Class SimpleJobRepository

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleJobRepository
extends Object
implements JobRepository

Implementation of JobRepository that stores JobInstances, JobExecutions, and StepExecutions using the injected DAOs.

Lucas Ward, Dave Syer, Robert Kasanicky
See Also:
JobRepository, JobInstanceDao, JobExecutionDao, StepExecutionDao

Constructor Summary
SimpleJobRepository(JobInstanceDao jobInstanceDao, JobExecutionDao jobExecutionDao, StepExecutionDao stepExecutionDao, ExecutionContextDao ecDao)
Method Summary
 void add(StepExecution stepExecution)
          Save the StepExecution and its ExecutionContext.
 JobExecution createJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
           Create a JobExecution for a given Job and JobParameters.
 JobExecution getLastJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
 StepExecution getLastStepExecution(JobInstance jobInstance, String stepName)
 int getStepExecutionCount(JobInstance jobInstance, String stepName)
 boolean isJobInstanceExists(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Check if an instance of this job already exists with the parameters provided.
 void update(JobExecution jobExecution)
          Update the JobExecution (but not its ExecutionContext).
 void update(StepExecution stepExecution)
          Update the StepExecution (but not its ExecutionContext).
 void updateExecutionContext(JobExecution jobExecution)
          Persist the updated ExecutionContext of the given JobExecution.
 void updateExecutionContext(StepExecution stepExecution)
          Persist the updated ExecutionContexts of the given StepExecution.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleJobRepository(JobInstanceDao jobInstanceDao,
                           JobExecutionDao jobExecutionDao,
                           StepExecutionDao stepExecutionDao,
                           ExecutionContextDao ecDao)
Method Detail


public boolean isJobInstanceExists(String jobName,
                                   JobParameters jobParameters)
Description copied from interface: JobRepository
Check if an instance of this job already exists with the parameters provided.

Specified by:
isJobInstanceExists in interface JobRepository
jobName - the name of the job
jobParameters - the parameters to match
true if a JobInstance already exists for this job name and job parameters


public JobExecution createJobExecution(String jobName,
                                       JobParameters jobParameters)
                                throws JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException,
Description copied from interface: JobRepository

Create a JobExecution for a given Job and JobParameters. If matching JobInstance already exists, the job must be restartable and it's last JobExecution must *not* be completed. If matching JobInstance does not exist yet it will be created.

If this method is run in a transaction (as it normally would be) with isolation level at Isolation.REPEATABLE_READ or better, then this method should block if another transaction is already executing it (for the same JobParameters and job name). The first transaction to complete in this scenario obtains a valid JobExecution, and others throw JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException (or timeout). There are no such guarantees if the JobInstanceDao and JobExecutionDao do not respect the transaction isolation levels (e.g. if using a non-relational data-store, or if the platform does not support the higher isolation levels).

Specified by:
createJobExecution in interface JobRepository
jobName - the name of the job that is to be executed

jobParameters - the runtime parameters for the job
a valid JobExecution for the arguments provided
JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException - if there is a JobExecution already running for the job instance with the provided job and parameters.
JobRestartException - if one or more existing JobInstances is found with the same parameters and Job.isRestartable() is false.
JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException - if a JobInstance is found and was already completed successfully.


public void update(JobExecution jobExecution)
Description copied from interface: JobRepository
Update the JobExecution (but not its ExecutionContext). Preconditions: JobExecution must contain a valid JobInstance and be saved (have an id assigned).

Specified by:
update in interface JobRepository


public void add(StepExecution stepExecution)
Description copied from interface: JobRepository
Save the StepExecution and its ExecutionContext. ID will be assigned - it is not permitted that an ID be assigned before calling this method. Instead, it should be left blank, to be assigned by a JobRepository. Preconditions: StepExecution must have a valid Step.

Specified by:
add in interface JobRepository


public void update(StepExecution stepExecution)
Description copied from interface: JobRepository
Update the StepExecution (but not its ExecutionContext). Preconditions: StepExecution must be saved (have an id assigned).

Specified by:
update in interface JobRepository


public void updateExecutionContext(StepExecution stepExecution)
Description copied from interface: JobRepository
Persist the updated ExecutionContexts of the given StepExecution.

Specified by:
updateExecutionContext in interface JobRepository


public void updateExecutionContext(JobExecution jobExecution)
Description copied from interface: JobRepository
Persist the updated ExecutionContext of the given JobExecution.

Specified by:
updateExecutionContext in interface JobRepository


public StepExecution getLastStepExecution(JobInstance jobInstance,
                                          String stepName)
Specified by:
getLastStepExecution in interface JobRepository
stepName - the name of the step execution that might have run.
the last execution of step for the given job instance.


public int getStepExecutionCount(JobInstance jobInstance,
                                 String stepName)
Specified by:
getStepExecutionCount in interface JobRepository
stepName - the name of the step execution that might have run.
number of executions of the step within given job instance


public JobExecution getLastJobExecution(String jobName,
                                        JobParameters jobParameters)
Specified by:
getLastJobExecution in interface JobRepository
jobName - the name of the job that might have run
jobParameters - parameters identifying the JobInstance
the last execution of job if exists, null otherwise

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