnValue | 0.003 |
| axiomNonCachingReturnValue | 0.004 |
| supportsParameter | 0.002 |
| supportsReturnType | 0 |
| saajArgument | 0.033 |
| mockArgument | 0.006 |
| axiomCachingArgument | 0.063 |
| axiomNonCachingArgument | 0.091 |
| saajReturnValue | 0.018 |
| mockReturnValue | 0.003 |
| axiomCachingReturnValue | 0.003 |
| axiomNonCachingReturnValue | 0.002 |
| supportsParameter | 0.001 |
| supportsReturnType | 0 |
| saajArgument | 0.013 |
| mockArgument | 0.01 |
| axiomCachingArgument | 0.002 |
| axiomNonCachingArgument | 0.002 |
| saajReturnValue | 0.007 |
| mockReturnValue | 0.007 |
| axiomCachingReturnValue | 0.008 |
| axiomNonCachingReturnValue | 0.007 |
| supportsParameter | 0.002 |
| supportsReturnType | 0 |
| handleReturnValue | 0.049 |
| handleReturnValueAxiom | 0.017 |
| resolveArgumentRootElement | 0.006 |
| resolveArgumentType | 0.003 |
| handleReturnValueAxiomNoPayloadCaching | 0.008 |
| resolveArgument | 0.004 |
| handleReturnValue | 0 |
| supportsParameterSupported | 0 |
| supportsParameterUnsupported | 0 |
| supportsParameterNoUnmarshallerSupported | 0.001 |
| supportsReturnTypeSupported | 0 |
| supportsReturnTypeUnsupported | 0 |
| supportsReturnTypeNoMarshaller | 0 |
| resolveArgumentNoUnmarshaller | 0.001 |
| handleReturnValueNoMarshaller | 0.001 |
| supportsParameter | 0.001 |
| supportsReturnType | 0 |
| saajArgument | 0.003 |
| mockArgument | 0.002 |
| axiomCachingArgument | 0.002 |
| axiomNonCachingArgument | 0.002 |
| saajReturnValue | 0.029 |
| mockReturnValue | 0.033 |
| axiomCachingReturnValue | 0.028 |
| axiomNonCachingReturnValue | 0.029 |
| supportsParameter | 0 |
| resolveStreamReaderSaaj | 0.001 |
| resolveStreamReaderAxiomCaching | 0.001 |
| resolveStreamReaderAxiomNonCaching | 0.001 |
| resolveStreamReaderStream | 0.001 |
| resolveEventReaderSaaj | 0.001 |
| resolveEventReaderAxiomCaching | 0.003 |
| resolveEventReaderAxiomNonCaching | 0.001 |
| resolveEventReaderStream | 0.001 |
| testResponse | 0.001 |
| testNoResponse | 0 |
| testSupportedNoResponse | 0.001 |
| testSupportedResponse | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodMultipleParams | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodWrongParam | 0 |
| testUnsupportedMethodWrongReturnType | 0 |
| testUnsupportedInvalidParam | 0.002 |
| testUnsupportedInvalidReturnType | 0.001 |
| testUnsupportedInvalidParams | 0 |
| testSupportedTypes | 0.002 |
| testSupportsStringSource | 0 |
| testSupportsSource | 0 |
| testSupportsVoid | 0 |
| testInvokeTypes | 0.019 |
| testInvokeSource | 0.002 |
| testInvokeVoidDom | 0.003 |
| testNoResponse | 0.002 |
| testNoRequest | 0 |
| testDomSource | 0.006 |
| testSaxSource | 0.008 |
| testStaxSourceEventReader | 0.007 |
| testStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.006 |
| testStreamSourceInputStream | 0.006 |
| testStreamSourceReader | 0.006 |
| testNoResponse | 0.002 |
| testNoRequest | 0.001 |
| testDomSource | 0.009 |
| testSaxSource | 0.01 |
| testStaxSourceEventReader | 0.009 |
| testStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.008 |
| testStreamSourceInputStream | 0.009 |
| testStreamSourceReader | 0.008 |
| testHandleRequestDisabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleRequestEnabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleResponseDisabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleResponseEnabled | 0.001 |
| testNoResponse | 0.002 |
| testNoRequest | 0.001 |
| testDomSource | 0.009 |
| testSaxSource | 0.008 |
| testStaxSourceEventReader | 0.008 |
| testStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.01 |
| testStreamSourceInputStream | 0.008 |
| testStreamSourceReader | 0.008 |
| endpoint | 0 |
| defaultEndpoint | 0.001 |
| endpointInterceptors | 0 |
| smartEndpointInterceptors | 0.001 |
| endpointBeanName | 0.001 |
| endpointInvalidBeanName | 0 |
| endpointPrototype | 0.001 |
| testResolveQNames | 0 |
| testGetQNameNameNamespace | 0.001 |
| testRegistration | 0.002 |
| testGetLookupKeyForMessageNoNamespace | 0 |
| testGetLookupKeyForMessageNamespace | 0.001 |
| getLookupKeyForMessage | 0.001 |
| getLookupKeyForMessagePath | 0 |
| testValidateLookupKey | 0 |
| testGetLookupKeyForMessage | 0.002 |
