spring-framework / org.springframework.web.reactive.resource / PathResourceResolver


open class PathResourceResolver : AbstractResourceResolver

A simple ResourceResolver that tries to find a resource under the given locations matching to the request path.

This resolver does not delegate to the ResourceResolverChain and is expected to be configured at the end in a chain of resolvers.

Rossen Stoyanchev





A simple ResourceResolver that tries to find a resource under the given locations matching to the request path.

This resolver does not delegate to the ResourceResolverChain and is expected to be configured at the end in a chain of resolvers.



open fun getAllowedLocations(): Array<Resource>


open fun setAllowedLocations(vararg locations: Resource): Unit

By default when a Resource is found, the path of the resolved resource is compared to ensure it's under the input location where it was found. However sometimes that may not be the case, e.g. when CssLinkResourceTransformer resolves public URLs of links it contains, the CSS file is the location and the resources being resolved are css files, images, fonts and others located in adjacent or parent directories.

This property allows configuring a complete list of locations under which resources must be so that if a resource is not under the location relative to which it was found, this list may be checked as well.

By default ResourceWebHandler initializes this property to match its list of locations.