Spring Data Commmons

Package org.springframework.data.repository.support

Base classes to implement repositories for various data stores.


Interface Summary
IdAware Interface to abstract the ways to retrieve the id of the given entity.
IsNewAware Interface to abstract the ways to determine if the given entity is to be considered as new.
RepositoryProxyPostProcessor Callback interface used during repository proxy creation.

Class Summary
PersistableEntityInformation Implementation of IsNewAware that assumes the entity handled implements Persistable and uses Persistable.isNew() for the PersistableEntityInformation.isNew(Object) check.
ReflectiveEntityInformationSupport IsNewAware and IdAware implementation that reflectively checks a Field or Method annotated with the given annotations.
RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport<T extends Repository<?,?>> Adapter for Springs FactoryBean interface to allow easy setup of repository factories via Spring configuration.
RepositoryFactorySupport Factory bean to create instances of a given repository interface.
RepositorySupport<T,ID extends Serializable> Abstract base class for generic repositories.
TransactionalRepositoryFactoryBeanSupport<T extends Repository<?,?>> Extension of RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport to add transactional capabilities to the repository proxy.

Package org.springframework.data.repository.support Description

Base classes to implement repositories for various data stores.

Spring Data Commmons

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