| testNoResponse | 0.002 |
| testNoRequest | 0 |
| testDomSource | 0.009 |
| testSaxSource | 0.007 |
| testStaxSourceEventReader | 0.007 |
| testStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.009 |
| testStreamSourceInputStream | 0.006 |
| testStreamSourceReader | 0.007 |
| testNoResponse | 0.003 |
| testNoRequestPayload | 0 |
| testDomSource | 0.008 |
| testSaxSource | 0.007 |
| testStaxSourceEventReader | 0.006 |
| testStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.007 |
| testStreamSourceInputStream | 0.007 |
| testStreamSourceReader | 0.007 |
| testSaajResponse | 0.018 |
| testAxiomResponse | 0.009 |
| testAxiomNoResponse | 0.002 |
| testAxiomResponseNoPayloadCaching | 0.007 |
| testAxiomNoResponseNoPayloadCaching | 0.001 |
| testNoResponse | 0 |
| testNoRequestPayload | 0.001 |
| testDomSource | 0.01 |
| testSaxSource | 0.007 |
| testStaxSourceEventReader | 0.007 |
| testStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.006 |
| testStreamSourceInputStream | 0.007 |
| testStreamSourceReader | 0.006 |
| getNamespaceContextMethod | 0.001 |
| getNamespaceContextClass | 0 |
| testGetQNameForDomSource | 0.001 |
| testGetQNameForStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.001 |
| testGetQNameForStaxSourceEventReader | 0.001 |
| testGetQNameForStreamSource | 0.001 |
| testGetQNameForSaxSource | 0 |
| testGetQNameForNullSource | 0.001 |
| testNoResponse | 0.003 |
| testNoRequest | 0.001 |
| testDomSource | 0.017 |
| testSaxSource | 0.008 |
| testStaxSourceEventReader | 0.001 |
| testStaxSourceStreamReader | 0.001 |
| testStreamSourceInputStream | 0.007 |
| testStreamSourceReader | 0.007 |
| testGetEndpoint | 0.001 |
| testGetEndpointAdapterSupportedEndpoint | 0.001 |
| testGetEndpointAdapterUnsupportedEndpoint | 0 |
| testResolveException | 0.003 |
| testProcessUnsupportedEndpointException | 0.002 |
| testNormalFlow | 0.002 |
| testFlowNoResponse | 0.001 |
| testInterceptedRequestFlow | 0.001 |
| testInterceptedResponseFlow | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionsWithInterceptors | 0.001 |
| testFaultFlow | 0.001 |
| testNoEndpointFound | 0.001 |
| testDetectStrategies | 0.002 |
| testDefaultStrategies | 0.002 |
| testContentHandlerDocumentNamespacePrefixes | 0.014 |
| testContentHandlerDocumentNoNamespacePrefixes | 0.01 |
| testContentHandlerElement | 0.009 |
| testContentHandlerElementWithSamePrefixAndDifferentNamespace | 0.001 |
| testContentHandlerElementWithSameNamespacesAndPrefix | 0.001 |
| testContentHandlerElementWithSameNamespacesAndDifferentPrefix | 0 |
| testContentHandlerPredefinedEntityReference | 0.009 |
| testPayloadNoCaching | 0.007 |
| testGetType | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.006 |
| testAddMustUnderstandFault | 0.011 |
| testAddClientFault | 0.009 |
| testAddServerFault | 0.008 |
| testAddFault | 0.008 |
| testAddFaultNoPrefix | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultWithDetail | 0.008 |
| testAddFaultWithDetailResult | 0.008 |
| testGetPayloadResultTwice | 0.001 |
| testPayload | 0.006 |
| testNoFault | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultWithExistingPayload | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetContent | 0.003 |
| testGetHeader | 0.002 |
| testGetBody | 0 |
| testAttributes | 0.002 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testGetType | 0 |
| testGetName | 0 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessActors | 0.001 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessNoActors | 0 |
| testGetResult | 0.001 |
| testAddHeaderElement | 0.011 |
| testRemoveHeaderElement | 0.001 |
| testExamineAllHeaderElement | 0.007 |
| testExamineHeaderElementWithName | 0.001 |
| testExamineMustUnderstandHeaderElements | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testGetCharsetEncoding | 0.001 |
| testRepetitiveReadCaching | 0.001 |
| testRepetitiveReadNoCaching | 0.001 |
| testSWS502 | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptySoap11Message | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageMtomWeirdStartInfo | 0.002 |
