Spring Data Commons

Package org.springframework.data.repository.core.support

Base classes to implement repositories for various data stores.


Interface Summary
QueryCreationListener<T extends RepositoryQuery> Callback for listeners that want to execute functionality on RepositoryQuery creation.
RepositoryFactoryInformation<T,ID extends Serializable> Interface for components that can provide EntityInformation this interface
RepositoryProxyPostProcessor Callback interface used during repository proxy creation.

Class Summary
AbstractEntityInformation<T,ID extends Serializable> Base class for implementations of EntityInformation.
AbstractRepositoryMetadata Base class for RepositoryMetadata implementations.
AnnotationRepositoryMetadata RepositoryMetadata implementation inspecting the given repository interface for a RepositoryDefinition annotation.
DefaultRepositoryMetadata Default implementation of RepositoryMetadata.
DelegatingEntityInformation<T,ID extends Serializable> Useful base class to implement custom EntityInformations and delegate execution of standard methods from EntityInformation to a special implementation.
PersistableEntityInformation<T extends Persistable<ID>,ID extends Serializable> Implementation of EntityMetadata that assumes the entity handled implements Persistable and uses Persistable.isNew() for the AbstractEntityInformation.isNew(Object) check.
PropertiesBasedNamedQueries NamedQueries implementation backed by a Properties instance.
ReflectionEntityInformation<T,ID extends Serializable> EntityInformation implementation that inspects fields for an annotation and looks up this field's value to retrieve the id.
RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport<T extends Repository<S,ID>,S,ID extends Serializable> Adapter for Springs FactoryBean interface to allow easy setup of repository factories via Spring configuration.
RepositoryFactorySupport Factory bean to create instances of a given repository interface.
TransactionalRepositoryFactoryBeanSupport<T extends Repository<S,ID>,S,ID extends Serializable> Extension of RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport to add transactional capabilities to the repository proxy.

Package org.springframework.data.repository.core.support Description

Base classes to implement repositories for various data stores.

Spring Data Commons

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