Package org.springframework.batch.sample.common

Class Summary
FieldSetResultSetExtractor ResultSetExtractor implementation that returns list of FieldSets for given ResultSet.
InfiniteLoopReader ItemReader implementation that will continually return a new object.
InfiniteLoopWriter Simple module implementation that will always return true to indicate that processing should continue.
LogAdvice Wraps calls for 'Processing' methods which output a single Object to write the string representation of the object to the log.
ProcessIndicatorItemWrapper<T> Item wrapper useful in "process indicator" usecase, where input is marked as processed by the processor/writer.
StagingItemListener Thread-safe database ItemReader implementing the process indicator pattern.
StagingItemProcessor<T> Marks the input row as 'processed'.
StagingItemReader<T> Thread-safe database ItemReader implementing the process indicator pattern.
StagingItemWriter<T> Database ItemWriter implementing the process indicator pattern.

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