| testCreateSoapMessageUtf8ByteOrderMark | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageUtf16BigEndianByteOrderMark | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageUtf16LittleEndianByteOrderMark | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageIllFormedXml | 0 |
| testCreateSoapMessageNoAttachment | 0 |
| testCreateSoapMessageSwA | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageMtom | 0.001 |
| testCreateEmptySoapMessage | 0 |
| testCreateEmptyMessage | 0.001 |
| testGetVersion | 0 |
| testWriteToTransportOutputStream | 0.007 |
| testWriteToTransportResponseAttachment | 0.001 |
| testToDocument | 0.011 |
| testSetLiveDocument | 0.008 |
| testSetOtherDocument | 0.008 |
| testValidate | 0.004 |
| testSoapAction | 0.001 |
| testCharsetAttribute | 0 |
| testSetStreamingPayload | 0.006 |
| testEmptyMessage | 0 |
| testAddAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachments | 0 |
| testDomPayload | 0.008 |
| testEventReaderPayload | 0.009 |
| testReaderPayload | 0.008 |
| testSaxPayload | 0.007 |
| testStreamPayload | 0.008 |
| testStreamReaderPayload | 0.008 |
| testGetType | 0 |
| testGetName | 0 |
| testGetSource | 0.009 |
| testAddMustUnderstandFault | 0.011 |
| testAddClientFault | 0.011 |
| testAddServerFault | 0.008 |
| testAddFault | 0.014 |
| testAddFaultNoPrefix | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultWithDetail | 0.01 |
| testAddFaultWithDetailResult | 0.009 |
| testGetPayloadResultTwice | 0.002 |
| testPayload | 0.007 |
| testNoFault | 0 |
| testAddFaultWithExistingPayload | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testGetVersion | 0.001 |
| testWriteToTransportOutputStream | 0.011 |
| testWriteToTransportResponseAttachment | 0.001 |
| testToDocument | 0.012 |
| testSetLiveDocument | 0.011 |
| testSetOtherDocument | 0.011 |
| testValidate | 0.006 |
| testSoapAction | 0.001 |
| testCharsetAttribute | 0.001 |
| testSetStreamingPayload | 0.017 |
| testEmptyMessage | 0.001 |
| testAddAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachments | 0.001 |
| testDomPayload | 0.013 |
| testEventReaderPayload | 0.013 |
| testReaderPayload | 0.012 |
| testSaxPayload | 0.013 |
| testStreamPayload | 0.012 |
| testStreamReaderPayload | 0.013 |
| testPayloadNoCaching | 0.012 |
| testGetType | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0 |
| testGetSource | 0.01 |
| testAddMustUnderstandFault | 0.02 |
| testAddFaultWithDetail | 0.014 |
| testAddFaultWithDetailResult | 0.012 |
| testAddSenderFault | 0.01 |
| testAddReceiverFault | 0.01 |
| testAddFaultWithSubcode | 0.012 |
| testGetPayloadResultTwice | 0.001 |
| testPayload | 0.009 |
| testNoFault | 0 |
| testAddFaultWithExistingPayload | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0.001 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testGetName | 0 |
| testGetSource | 0.006 |
| testGetHeader | 0.001 |
| testGetBody | 0 |
| testAttributes | 0 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testGetType | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessActors | 0.004 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessNoActors | 0 |
| testAddNotUnderstood | 0.007 |
| testAddUpgrade | 0.001 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessUltimateDestination | 0 |
| testGetResult | 0 |
| testAddHeaderElement | 0.007 |
| testRemoveHeaderElement | 0 |
| testExamineAllHeaderElement | 0.006 |
| testExamineHeaderElementWithName | 0.001 |
| testExamineMustUnderstandHeaderElements | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0.001 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageIllFormedXml | 0 |
| testCreateSoapMessageNoAttachment | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageSwA | 0.029 |
| testCreateSoapMessageMtom | 0.003 |
| testCreateEmptySoapMessage | 0.001 |
| testCreateEmptyMessage | 0 |
| testGetVersion | 0.001 |
| testWriteToTransportOutputStream | 0.096 |
| testWriteToTransportResponseAttachment | 0.007 |
| testToDocument | 0.021 |
| testSetLiveDocument | 0.03 |
| testSetOtherDocument | 0.012 |
| testValidate | 0.019 |
| testSoapAction | 0.001 |
| testCharsetAttribute | 0.001 |
| testSetStreamingPayload | 0.015 |
| testEmptyMessage | 0.001 |
| testAddAttachment | 0.002 |
| testGetAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachments | 0.001 |
