Uses of Class

Packages that use JobExecutionException
org.springframework.batch.core Core domain context for Spring Batch covering jobs, steps, configuration and execution abstractions. 
org.springframework.batch.core.job Specific implementations of job concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.repository Interfaces and generic implementations of repository concerns. 

Uses of JobExecutionException in org.springframework.batch.core

Subclasses of JobExecutionException in org.springframework.batch.core
 class JobInterruptedException
          Exception to indicate the the job has been interrupted.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core that throw JobExecutionException
 void Job.execute(JobExecution execution)
          Run the JobExecution and update the meta information like status and statistics as necessary.

Uses of JobExecutionException in org.springframework.batch.core.job

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job that throw JobExecutionException
 void SimpleJob.execute(JobExecution execution)
          Run the specified job by looping through the steps and delegating to the Step.

Uses of JobExecutionException in org.springframework.batch.core.repository

Subclasses of JobExecutionException in org.springframework.batch.core.repository
 class DuplicateJobException
          Checked exception that indicates a name clash when registering Job instances.
 class JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException
 class JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException
          An exception indicating an illegal attempt to restart a job that was already completed successfully.
 class JobRestartException
          An exception indicating an illegal attempt to restart a job.
 class NoSuchJobException
          Checked exception to indicate that a required Job is not available.

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