
Specific implementations of configuration concerns.


Interface Summary
ApplicationContextFactory Factory for the creation of ApplicationContexts.

Class Summary
ApplicationContextJobFactory A JobFactory that creates its own ApplicationContext and pulls a bean out when asked to create a Job.
AutomaticJobRegistrar Loads and unloads Jobs when the application context is created and destroyed.
ClassPathXmlApplicationContextFactory ApplicationContextFactory implementation that takes a parent context and a path to the context to create.
ClasspathXmlApplicationContextsFactoryBean A convenient factory for creating a set of ApplicationContextFactory components from a set of resources.
ClassPathXmlJobRegistry Deprecated. in version 2.1, please us AutomaticJobRegistrar instead
DefaultJobLoader Default implementation of JobLoader.
GroupAwareJob A Job that can optionally prepend a group name to another job's name, to make it fit a naming convention for type or origin.
JobFactoryRegistrationListener Generic service that can bind and unbind a JobFactory in a JobRegistry.
JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor A BeanPostProcessor that registers Job beans with a JobRegistry.
MapJobRegistry Simple, thread-safe, map-based implementation of JobRegistry.
OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContextFactory ApplicationContextFactory that can be used to load a context from an XML location in a bundle.
ReferenceJobFactory A JobFactory that just keeps a reference to a Job.

Package Description

Specific implementations of configuration concerns.

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