| testDomPayload | 0.013 |
| testEventReaderPayload | 0.028 |
| testReaderPayload | 0.014 |
| testSaxPayload | 0.012 |
| testStreamPayload | 0.026 |
| testStreamReaderPayload | 0.013 |
| testGetType | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testAddMustUnderstandFault | 0.011 |
| testAddFaultWithDetail | 0.008 |
| testAddFaultWithDetailResult | 0.008 |
| testAddSenderFault | 0.007 |
| testAddReceiverFault | 0.008 |
| testAddFaultWithSubcode | 0.008 |
| testGetPayloadResultTwice | 0.001 |
| testPayload | 0.006 |
| testNoFault | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultWithExistingPayload | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testGetVersion | 0.001 |
| testWriteToTransportOutputStream | 0.008 |
| testWriteToTransportResponseAttachment | 0.001 |
| testToDocument | 0.007 |
| testSetLiveDocument | 0.009 |
| testSetOtherDocument | 0.008 |
| testValidate | 0.012 |
| testSoapAction | 0 |
| testCharsetAttribute | 0.001 |
| testSetStreamingPayload | 0.007 |
| testEmptyMessage | 0 |
| testAddAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachments | 0.001 |
| testDomPayload | 0.008 |
| testEventReaderPayload | 0.009 |
| testReaderPayload | 0.007 |
| testSaxPayload | 0.008 |
| testStreamPayload | 0.008 |
| testStreamReaderPayload | 0.008 |
| testGetDetailEntriesWorksWithWhitespaceNodes | 0.002 |
| testGetDetailEntriesWorksWithoutWhitespaceNodes | 0.001 |
| testDelegatingStreamWriter | 0.007 |
| testDelegatingStreamWriterWriteEndDocument | 0.006 |
| testDelegatingStreamWriterWriteEmptyElement | 0.007 |
| testToDocument | 0.012 |
| testToNamespaceDeclared | 0.001 |
| testToNamespaceUndeclared | 0 |
| testToNamespacePrefixDeclared | 0 |
| testToNamespacePrefixUndeclared | 0 |
| testToLanguage | 0 |
| testToLocale | 0 |
| testToEnvelope | 0.018 |
| testWriteTo | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.006 |
| testAddFault | 0.001 |
| testGetHeader | 0 |
| testGetBody | 0.001 |
| testGetResult | 0.001 |
| testAddHeaderElement | 0 |
| testGetAttachments | 0.001 |
| testGetFaultCode | 0 |
| testGetFaultStringLocale | 0.001 |
| testGetEnvelope | 0 |
| testExampleAllHeaderElements | 0.001 |
| testExampleMustUnderstandHeaderElements | 0 |
| testGetActorOrRole | 0.001 |
| testSetActorOrRole | 0 |
| testGetMustUnderstand | 0 |
| testSetMustUnderstand | 0 |
| testHasFault | 0 |
| testGetFault | 0 |
| testGetFaultActor | 0 |
| testSetFaultActor | 0.001 |
| testGetFaultString | 0 |
| testGetFaultDetail | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultDetail | 0 |
| testAddDetailEntry | 0.001 |
| testAddTextNode | 0 |
| testGetDetailEntries | 0.001 |
| testAddAttachmentPart | 0 |
| testRemoveContents | 0.001 |
| testWriteTo | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testAddFault | 0.001 |
| testGetHeader | 0 |
| testGetBody | 0.001 |
| testGetResult | 0.001 |
| testAddHeaderElement | 0 |
| testGetAttachments | 0 |
| testGetFaultCode | 0 |
| testGetFaultStringLocale | 0 |
| testGetEnvelope | 0.001 |
| testExampleAllHeaderElements | 0 |
| testExampleMustUnderstandHeaderElements | 0.001 |
| testGetActorOrRole | 0 |
| testSetActorOrRole | 0.001 |
| testGetMustUnderstand | 0.001 |
| testSetMustUnderstand | 0 |
| testHasFault | 0.001 |
| testGetFault | 0 |
| testGetFaultActor | 0.001 |
| testSetFaultActor | 0 |
| testGetFaultString | 0 |
| testGetFaultDetail | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultDetail | 0 |
| testAddDetailEntry | 0.001 |
| testAddTextNode | 0.001 |
| testGetDetailEntries | 0 |
| testAddAttachmentPart | 0.001 |
| testRemoveContents | 0 |
| testWriteTo | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0 |
| testGetSource | 0.008 |
| testAddFault | 0 |
| testGetHeader | 0.001 |
| testGetBody | 0 |
| testGetResult | 0.001 |
| testAddHeaderElement | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachments | 0 |
| testGetFaultCode | 0.001 |
| testGetFaultStringLocale | 0 |
| testGetEnvelope | 0 |
| testExampleAllHeaderElements | 0 |
| testExampleMustUnderstandHeaderElements | 0 |
| testGetActorOrRole | 0 |
| testSetActorOrRole | 0.001 |
| testGetMustUnderstand | 0 |
| testSetMustUnderstand | 0 |
| testHasFault | 0 |
| testGetFault | 0 |
