Uses of Interface

Packages that use ItemStream
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach. 
org.springframework.batch.item Infrastructure interfaces and primary dependencies for item concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.item.database Infrastructure implementations of database based item readers and writers. 
org.springframework.batch.item.file Infrastructure implementations of io file concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.item.file.separator Infrastructure implementations of io file support separator concerns. Internal support package 
org.springframework.batch.item.xml Infrastructure implementations of xml input and output. 

Uses of ItemStream in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item with parameters of type ItemStream
 void ItemOrientedStep.registerStream(ItemStream stream)
          Register a single ItemStream for callbacks to the stream interface.
 void SimpleStepFactoryBean.setStreams(ItemStream[] streams)
          The streams to inject into the Step.
 void RepeatOperationsStepFactoryBean.setStreams(ItemStream[] streams)
          The streams to inject into the Step.
 void ItemOrientedStep.setStreams(ItemStream[] streams)
          Register each of the streams for callbacks at the appropriate time in the step.

Uses of ItemStream in org.springframework.batch.item

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item that implement ItemStream
 class AbstractItemStreamItemReader
          Base class for ItemReader implementations.
 class AbstractItemStreamItemWriter
          Base class for ItemWriter implementations.
 class ItemStreamSupport
          Empty method implementation of ItemStream.

Uses of ItemStream in org.springframework.batch.item.database

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.database that implement ItemStream
 class DrivingQueryItemReader
           Convenience class for driving query item readers.
 class HibernateCursorItemReader
          ItemReader for reading database records built on top of Hibernate.
 class IbatisDrivingQueryItemReader
          Extension of DrivingQueryItemReader that maps keys to objects.
 class JdbcCursorItemReader
           Simple item reader that opens a JDBC cursor and continually retrieves the next row in the ResultSet.

Uses of ItemStream in org.springframework.batch.item.file

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.file that implement ItemStream
 class FlatFileItemReader
          This class represents a ItemReader, that reads lines from text file, tokenizes them to structured tuples (FieldSets) instances and maps the FieldSets to domain objects.
 class FlatFileItemWriter
          This class is an output target that writes data to a file or stream.

Uses of ItemStream in org.springframework.batch.item.file.separator

Subinterfaces of ItemStream in org.springframework.batch.item.file.separator
 interface LineReader

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.file.separator that implement ItemStream
 class ResourceLineReader
          An input source that reads lines one by one from a resource.

Uses of ItemStream in

Classes in that implement ItemStream
 class CompositeItemStream
          Simple ItemStream that delegates to a list of other streams.

Methods in with parameters of type ItemStream
 void CompositeItemStream.register(ItemStream stream)
          Register a ItemStream as one of the interesting providers under the provided key.
 void CompositeItemStream.setStreams(ItemStream[] listeners)
          Public setter for the listeners.

Uses of ItemStream in org.springframework.batch.item.xml

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.xml that implement ItemStream
 class StaxEventItemReader
          Input source for reading XML input based on StAX.
 class StaxEventItemWriter
          An implementation of ItemWriter which uses StAX and EventWriterSerializer for serializing object to XML.

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