Class RedirectView

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanNameAware, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, View

public class RedirectView extends AbstractUrlBasedView
View that redirects to an absolute or context relative URL. The URL may be a URI template in which case the URI template variables will be replaced with values from the model or with URI variables from the current request.

By default HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER is used but alternate status codes may be supplied via constructor or setters arguments.

Sebastien Deleuze, Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setStatusCode

      public void setStatusCode(HttpStatus statusCode)
      Set an alternate redirect status code such as HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT or HttpStatus.PERMANENT_REDIRECT.
    • getStatusCode

      public HttpStatus getStatusCode()
      Get the redirect status code to use.
    • setContextRelative

      public void setContextRelative(boolean contextRelative)
      Whether to interpret a given redirect URL that starts with a slash ("/") as relative to the current context path (true, the default) or relative to the web server root (false).
    • isContextRelative

      public boolean isContextRelative()
      Whether to interpret URLs as relative to the current context path.
    • setPropagateQuery

      public void setPropagateQuery(boolean propagateQuery)
      Whether to append the query string of the current URL to the redirect URL (true) or not (false, the default).
    • isPropagateQuery

      public boolean isPropagateQuery()
      Whether the query string of the current URL is appended to the redirect URL.
    • setHosts

      public void setHosts(@Nullable String... hosts)
      Configure one or more hosts associated with the application.

      All other hosts will be considered external hosts.

      In effect this provides a way turn off encoding for URLs that have a host and that host is not listed as a known host.

      If not set (the default) all redirect URLs are encoded.

      hosts - one or more application hosts
    • getHosts

      @Nullable public String[] getHosts()
      Return the configured application hosts.
    • afterPropertiesSet

      public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: InitializingBean
      Invoked by the containing BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties and satisfied BeanFactoryAware, ApplicationContextAware etc.

      This method allows the bean instance to perform validation of its overall configuration and final initialization when all bean properties have been set.

      Specified by:
      afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean
      afterPropertiesSet in class AbstractUrlBasedView
      Exception - in the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential property) or if initialization fails for any other reason
    • isRedirectView

      public boolean isRedirectView()
      Description copied from interface: View
      Whether this View does rendering by performing a redirect.
    • checkResourceExists

      public boolean checkResourceExists(Locale locale) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: AbstractUrlBasedView
      Check whether the resource for the configured URL actually exists.
      Specified by:
      checkResourceExists in class AbstractUrlBasedView
      locale - the desired Locale that we're looking for
      false if the resource exists false if we know that it does not exist
      Exception - if the resource exists but is invalid (e.g. could not be parsed)
    • renderInternal

      protected reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> renderInternal(Map<String,Object> model, @Nullable MediaType contentType, ServerWebExchange exchange)
      Convert model to request parameters and redirect to the given URL.
      Specified by:
      renderInternal in class AbstractView
      model - combined output Map (never null), with dynamic values taking precedence over static attributes
      contentType - the content type selected to render with, which should match one of the supported media types
      exchange - current exchange
      a Mono that represents when and if rendering succeeds
    • createTargetUrl

      protected final String createTargetUrl(Map<String,Object> model, ServerWebExchange exchange)
      Create the target URL and, if necessary, pre-pend the contextPath, expand URI template variables, append the current request query, and apply the configured RequestDataValueProcessor.
    • expandTargetUrlTemplate

      protected StringBuilder expandTargetUrlTemplate(String targetUrl, Map<String,Object> model, Map<String,String> uriVariables)
      Expand URI template variables in the target URL with either model attribute values or as a fallback with URI variable values from the current request. Values are encoded.
    • appendCurrentRequestQuery

      protected StringBuilder appendCurrentRequestQuery(String targetUrl, ServerHttpRequest request)
      Append the query of the current request to the target redirect URL.
    • sendRedirect

      protected reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> sendRedirect(String targetUrl, ServerWebExchange exchange)
      Send a redirect back to the HTTP client.
      targetUrl - the target URL to redirect to
      exchange - current exchange
    • isRemoteHost

      protected boolean isRemoteHost(String targetUrl)
      Whether the given targetUrl has a host that is a "foreign" system in which case HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(java.lang.String) will not be applied. This method returns true if the setHosts(String[]) property is configured and the target URL has a host that does not match.
      targetUrl - the target redirect URL
      true the target URL has a remote host, false if it the URL does not have a host or the "host" property is not configured