| testGetFaultActor | 0 |
| testSetFaultActor | 0 |
| testGetFaultString | 0 |
| testGetFaultDetail | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultDetail | 0 |
| testAddDetailEntry | 0.001 |
| testAddTextNode | 0 |
| testGetDetailEntries | 0.001 |
| testAddAttachmentPart | 0 |
| testRemoveContents | 0.001 |
| testLangAttributeOnSoap11FaultString | 0.001 |
| testGetType | 0.003 |
| testGetName | 0 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testAddMustUnderstandFault | 0.007 |
| testAddClientFault | 0.007 |
| testAddServerFault | 0.006 |
| testAddFault | 0.007 |
| testAddFaultNoPrefix | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultWithDetail | 0.01 |
| testAddFaultWithDetailResult | 0.008 |
| testGetPayloadResultTwice | 0.001 |
| testPayload | 0.007 |
| testNoFault | 0.001 |
| testAddFaultWithExistingPayload | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0.001 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetContent | 0.007 |
| testGetHeader | 0.001 |
| testGetBody | 0 |
| testAttributes | 0 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testGetType | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessActors | 0.001 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessNoActors | 0 |
| testGetResult | 0.007 |
| testAddHeaderElement | 0.01 |
| testRemoveHeaderElement | 0 |
| testExamineAllHeaderElement | 0.007 |
| testExamineHeaderElementWithName | 0.001 |
| testExamineMustUnderstandHeaderElements | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0.001 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| properties | 0.001 |
| testCreateEmptySoap11Message | 0 |
| testCreateSoapMessageMtomWeirdStartInfo | 0.012 |
| testCreateSoapMessageUtf8ByteOrderMark | 0.002 |
| testCreateSoapMessageUtf16BigEndianByteOrderMark | 0.008 |
| testCreateSoapMessageUtf16LittleEndianByteOrderMark | 0.002 |
| testCreateSoapMessageIllFormedXml | 0.005 |
| testCreateSoapMessageNoAttachment | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageSwA | 0.002 |
| testCreateSoapMessageMtom | 0.002 |
| testCreateEmptySoapMessage | 0 |
| testCreateEmptyMessage | 0 |
| testGetPayloadSource | 0.006 |
| testGetPayloadSourceText | 0.006 |
| testGetPayloadResult | 0.001 |
| testGetVersion | 0 |
| testWriteToTransportOutputStream | 0.008 |
| testWriteToTransportResponseAttachment | 0.002 |
| testToDocument | 0.008 |
| testSetLiveDocument | 0.007 |
| testSetOtherDocument | 0.011 |
| testValidate | 0.006 |
| testSoapAction | 0.001 |
| testCharsetAttribute | 0.001 |
| testSetStreamingPayload | 0.001 |
| testEmptyMessage | 0 |
| testAddAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachments | 0.001 |
| testDomPayload | 0.009 |
| testEventReaderPayload | 0.009 |
| testReaderPayload | 0.007 |
| testSaxPayload | 0.009 |
| testStreamPayload | 0.008 |
| testStreamReaderPayload | 0.009 |
| testGetType | 0 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testAddMustUnderstandFault | 0.008 |
| testAddFaultWithDetail | 0.009 |
| testAddFaultWithDetailResult | 0.008 |
| testAddSenderFault | 0.007 |
| testAddReceiverFault | 0.007 |
| testAddFaultWithSubcode | 0.008 |
| testGetPayloadResultTwice | 0.001 |
| testPayload | 0.006 |
| testNoFault | 0 |
| testAddFaultWithExistingPayload | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0.001 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.008 |
| testGetHeader | 0.001 |
| testGetBody | 0 |
| testAttributes | 0.001 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0.001 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testGetType | 0 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetSource | 0.007 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessActors | 0.001 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessNoActors | 0 |
| testAddNotUnderstood | 0.006 |
| testAddUpgrade | 0.001 |
| testExamineHeaderElementsToProcessUltimateDestination | 0 |
| testGetResult | 0.006 |
| testAddHeaderElement | 0.006 |
| testRemoveHeaderElement | 0.001 |
| testExamineAllHeaderElement | 0.006 |
| testExamineHeaderElementWithName | 0.001 |
| testExamineMustUnderstandHeaderElements | 0.001 |
| testAttributes | 0.001 |
| testAddNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testAddDefaultNamespaceDeclaration | 0 |
| testCreateSoapMessageIllFormedXml | 0.003 |
| testCreateSoapMessageNoAttachment | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageSwA | 0.001 |
| testCreateSoapMessageMtom | 0.005 |
| testCreateEmptySoapMessage | 0 |
| testCreateEmptyMessage | 0 |
| testGetVersion | 0 |
| testWriteToTransportOutputStream | 0.008 |
| testWriteToTransportResponseAttachment | 0.001 |
| testToDocument | 0.009 |
| testSetLiveDocument | 0.007 |
| testSetOtherDocument | 0.009 |
| testValidate | 0.007 |
| testSoapAction | 0.001 |
| testCharsetAttribute | 0.001 |
| testSetStreamingPayload | 0.001 |
| testEmptyMessage | 0.001 |
| testAddAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachment | 0.001 |
| testGetAttachments | 0.001 |
| testDomPayload | 0.009 |
| testEventReaderPayload | 0.01 |
| testReaderPayload | 0.008 |
| testSaxPayload | 0.008 |
| testStreamPayload | 0.012 |
| testStreamReaderPayload | 0.009 |
| testToName | 0.001 |
| testToNameNamespace | 0 |
| testToNameNamespacePrefix | 0 |
| testToQName | 0 |
| testToQNameNamespace | 0 |
| testToQNamePrefixNamespace | 0 |
| testLoadMessage | 0.011 |
| testGetSaajVersion | 0.001 |
| testGetSaajVersionInvalidEnvelope | 0.002 |
| supportsParameter | 0.004 |
| failOnEmptyValue | 0.001 |
| resolveSoapHeaderElement | 0.001 |
| resolveSoapHeaderElementList | 0.001 |
| resolveSoapHeaderMismatch | 0.001 |
| resolveSoapHeaderMismatchList | 0.001 |
| neitherNamespaceNorLocalPart | 0 |
| shouldInterceptFullMatch | 0.001 |
| shouldInterceptFullNonMatch | 0.001 |
| shouldInterceptNamespaceUriMatch | 0 |
| shouldInterceptNamespaceUriNonMatch | 0.001 |
| testAxiom | 0.106 |
| testHandlerInvalidRequest | 0.004 |
| testHandleValidRequest | 0.003 |
| testHandleInvalidResponse | 0.003 |
| testHandleValidResponse | 0.003 |
| testNamespacesInType | 0.007 |
| testNonExistingSchema | 0.002 |
| testHandlerInvalidRequestMultipleSchemas | 0.004 |
| testHandleValidRequestMultipleSchemas | 0.004 |
| testHandleInvalidResponseMultipleSchemas | 0.004 |
| testHandleValidResponseMultipleSchemas | 0.004 |
| testXsdSchema | 0.007 |
| testHandleInvalidRequestSoap11 | 0.005 |
| testHandleInvalidRequestSoap12 | 0.004 |
| testHandleInvalidRequestOverridenProperties | 0.004 |
| testCreateRequestValidationFaultAxiom | 0.011 |
| testMultipleNamespacesAxiom | 0.006 |
| customErrorHandler | 0.005 |
| neitherNamespaceNorLocalPart | 0.001 |
| shouldInterceptMatch | 0 |
| shouldInterceptNonMatch | 0.001 |
| testHandleRequestDisabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleRequestEnabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleResponseDisabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleResponseEnabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleFaultDisabled | 0.001 |
| testHandleFaultEnabled | 0.002 |
| testValidateLookupKey | 0.001 |
| testGetLookupKeyForMessage | 0 |
| testGetLookupKeyForMessageQuoted | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionInternal | 0.04 |
| testResolveExceptionClientSoap11 | 0.007 |
| testResolveExceptionSenderSoap12 | 0.006 |
| testResolveExceptionServerSoap11 | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionReceiverSoap12 | 0 |
| testResolveExceptionDefault | 0 |
| testResolveExceptionCustom | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionInheritance | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionExceptionMessage | 0.001 |
| testSetAsTextNoLocale | 0.001 |
| testSetAsTextLocale | 0 |
| testSetAsTextSender | 0.001 |
| testSetAsTextReceiver | 0 |
| testSetAsTextIllegalArgument | 0 |
| testSetAsTextEmpty | 0 |
| testResolveExceptionClientSoap11 | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionSenderSoap12 | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionServerSoap11 | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionReceiverSoap12 | 0.001 |
| testResolveExceptionDefault | 0 |
| testGetDepth | 0 |
| testResolveNoMessageException | 0 |
| testProcessMustUnderstandHeadersUnderstoodSoap11 | 0.004 |
| testProcessMustUnderstandHeadersUnderstoodSoap12 | 0 |
| testProcessMustUnderstandHeadersNotUnderstoodSoap11 | 0.001 |
