Spring for Android

Package org.springframework.util

Interface Summary
MultiValueMap<K,V> Extension of the Map interface that stores multiple values.
ReflectionUtils.FieldCallback Callback interface invoked on each field in the hierarchy.
ReflectionUtils.FieldFilter Callback optionally used to filter fields to be operated on by a field callback.
ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback Action to take on each method.
ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter Callback optionally used to filter methods to be operated on by a method callback.

Class Summary
Assert Assertion utility class that assists in validating arguments.
Base64Utils Utility class for Base64 encoding.
ClassUtils Miscellaneous class utility methods.
CollectionUtils Miscellaneous collection utility methods.
FileCopyUtils Simple utility methods for file and stream copying.
LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap<V> LinkedHashMap variant that stores String keys in a case-insensitive manner, for example for key-based access in a results table.
LinkedMultiValueMap<K,V> Simple implementation of MultiValueMap that wraps a LinkedHashMap, storing multiple values in a LinkedList.
NumberUtils Miscellaneous utility methods for number conversion and parsing.
ObjectUtils Miscellaneous object utility methods.
ReflectionUtils Simple utility class for working with the reflection API and handling reflection exceptions.
ResourceUtils Utility methods for resolving resource locations to files in the file system.
StringUtils Miscellaneous String utility methods.
TypeUtils Utility to work with Java 5 generic type parameters.

Spring for Android