Package org.springframework.batch.core.listener

Generic implementations of core batch listener interfaces.


Interface Summary
ListenerMetaData A common interface for listener meta data enumerations.

Class Summary
AbstractListenerFactoryBean FactoryBean implementation that builds a listener based on the various lifecycle methods or annotations that are provided.
ChunkListenerSupport Basic support implementation of ChunkListener
ExecutionContextPromotionListener This class can be used to automatically promote items from the Step ExecutionContext to the Job ExecutionContext at the end of a step.
ItemListenerSupport<I,O> Basic no-op implementation of the ItemReadListener, ItemProcessListener, and ItemWriteListener interfaces.
JobListenerFactoryBean This AbstractListenerFactoryBean implementation is used to create a JobExecutionListener.
JobParameterExecutionContextCopyListener This class can be used to automatically copy items from the JobParameters to the Step ExecutionContext.
MethodInvokerMethodInterceptor MethodInterceptor that, given a map of method names and MethodInvokers, will execute all methods tied to a particular method name, with the provided arguments.
SkipListenerSupport<T,S> Basic no-op implementations of all SkipListener implementations.
StepListenerFactoryBean This AbstractListenerFactoryBean implementation is used to create a StepListener.
StepListenerSupport<T,S> Basic no-op implementations of all StepListener interfaces.

Enum Summary
JobListenerMetaData Enumeration for JobExecutionListener meta data, which ties together the names of methods, their interfaces, annotation, and expected arguments.
StepListenerMetaData Enumeration for StepListener meta data, which ties together the names of methods, their interfaces, annotation, and expected arguments.

Exception Summary
StepListenerFailedException Exception to indicate a problem in a step listener.

Package org.springframework.batch.core.listener Description

Generic implementations of core batch listener interfaces.

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