| testProcessMustUnderstandHeadersNotUnderstoodSoap12 | 0.001 |
| testProcessMustUnderstandHeadersForActorSoap11 | 0 |
| testProcessMustUnderstandHeadersForRoleSoap12 | 0 |
| testProcessNoHeader | 0.001 |
| testProcessMustUnderstandHeadersNoInterceptors | 0.001 |
| testExtractActionFromContentType | 0 |
| testEscapeAction | 0 |
| testSetActionInContentType | 0 |
| testGetDefaultStrategies | 0.001 |
| testGetDefaultStrategy | 0 |
| testGetDefaultStrategyMoreThanOne | 0 |
| testResourceConstructor | 0.001 |
| testMaxConnections | 0.031 |
| testContextClose | 0.138 |
| testSupports | 0.001 |
| testSendAndReceiveResponse | 0.123 |
| testSendAndReceiveNoResponse | 0.113 |
| testSendAndReceiveNoResponseAccepted | 0.116 |
| testSendAndReceiveCompressed | 0.122 |
| testSendAndReceiveInvalidContentSize | 0.121 |
| testSendAndReceiveCompressedInvalidContentSize | 0.122 |
| testSendAndReceiveFault | 0.115 |
| testMaxConnections | 0.164 |
| testContextClose | 0.196 |
| testSupports | 0.008 |
| testSendAndReceiveResponse | 0.128 |
| testSendAndReceiveNoResponse | 0.12 |
| testSendAndReceiveNoResponseAccepted | 0.121 |
| testSendAndReceiveCompressed | 0.151 |
| testSendAndReceiveInvalidContentSize | 0.126 |
| testSendAndReceiveCompressedInvalidContentSize | 0.126 |
| testSendAndReceiveFault | 0.12 |
| testSupports | 0.025 |
| testSendAndReceiveResponse | 0.2 |
| testSendAndReceiveNoResponse | 0.113 |
| testSendAndReceiveNoResponseAccepted | 0.112 |
| testSendAndReceiveCompressed | 0.122 |
| testSendAndReceiveInvalidContentSize | 0.121 |
| testSendAndReceiveCompressedInvalidContentSize | 0.12 |
| testSendAndReceiveFault | 0.114 |
| testDefaultStrategies | 0.025 |
| testDetectedStrategies | 0.005 |
| testDetectWsdlDefinitions | 0.031 |
| handleGet | 0.011 |
| handleNonGet | 0 |
| transformLocations | 0.018 |
| transformLocationFullUrl | 0.001 |
| transformLocationEmptyContextFullUrl | 0 |
| transformLocationRelativeUrl | 0 |
| transformLocationEmptyContextRelativeUrl | 0 |
| handleSimpleWsdl11DefinitionWithoutTransformLocations | 0.02 |
| handleSimpleWsdl11DefinitionWithTransformLocation | 0.024 |
| getLastModified | 0.002 |
| handleGet | 0.013 |
| handleNonGet | 0.001 |
| handleGetWithTransformLocation | 0.009 |
| testHandleConnectionResponse | 0.004 |
| testHandleConnectionNoResponse | 0 |
| testSendAndReceiveQueueBytesMessageTemporaryQueue | 0.06 |
| testSendAndReceiveQueueBytesMessagePermanentQueue | 0.012 |
| testSendAndReceiveQueueTextMessage | 0.013 |
| testSendNoResponse | 0.509 |
| testPostProcessor | 0.006 |
| testReceiveQueueBytesMessage | 0.078 |
| testReceiveQueueTextMessage | 0.006 |
| testReceiveTopic | 0.103 |
| testSendAndReceiveQueueNoResponse | 0.005 |
| testToPasswordProtectedString | 0.005 |
| testGetTo | 0.002 |
| testGetSubject | 0 |
| testSkipValidationOnNoHeader | 0.003 |
| testSkipValidationOnEmptyHeader | 0.002 |
| testSkipValidationOnNoSecurityHeader | 0.002 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.01 |
| testEmptySecurityHeader | 0.003 |
| testPreserveCustomHeaders | 0.015 |
| testValidateCertificate | 0.014 |
| testValidateCertificateWithSignatureConfirmation | 0.015 |
| testSignResponse | 0.014 |
| testSignResponseWithSignatureUser | 0.012 |
| testPreserveSoapActionOnValidation | 0.005 |
| testPreserveSoap12ActionOnValidation | 0.009 |
| testPreserveSoapActionOnSecurement | 0.004 |
| testPreserveSoap12ActionOnSecurement | 0.004 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.006 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenDigest | 0.006 |
| testAddTimestamp | 0.007 |
| testValidateTimestamp | 0.01 |
| testValidateTimestampWithExpiredTtl | 0.003 |
| testSecureTimestampWithCustomTtl | 0.017 |
| testAddUsernameTokenSignature | 0.3 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.01 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenDigest | 0.011 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenWithQualifiedType | 0.007 |
| testAddUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.007 |
| testAddUsernameTokenDigest | 0.008 |
| testHandleUsernameTokenPrincipal | 0.007 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.01 |
| testEmptySecurityHeader | 0.005 |
