Spring Data Neo4j

Class SpringRestGraphDatabase

  extended by org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestGraphDatabase
      extended by org.springframework.data.neo4j.rest.SpringRestGraphDatabase
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService, org.neo4j.kernel.GraphDatabaseAPI, GraphDatabase

public class SpringRestGraphDatabase
extends org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestGraphDatabase
implements GraphDatabase

Constructor Summary
SpringRestGraphDatabase(org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestAPI api)
SpringRestGraphDatabase(String uri)
SpringRestGraphDatabase(String uri, String user, String password)
Method Summary
 org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction beginTx()
<T extends org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer>
createIndex(Class<T> type, String indexName, IndexType indexType)
          creates a index
 org.neo4j.graphdb.Node createNode(Map<String,Object> props)
          creates the node and initializes its properties
 org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship createRelationship(org.neo4j.graphdb.Node startNode, org.neo4j.graphdb.Node endNode, org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType type, Map<String,Object> properties)
          creates the relationship between the startNode, endNode with the given type which will be populated with the provided properties
<T extends org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer>
getIndex(String indexName)
 org.neo4j.graphdb.Node getOrCreateNode(String indexName, String key, Object value, Map<String,Object> properties)
          creates the node uniquely or returns an existing node with the same index-key-value combination.
 org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship getOrCreateRelationship(String indexName, String key, Object value, org.neo4j.graphdb.Node startNode, org.neo4j.graphdb.Node endNode, String type, Map<String,Object> properties)
          Creates the relationship uniquely, uses the given index,key,value to achieve that.
 TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
 TransactionManager getTxManager()
<T> QueryEngine<T>
queryEngineFor(QueryType type)
          returns a query engine for the provided type (Cypher or Gremlin) which is initialized with the default result converter
<T> QueryEngine<T>
queryEngineFor(QueryType type, ResultConverter resultConverter)
          returns a query engine for the provided type (Cypher or Gremlin) which is initialized with the provided result converter
 void remove(org.neo4j.graphdb.Node node)
          deletes the Node and its index entries
 void remove(org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship relationship)
          deletes the relationship and its index entries
 void setConversionService(ConversionService conversionService)
 void setResultConverter(ResultConverter resultConverter)
 boolean transactionIsRunning()
 org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal.TraversalDescription traversalDescription()
Methods inherited from class org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestGraphDatabase
createNode, getAllNodes, getNodeById, getReferenceNode, getRelationshipById, getRelationshipTypes, getRestAPI, getStoreDir, index, shutdown
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.data.neo4j.core.GraphDatabase
getNodeById, getReferenceNode, getRelationshipById

Constructor Detail


public SpringRestGraphDatabase(org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestAPI api)


public SpringRestGraphDatabase(String uri)


public SpringRestGraphDatabase(String uri,
                               String user,
                               String password)
Method Detail


public org.neo4j.graphdb.Node createNode(Map<String,Object> props)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
creates the node and initializes its properties

Specified by:
createNode in interface GraphDatabase


public org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction beginTx()
Specified by:
beginTx in interface org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService
Specified by:
beginTx in interface GraphDatabase
beginTx in class org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestGraphDatabase


public TransactionManager getTxManager()
Specified by:
getTxManager in interface org.neo4j.kernel.GraphDatabaseAPI
getTxManager in class org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestGraphDatabase


public org.neo4j.graphdb.Node getOrCreateNode(String indexName,
                                              String key,
                                              Object value,
                                              Map<String,Object> properties)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
creates the node uniquely or returns an existing node with the same index-key-value combination. properties are used to initialize the node.

Specified by:
getOrCreateNode in interface GraphDatabase


public org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship getOrCreateRelationship(String indexName,
                                                              String key,
                                                              Object value,
                                                              org.neo4j.graphdb.Node startNode,
                                                              org.neo4j.graphdb.Node endNode,
                                                              String type,
                                                              Map<String,Object> properties)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
Creates the relationship uniquely, uses the given index,key,value to achieve that. If the relationship for this combination already existed it is returned otherwise created and populated with the provided properties.

Specified by:
getOrCreateRelationship in interface GraphDatabase


public org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship createRelationship(org.neo4j.graphdb.Node startNode,
                                                         org.neo4j.graphdb.Node endNode,
                                                         org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType type,
                                                         Map<String,Object> properties)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
creates the relationship between the startNode, endNode with the given type which will be populated with the provided properties

Specified by:
createRelationship in interface GraphDatabase


public <T extends org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer> org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index<T> getIndex(String indexName)
Specified by:
getIndex in interface GraphDatabase
indexName - existing index name, not null
existing index Index


public <T extends org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer> org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index<T> createIndex(Class<T> type,
                                                                                                    String indexName,
                                                                                                    IndexType indexType)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
creates a index

Specified by:
createIndex in interface GraphDatabase
type - type of index requested - either Node.class or Relationship.class
indexType - SIMPLE, FULLTEXT or POINT declaring the requested index-type
node index Index


public org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal.TraversalDescription traversalDescription()
Specified by:
traversalDescription in interface GraphDatabase
a TraversalDescription as starting point for defining a traversal


public <T> QueryEngine<T> queryEngineFor(QueryType type,
                                         ResultConverter resultConverter)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
returns a query engine for the provided type (Cypher or Gremlin) which is initialized with the provided result converter

Specified by:
queryEngineFor in interface GraphDatabase


public <T> QueryEngine<T> queryEngineFor(QueryType type)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
returns a query engine for the provided type (Cypher or Gremlin) which is initialized with the default result converter

Specified by:
queryEngineFor in interface GraphDatabase


public void setConversionService(ConversionService conversionService)
Specified by:
setConversionService in interface GraphDatabase
conversionService - the conversion service to be used for the default result converter of this database


public boolean transactionIsRunning()
Specified by:
transactionIsRunning in interface GraphDatabase
true if a transaction is currently running


public TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
Specified by:
getTransactionManager in interface GraphDatabase


public void remove(org.neo4j.graphdb.Node node)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
deletes the Node and its index entries

Specified by:
remove in interface GraphDatabase


public void remove(org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship relationship)
Description copied from interface: GraphDatabase
deletes the relationship and its index entries

Specified by:
remove in interface GraphDatabase


public void setResultConverter(ResultConverter resultConverter)
Specified by:
setResultConverter in interface GraphDatabase
resultConverter - the default result converter to be used with this database

Spring Data Neo4j

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