| testPreserveCustomHeaders | 0.023 |
| testSignAndValidate | 0.028 |
| testValidateCertificate | 0.013 |
| testValidateCertificateWithSignatureConfirmation | 0.018 |
| testSignResponse | 0.015 |
| testSignResponseWithSignatureUser | 0.011 |
| testPreserveSoapActionOnValidation | 0.295 |
| testPreserveSoap12ActionOnValidation | 0.016 |
| testPreserveSoapActionOnSecurement | 0.009 |
| testPreserveSoap12ActionOnSecurement | 0.006 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.032 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenDigest | 0.007 |
| testAddTimestamp | 0.032 |
| testValidateTimestamp | 0.011 |
| testValidateTimestampWithExpiredTtl | 0.024 |
| testSecureTimestampWithCustomTtl | 0.011 |
| testAddUsernameTokenSignature | 0.008 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.007 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenDigest | 0.007 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenWithQualifiedType | 0.007 |
| testAddUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.007 |
| testAddUsernameTokenDigest | 0.007 |
| testValidateCertificateValid | 0.005 |
| testAuthenticateUserPlainTextValid | 0.005 |
| testAuthenticateUserPlainTextInvalid | 0.001 |
| testLoadDefaultTrustStore | 0.002 |
| testPlainTextPasswordValid | 0.001 |
| testPlainTextPasswordInvalid | 0 |
| testPlainTextPasswordNoSuchUser | 0 |
| testDigestPasswordValid | 0 |
| testDigestPasswordInvalid | 0 |
| testValidateCertificateValid | 0.002 |
| testValidateCertificateInvalid | 0 |
| testCleanUp | 0 |
| testCleanUp | 0 |
| testAuthenticateUserDigestUserNotFound | 0.001 |
| testAuthenticateUserDigestValid | 0 |
| testAuthenticateUserDigestValidInvalid | 0 |
| testAuthenticateUserDigestDisabled | 0.001 |
| testAuthenticateUserPlainTextValid | 0.002 |
| testAuthenticateUserPlainTextInvalid | 0.001 |
| testCleanUp | 0 |
| testEncryptDefaultCertificate | 0.054 |
| testEncryptAlias | 0.018 |
| testDecrypt | 0.043 |
| testValidateCertificate | 0.044 |
| testSignDefaultCertificate | 0.019 |
| testSignAlias | 0.023 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.154 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenDigest | 0.034 |
| testAddUsernameTokenPlainText | 0.023 |
| testAddUsernameTokenDigest | 0.024 |
| testAddUsernameTokenPlainTextNonce | 0.022 |
| testValidateUsernameTokenPlainTextNonce | 0.022 |
| verify | 0.003 |
| noMoreExpectedConnections | 0.001 |
| verifyMoteThanOne | 0 |
| createServerWebServiceTemplate | 0.001 |
| createServerGatewaySupport | 0.001 |
| createServerApplicationContextWebServiceTemplate | 0.006 |
| createServerApplicationContextWebServiceGatewaySupport | 0.004 |
| createServerApplicationContextEmpty | 0.003 |
| mocks | 0.007 |
| payloadMatch | 0.038 |
| payloadNonMatch | 0.013 |
| soapHeaderMatch | 0.005 |
| soapHeaderNonMatch | 0.003 |
| connectionMatch | 0.001 |
| connectionNonMatch | 0.001 |
| unexpectedConnection | 0.013 |
| xsdMatch | 0.013 |
| xsdNonMatch | 0.005 |
| xpathExistsMatch | 0.005 |
| xpathExistsNonMatch | 0.003 |
| anythingMatch | 0.016 |
| recordWhenReplay | 0.013 |
| verifyFailure | 0.001 |
| verifyOnly | 0.001 |
| fault | 0.006 |
| withClientOrSenderFault | 0.001 |
| withPayloadSource | 0.012 |
| withPayloadResource | 0.011 |
| withSoapEnvelopeSource | 0.041 |
| withSoapEnvelopeResource | 0.014 |
| withIOException | 0 |
| withRuntimeException | 0 |
| withMustUnderstandFault | 0.001 |
| withServerOrReceiverFault | 0.001 |
| withVersionMismatchFault | 0.001 |
| createServerApplicationContext | 0.033 |
| createServerApplicationContextDefaults | 0.006 |
| singleSchemaMatch | 0.005 |
| singleSchemaNonMatch | 0.004 |
| multipleSchemaMatch | 0.005 |
| multipleSchemaNotOk | 0.004 |
| multipleSchemaDifferentOrderNotOk | 0.004 |
| xmlValidatorNotOk | 0.004 |
| existsMatch | 0.063 |
| existsNonMatch | 0.003 |
| doesNotExistMatch | 0.007 |
| doesNotExistNonMatch | 0.002 |
| evaluatesToTrueMatch | 0.005 |
| evaluatesToTrueNonMatch | 0.002 |
| evaluatesToFalseMatch | 0.001 |
| evaluatesToFalseNonMatch | 0.001 |
| evaluatesToIntegerMatch | 0.002 |
| evaluatesToIntegerNonMatch | 0.001 |
| existsWithNamespacesMatch | 0.003 |
| existsWithNamespacesNonMatch | 0.001 |